Why doesnt Sup Forums rate Jagaaaaaan?
Its literally the modern Devilman.
Ps. newest chapter is out
Why doesnt Sup Forums rate Jagaaaaaan?
Its literally the modern Devilman.
Ps. newest chapter is out
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Jagaaaaaaan is fun.
It's also retarded.
Which can be frustrating.
The guy is an extremely annoying wish fulfillment self insert.
Because Sup Forums only likes what the major populous likes.
>likes niche stuff
>niche stuff is niche because it doesn't appeal to everyone
the modern devilman is parasyte
It's kind of boring and the art isn't super appealing.
The modern devilman is Boruto: Son of Boruto's Dad
Its okay, the dead scan pretty much killed whoever that followed it early on. I like the transformation designs.
scanlators became half assed about it because no one gave a fuck when it was still going consistently
I remember pretty frequent threads for it, but I dont know how that translates to overall readership outside of Sup Forums, and obviously Niggerstream doesn't care about Sup Forums.
Sup Forums doesnt read manga unless it's WSJ or FOTM. I can guarantee 99% of the people posting on this board follow this description.
Did someone pick it up after Niggerstream stopped? I liked it fine.
Hornets Nest is the current scanlation group they picked it up where mangastream left off.
Also one chapter was entirely translated by fans.
the scans arent as polished though
We had a lot of threads about /our guy/ Roba-chan early on, but no updates killed it
To be fair, as someone who follows a good amount of manga, the update schedules in English really make it a nuisance to keep up with most stuff, let alone have regular discussions. I mean, apparently one three month gap in releases was enough for most of the Jagaaaaaan readership to lose interest, and that's just business as usual for a lot of scanlation projects, even without accounting for straight-up dead scans that haven't been touched in years and probably will never update again.
what is someone still translating this? I stopped reading when mangastream dropped it
And what fucking chapter is that you retard? 28 or 29?
Oh boy.
28 you faggot
this and checked.
>Didn´t read the manga
Is /ourguy/ still alive?
I only can find up to 25, did people skip three chapters to translate 28?
mangastream doesnt translate anymore you have to find the scans elsewhere
The raw are easy to find. But the translated stuff ends at 25. Is from 28.
>modern Devilman
But that's Tokyo Ghoul
Yes and he seems to have a blade girl on his radar.
The true Jagaaaaaan will only begin when he will mindbreak the police girl though.
I was more interested in the beginning, when I was thinking the whole fractured human stuff was just MC's delusions covering the reality that he was a broken psychopathic mass murderer. That said, I still like it, but mostly for the art. I'm conflicted on the writing, sometimes it feels like there are more layers to it, other times it feels very bog-standard.
No site
No other cancerous social media
I found no Jagaaaaan thread in the archieve. Might you perhaps point me in the direction of what I seek my good man?
The writing is quite good. He is a bored cop that went with the realization he wasn´t doing justice, he was just making his boring life fun. Normally you would go all BnH with saving humans and what not.
It´s on reddit. Reddit always saves the day.
Also I don't think they actually picked it up, but just typeset the translations someone put on reddit. And that translator already said he probably won't do more.
modern as in released in the 90s.
why isnt the manga/anime fanbase hooked on it?
ever since the manlet beta stalker was introduced the manga's reputation went downhill
Modern Devilman is Devilman which is modern Evangelion.
well that dude is a huge faggot
>literally modern devilman
Just like any other edgy manga with bizarre shit going down, I suppose
It only went downhill if you are from the tumblr/facebook crowd. It went uphill here.
>He thinks Jagaaaaan and Devilman deals with the same theme
How the fuck could someone not understand Devilman?
>Saw Crybaby and now think he is an expert
How was your first-ironic-weeb starter pack anime?
is the rapist dead yet ?
Found the reddit baby
His arc is not even starting.
Also it's not a rape if they enjoy it and want more.
THIS. the anime was garbage but the manga honestly stsnds up there with masterpieces like one piece and kurosawa
>It went uphill here
the reception about jagaan on Sup Forums was always piss poor so i dont know what you are talking about but compared to the first few chapters yes its true the thread became slightly more "active"
did mangastream get so pissed about our guy they dropped it or was there another reason?
i for one enoy it but no regular translation is killing the hype.
Do his pepe powers stop working if he becomes a nornalfag?
Part 1 was pretty gud, but re: has been pretty garbo
I wish we could teach people I wish we could teach people how to start threads without seeming like asswipes
Where can I even still read this? Batoto doesn't have it, Hornet's Nest only has 3 chapters.
The autistic MC choose JUSTICE over best girl. What a fucking autist.
He doesn't.......
>26, 27, and 28 out
>batoto being spotty as shit because it's dying
>Your power only work if you use it for selfishness and not for justice.
His power cockblocks him anyway from having sex. Should have gotten the dick power.
That was just because he didn't sniff enough bird poo.
this will turn into a perfect 10 if roba is the one that ends up saving the day after the froggedon the tree guy started
What is the tree man´s problem? I thought he wanted to kill frogs and sniff the dust. Why did he and his stupid bird drop hundreds of them on the mobs?
I find the lack of government intervention unrealistic af.
so they mature inside a host and he can eat them? leting one infect an human is like part of the cooking process
Government intervention is a big point in the raws right now.
>no dump
I think he just can't do it unless he gets a hard-on.
Final page, always knew she'd be the first to eat it.
>Its literally the modern Devilman.
feels more like Gantz to me