>Antagonists that are more likeable than the heroes
Antagonists that are more likeable than the heroes
I'm still mad about how they Talk-no-Jutsu-ed him.
I love this character design
>he isn't from a western nation
opinion disregarded
I honestly wanted Lady Eboshi to win because she was much more interesting than Mononoke or Ashitaka.
What was his end game, again?
Came here to post him. Show me the dawn, papa.
>gladly sacrificed her people just to have a chance at killing a creepy magical deer
>stood to gain nothing from it and probably knew she was being used yet still along she went
>antagonist just wants a quiet life
antagonist =/= villian
Did you watch a different movie or something? Aboshi rescues whores and war crippled warriors, she didn't sacrifice shit, she was a bad ass motherfucker.
is it a trap?
no it's just a psycho
i like him but i like potato too
is it a psycho trap?
is she really considered the antagonist? That guy that worked for the emperor started the biggest shit, really.
Yeah probably, in the one I watched she gave up the men of her village to that fat guy so he could use them as cannon fodder and left the women to fight a losing battle while she was off deer hunting.
Considering how unlikable the protagonists were, that might've been intentional.
She was more of a rival, not a real antagonist.