
French voices fit them better than any japanese version

>no subtitle

nigger what

You get subs the second time around.

>il ne comprend pas le français

>meme language fits a meme show better
No shit mohammed.


En effet. J'ai bien aimé ce passage.

should speak chinese desu

This is an extremely shit thread. Please do kill yourself, OP.

Who the fuck actually watched this trash twice in a row? I assumed the uploader fucked shit up and uploaded it twice--was relieved to close the video after 12 minutes of hell.
Does gen z actually like this? When will the euthanasia begin?

Is that a joint on that guys ear?

yup it's the new baguette every french man carry with him

Oui, la nouvelle mode à la parisienne

No, it's a small baguette they wear like that to make people think that it's a joint.


>meme language
Fucking wot.

But Popuko doesn't know French.

Wasnt one of their voices one of those semen demons from wakfu?

>gen z
Pop Team epic is only for oldfags, newbab.
You'll never get to enjoy this sophisticated masterpiece

This shows a slow burner. At first I hated it but as time moves I start appreciating it

If by semen demon you mean a faggy kid whose literally pants on head retard, yes

>"i dont understand the humor!
>reaction images full of this shit

Either Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums as a whole has always had posers pretending to like anime, or all the oldfags left and all thats left is underage instagram/facebook fags

Yes, that was evangeline.

jigoku kara nobotta kichiku

probably just a rollie. baguettes love rollies.