I just finished iron blooded orphans and I thought it was great.
I just finished iron blooded orphans and I thought it was great
Beside the Ending song 1 by Misia, this anime suck!!!
Thanks user, you have great tastes !
Best boy McGillis should have won.
His VA didn't eat out Okada's pussy like Gaelio 's VA did and Nagai wanted everyone to die.
I want to munch Okada's carpet!
My wives Atra and Kudelia are very cute.
It wasn't great but it was an okay show, much better than Age and G-Reco. I have a soft spot for it for saving Gundam after two shit shows on a row.
Gundam didn't need saving when the origin exists, why do you think some shitty AU would affect anything.
Murder Manlet is a treasure. Also Barbatos was 10/10 once he got his tail.
>much better than Age and G-Reco.
Not even Japan with their immense shit taste agress
Glad you liked it
We got teased with a new IBO gundam a couple days ago
Hope we get a calamity war OVA
To the very end, I was hoping for some sort of hopeful conclusion for Tekkadan. Nope, turns out Gjallerhorn were the actual heroes all along
Most bloodthirsty (i.e. best) MC since Amuro.
>ITT: ironic Gundam fans
I hope a colony drops on every one of you.
Why did space guts and manlet bro have to die in the end? At least the qt waifus lived, I really thought they both would get killed too.
S2 BDs with passable subs when?
Why's Season 2 take so long to get going?
What is the sexiest mobile suit in the series?
Vidar of course.
>Why did space guts and manlet bro have to die in the end?
They were too far gone to survive and go back to living as normal people. Space guts basically said "fuck life I'm killing anyone who gets in mine or my families way" and murder hobo realized that he truly liked being a killer. We see him with a sense of euphoria when he was on the battlefield in the last episode. He was doing the only thing he had ever been good at in life and he was doing it at a sadistic level. He was no longer human. He had fallen far from that. He then realized that everyone of his family member (except space guts) were still human. The though of them continuing on and becoming something more than a killing machine like him caused his mind to race and feel truly overwhelmed. Murder manlet died knowing that the people he knew as family would have a chance of becoming something. He truly died in peace.
Its quite dark and beautiful.
He went full retard after revealing that his master plan was simply obtaining Bael. He was on the right track all the way before that.
I liked this one
>No backup plan in case they don't just obey him after he gets Bael
He was retarded. Orga was also retarded for following him too.
Orga should have bailed out of the deal the second Gallarhorn's fleet didn't obey McGillis. It wouldn't have even been dishonorable, since McGillis didn't respect his engagement. But Orga had to go full retard, again.
le teleport behind u gundam
Disgusting. I want IBO erased from Gundam history.
Fuck off Bellri go pop a boner for your sister elsewhere
Best love story ever told
Not on my watch
>I was hoping for some sort of hopeful conclusion for Tekkadan
Atra had Mika's baby. That's the best ending you could have hoped for considering their situation
That's not deviruman
>Why did space guts and manlet bro have to die in the end?
Orga wasn't enough so someone else needed to die. Persoanlly im glad Mikazuki died cause living paralyzed would have been terrible. No sex with Atra and no farming life
All of them look good but if i had to choose i would say Vidar
The show was written retardedly. Both sides should have had access to Dainsleifs.
Nobody got pregnant in Devilman. That alone makes IBO a better love story
Im still glad Gaelio got to put him on his place
I really liked his design. Shame about his non-existent personality tho
Im still waiting for the Drama CD's to get translated
I thought it had a lot of flaws but i really enjoyed IBO. Hopefully something else comes out
I dont get why it gets so much hate, i enjoyed it.
>implying IBO even had a character as great, memorable and well-written as Flit DESTROY-ALL-VEGANS Asuno
Not even memeing, AGE at least had pleasant development for its protag.
Satan gives birth to Akira in the sequel.
its funny how Orga became probably the most popular and loved character in IBO after his death.
Power of memes. Sunrise need something to damage control the backlash against Nagai anyway.
Meme power. He has two videogames too
that's not G-Gundam
You mean became the most ridiculed.
The most popular version of his meme, is just him soiling himself.
Maybe initially some works were created out of anger but the meme exploded and it's now widely quoted online and was also voted as anime buzzword of 2017.
And the VA even became the most popular VA of 2017 in a poll
Nagai deserves all the hate.
The VA was already popular before IBO.
Orga confirmed top 10 best Gundam character ever. Thanks memes!
stop bullying Orga.
? The memes made him an icon. Some started started out of dissatisfaction over S2 but soon it grew bigger with more bandwagoners. It won anime buzzword of the year beating out Kemono Friends who took 2nd and 3rd place. Everyone knows KF was huge in moonland along with the whole drama with Kadokawa.
>ok McGillis the enemy didnt obey us what is the next step in your 1000fold Keikaku within Keikakus?
>I will try soloing everybody with Bael if that doesnt work out we are all dead
What a true mastermind
I liked it overall but I hated how the dyke bitch ended up living in the end and everyone cool died. I saw Orga's death scene on nico a few weeks ago and rewatched it, the show wasn't that bad.
I'm still upset over how shit the second season was. I think it hurts more because I enjoyed the first.
2 wasn't great but 1 was complete shit. Literally nothing happens: the show
The foreshadowing in this show was pretty good
What about their kid?
He died as he lived, a true manchild. /ourguy/
>I hated how the dyke bitch ended up living in the end
Who? I hope you don't Atra cause she was clearly straight
>What about their kid?
Atra's kid. Kudelia is just the godmother. Just watch the last episode and you can see Akatsuki barely knows her
I love Atra!
I still remember the days with everyone saying she would die because cute innocent girls never live in Gundam.
>never watched season 2 because the second half of s1 was trash
>squint through the group photo
>don't see Shino at first
>start typing an extremely scatching post about how Sunrise is the worst studio in the industry
>finally see him
>calm down
Almost had a heart attack senpai.
Yeah but he was still fun, especially when he got his murderboner out.
Most of AGE's charm is really from the fans, though. Not-White-Base blowing up during gen 3 didn't really have an impact until someone made that gif of young Fritos drawing a target and showing how everyone tried practicing their aim throughout the ages. Then there's pic related
The final season should've been about Flit, not UNDERSTANDING. His grandson was so much better when he was still taking the whole conflict as a game
That mika vs AI Dragon fight was epic
Ideal ending would be Mika fixed, living with family and going to slaughter enemy mooks in free time
It wasn't perfect, but it was quite good and definitely the best Gundam.
he died though, like a bitch too
for no reason
I liked season 1 of IBO too. It's refreshing to have a gundam series not have pew pew lasers that instantly disarm all hostile units in the vicinity and robots that accelerate at 1000g and streak across the sky as zig zaggy lasers leaving explosions in its wake.
But then season 2 happened and it was full retard.
Here's hoping there's a movie followup where Mika is now a sentient Barbatos and goes around killing Gallehorn when they're all old and busted. Have a climactic end battle with monkey girl where she finally goddamn dies damn hot shit how many lucky breaks does that idiot and she even raises Barbatos' head in the end like she had a real chance if he was even conscious when they had their last match
MC team made a lot of stupid mistakes and paid properly for them. They really needed more breaks though, besides Space Guts giving Iok eternal hugging
>Try and bargain with the dude you committed a coup against after you realize you fucked up
the cute wives did not deserve death
How the fuck Atra Won? I didnt even end first season
She built her harem. Kudelia would have been given the dick after Altra if Mika had lived but you know how it goes.
Kudelia wasn't sugoi enough.
What the fuck was the point of this character?
Gaelio 's VA fucked Okada so hard she forgot about him.
>muh bael
>muh agnika
>muh tekkadan
fuck this show
>How the fuck Atra Won?
Whole first season was Atra trying to form a Harem with Mika and Kudelia because she was scared Kudelia would take Mika away from her. Half of the second season was like this too but when she asked Kudelia to have a kid with Mika she told her it had to be her because she loved Mikazuki and she was sure Mikazuki felt the same way. In the end Mika asked Atra to make a kid with him. Mikazuki confessed to Atra and made love while everyone else was out of the base. But Mikazuki knew he was going to die so he asked Kudelia to take care of the baby and Atra and she agreed.
>Kudelia would have been given the dick after Altra if Mika had lived
I don't think so, unlike Mikazuki and Atra she knew what a real couple was supposed to be so instead she promised to keep an eye on Atra and Akatsuki.
He was the realistic child soldier who died fighting. At ñeast went together with Mikazuki
Senpai finally noticed him at the end of episode 49. I actually got sad hahaha
>but when she asked Kudelia to have a kid with Mika she told her it had to be her because she loved Mikazuki and she was sure Mikazuki felt the same way
Sound retarded. Time to watch the end of this shit
Barbatos was perfect at every single point.
I know that makes no sense, but fuck me that design is sex.
I'm glad you enjoyed it OP, I liked it too
where should I start watching gundam?
i've only ever saw a few episodes of mobile suit gundam wing on toonami when i was younger
The first series. As someone who has watched every gundam, watching the movies to start off is fine. Most of what was cut was enemy of the week stuff. The only thing that kind of sucks that they cut out is the gyan.
That was his suicide plan after Gaelio asspulled himself from death.
The first series has shitty animation moments, but is actually pretty damn good writing-wise
08th MS team is Mechs in Vietnam
Gundam Fighter G is all about grabbing windmill-gundams by the head to kill them. MC is never as cool as his sensei
Seed is somehow more absurd than the above
Build Fighters is all about people fighting 'giant' robots (actually models) without people dying every three minutes
I just watched Unicorn last week, I can't remember what MC looked like or stood for at all.
If I remember right, G Reco had no exposition. G Reco could have used exposition
00 is like Wing but with an arab Heero and Dragon-gundam boy disappears
Meh, even as enemy of the week stuff, it still fleshes out the cast in a lot of ways that the movies skip out on. Like the episode where Bright is sick and Mirai needs to take command. Or all the intermediate sorties that Sayla deploys on where you see her grow as a pilot.
>Macky: That is a Mobile Armor an autonomous weapon that wiped out 1/4 of humanity when it was still active.
>It's sole purpose is killing as many humany beings as effectively as possible.
>What do you think of this Mikazuki?
>Mika:It's beatiful
Murder manlet truely was a treasure.
I am still sad him and the chocooate chuuni didn't survive.
>that old guy in the first episodes of S1 is having some heartfelt monologue about child soldiers and war
>Mika just shoots him