Why is there no anime dedicated to making fun of drumpf? Do the Japanese even hate him? They did side with the nazis so it wouldn't be surprising.
Why is there no anime dedicated to making fun of drumpf? Do the Japanese even hate him...
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He just fills the role of "American President" whenever they need to show one now. Obama was the same way.
Why bother? That's the sole purpose of the American entertainment industry now.
99% chance this is a Sup Forumsack false flag
He's made a cameo or two, but why would they care? They have their own shit to worry about.
Japan loves Trump
Fuck off.
I didn't know trigger were sjws
>Do the Japanese even hate him?
Yes, they do. They sell figurines of him in shops there doing hitler salutes. America is Japan's military, so basically Trump is their boss. They fear Trump and like all brainwashed slits, think he's a white supremacist
Trump would want to nuke them?
Trump is a joke in Japan.
But then Obama was too.
I am japanese and if he doesnt blast Kim Jong un like he promised then he is a piece of shit if he keeps his promise then he is good in my book.
yeah let the madman start nuclear war how retarded are you ?
>he wants 3rd world war
fucking disgusting nip leave kim alone
Have you even watched Inferno Cop.
>"trump isn't a white supremacist"
they sure make them stupid these days
Yeah, someone needs that raison d'ĂȘtre
Well there was that one scene in Gate, though that was more making fun of everything not Japan.
>Nip becomes addicted to radiation after two bombs, wants more.
they don't. According to polls Trump is only more popular than obama in two countries: russia and israel
You're as Japanese as I'm Martian. Go back to
They didn't side with the Nazis, they sided with Germany. They officially refused to persecute the Jews and made a lot of passports so that they could escape the Nazis and come to Japan.
The two countries with their dicks firmly inside his body, one from each side. Makes sense.
Do it yourself dirty ricefarmer.
Everyone makes fun of Trump. If the Japanese were still like they were in ww2 they would love Trump and his neo nazi homies.
>According to polls
The same ones which concluded that Hillary was going to win?
Hu, certainly not. My Japanese friends all consider him like an evil clown.
Do fools really believe anyone at all will go to war with us over obliterating North Korea if, and I mean IF, we decided to nuke them? There isn't a single country with nuclear weapons who would be dumb enough to throw a fit about us blowing a nuke or two on North Korea. Don't even say China, China thinks of North Korea like a motherfucking embarrassment that they just want to ignore.
Oh yeah, they just had the same dogmatic approach to ethnic cleansing in their part of the world.
They didn't side with the current governing party of Germany, they sided with the German people, dude.
>nobody posting Trump from Devilman Crybaby
Last time polls also said hillary was going to win with a 99% chance.
Hillary did win. She got 3 million more votes. Try again nazi.
Yes, they sell them under the product name of "liberals".
Only reason why you dont even do shit about North Korea is because China has you lots by the balls.
Usa used to pretty quick business when it came to disposing dictators in south america during the cold war and some in the east but cant get the job done with a literal man child?
stay cucked
Have you ever felt like you could be, perhaps, in the best, if not, greatest thread of Sup Forums right now?
Wanting to protect your people against foreign invaders doesn't make you a white supremacist.
Yes, because these polls are made by the exact same team of people under the same circumstances as those polls.
All polls now are forever wrong.
Redneck nazis on full damage control.
Only Russians and Nazis want to spread distrust in the American election system. Which one are you?
Because the mods on Sup Forums are Numale SJW cunts who don't understand board culture.
>Knowing what the electoral college is
>this makes you a nazi
I voted democrat but wew, she lost, we are a republic
>All polls now are forever wrong.
They were to be trusted even before the elections, you're just an idiot.