Colors are a menace upon Ueno and must be destroyed before they destroy us

Colors are a menace upon Ueno and must be destroyed before they destroy us.

Also, they robbed Bocchi of her anime.


She should get a group of her friends to go and beat them up.
Oh wait.

>Nako the only who probably start beating up elementary schoolers
>she not fit enough to beat up the colors


Wait, why is a man aiming a fucking rocket launcher at 3 school girls?

I'll destroy them with this dick if you know what I mean.

They did it to him first, but dont worry the blond is a level 100 blade stopper, rockets are nothing to her

Only after plenty enjoying some loli rape and scat porn on those little bodies, user.
Step it up.

They are dangerous lolis that must be put down immediately.

Have some morals

Tell it to those that use pedo bait for anime, and sell it as moe.

Ueno in itself is a menace and must be destroyed
Saito keeps the colors safe

All of Katsuwo's work deserves an anime.

because the girls wanted to explode him for sake of the world

>Saito keeps the colors safe
He shot a fucking rocket at them. The only reason they're not all dead is because of Yellow's level 100 blade stopping skill.

People keep saying that Ueno is a dump but it probably has less crime than my relatively safe American suburb.

Nobody talking about the old man selling weapons to dangerous lolis?

Are the colors actually evil or are they just plain crazy?

Why not both.

They are evil temptress

Chaotic evil.

We need more villain lolis in our lives

Thats a hero of justice using a justice rocket to defeat an evil organization.

They beat a girl with allergies, jump on a car stopped in traffic, want to uproot all the trees in the park and wanted to wipe out humanity to name a couple things.

But they are cute, so it's okay.

Please don't call them cute.


They are going to start kidnapping old men soon, aren't they?

It went up by 91 levels.

They're menace.

a menace*

They're justice and sometimes to obtain justice you have to not play by the rules.

But they are sexy, so it's okay.

I want Kotoha to trample on my dick