Do you like oranges now?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Yuzu.
Gay "sex" is a sin
>pure slut
>Gay "sex" is a sin
It is.
She must be purified.
why don't you go choke on the cardinals/mollahs' dicks.
God loves yuri though.
How is Yuzu supposed to produce children?
Donation? and because there are two girls they can produce twice as many kids
think about it.
Why Yuzu wants to fuck Mei so badly?
I mean can't she just go vanilla and cuddle her?
I fucking love them now.
Nigga, think about it.
Procreation is immoral, so you have a false presupposition there.
She can't be a slut with a chest that flat.
Yuri babies.
You tellin me you wouldn't want to be knuckles deep in this?
Girls wanting dick is also natural.
I always have.
Citruses are not oranges.
>Gay "sex" is a sin
Sex is a sin. And yuri sex is a lot less sinful than your "normal" sex. Did you even read the gospel of /u/?
This, you need dicks to sin.
Genocides, rape, torture and cannibalism or also natural, so what?
>yurifags compare heterosexual love to genocide
Pure del/u/sion.
Not him and not really a comparison but those are natural things too.
>he wants his waifu to be covered in the semen from a thousand cocks
And what does that say about you?
Yes, just like the previous Yuzu made me love rhombus.
All this deep kissing and cute yuri scenes are great, but I demand a tribadism scene
will it happen eventually?
I find this show entertaining.
You motherfucker same.
As of January 2018, no.
Yuzu will most likely want to savor the taste of Mei's pussy.
Black and gold never gets old, best hair combo.
No, because every time I see/hear the word "orange", only President Orange-kun comes to mind. Fucking end me, lads.
I hate when things I read become popular.
I don't.
I've been having a personal crisis over it. I loved reading Citrus for the last three years but now everyone is talking about it. It feels weird.
My desktop is always Citrus, my phone background is Citrus, my profile pics everywhere are Citrus and have been for a long time. Now people will think i'm just umping on the hype train.
How is to be an autistic retard?
I don't know any other way to be.
>asking this on Sup Forums
Are you lost?
Because of the many visitors to your home?
Who would ever think that?
>Implying you have friends who will see your shit obsession with Citrus
Citrus has always been the most popular.
You were always part of a big hype train.
Even if you have friends who visit you often, ever heard of "hiding your power level"?
Consider it
Not him but
>tfw had a tab with pic related on full display, browser was minimized
>dad asks if he can use my laptop to check on some football scors
>opens browser
>stares for a solid one minute
I forgot to mention I have a Mei and Yuzu t-shirt.
Post it.
Don't worry user, I think your virginity is safe.
You sir, are a basket case
Btw, show us the t-shirts
Oh so you're the user from /u/ who kept posting her Citrus shirt. Well no surprise here
What did your dad said ?
>a guy
>being this obsessed with teenage soap opera
No fucking way.
Why is this show getting so much praise, The first episode wasn't even that good.
It's probably shown the most promise out of all the Yuri anime I've seen but nothing spectacular.
Shitposting you mean.
It's really hard to read between the lines in the manga because of the constant drama so I can't tell if they've fucked yet.
Nothing, he just got up and left. I only found out because my sister told me he'd been staring for a good while with a blank look. Guess he know I'm gay now.
>stares for a solid one minute
I'd say he secretly enjoyed it
even if he doesn't like to admit it
Guess I'll get it out of the way then
When is Yuzumom going to find out about Yuzu's yuri incest manga?
On this very board.
Not him but it's also reddit's most hyped anime of the season with violet evergarden
This shit has exploded in popularity even though it represents everything that is wrong with modern shoujo, simply because a girl rapes another one in the first 20 minutes
I wanted to see more of proto-Mei on the left here.
Or Mei wearing those same slutty clothes, that would work too.
Since when Sup Forums is full of prudes?
>simply because a girl rapes another one in the first 20 minutes
The Citrus manga was always popular.
How exactly do you know reddit's hyped anime?
I just hate anime community - Japanese, Western, Sup Forums, all of them. I hate all these dumb memes, childish discussions and porn. I prefer when things I read are largely unknown.
Will it be possible to top the hottest and most romantic kiss of 2018?
Almost a million views in China now
>largely unknown
Give it 4 or 5 episodes
In a couple of episodes there's THE kiss so yeah.
Citrus is the Adam Sandler movie of manga, everyone has seen it but no one wants to admit it
wanting a decently written story where every character isnt full retard and the author doesnt bait its readers around a treadmill of repeating tropes to pad out its chapters is being a prude?
>barely any fanart
>one thread once every 2-3 months
It definitely wasn't popular.
Si mi amiga.
>yuri manga
>threads on Sup Forums
My /fa/ inner self is crying right now please apologize.
I hope you're a girl.
But why though?
Reminds me of scary things.
Expect your sister to be moved to your grandfather's house.
Your colors are fucked up.
>on Sup Forums
Thanks. I just googled for an image of the scene and I just used the largest one I saw first. Did anyone every make a webm of that scene?
Chinks like yuri?
There's girls on Sup Forums, and every girl is either gay or bi so yes
>step mom
>step sister
I thought NBR incest was just a jap thing. The fuck americans?
The evil face from that cawffeea-gween tea image?
What happened to the ban on "abnormal sexual behaviors in media"? Thought everyone would be sucking up to Dear Leader Xi by cracking down on degenerates.
>1月】Citrus ~柑橘味香气~ 01【独家正版】
That's a lot.