Gate Thread. Also, season 3 when?

Gate Thread. Also, season 3 when?

This is literally the worst anime ever made

How can one not enjoy this?

watch more than 10 anime and stop watching digibro

Hurry up Japan

Hell yeah

Jesus, that looks fucking horrible

is it true that the anime follows the LN more faithfully than the manga? I have just read the manga so I don't know about the anime.

sorry most people dont like retarded war crime denying anime

>war crime denying

When Japan will be nuclearized for the third time

Big fat cat tats

never. because the webnovel included xenomorphs.

A-1 not rich enough to include ridley scott in this shit. im sure he'd be up for it though.

Korean detected

I liked the anime's art.

OMG it's right now, it's happening, quick turn on CNN!!!

Fake News Network

Someone who gets it.

Nobody cares faggot.

crybaby korean detected

But the manga art is better.

samefag nook

Wrong, gookboi

S3 never

xenomorphs?? are you serious?

They should have kept the Nippon flags in the anime.

A remake with a different company would be better but just as unlikely. Improve the art, and less censoring.
I saw a spoiler that I think Lelei tries to open a gate into a dfifferent world. It looked bad enough to close it and destroy the location.

We'll never see Delilah and Yanagida having wild sex in the hospital.

didn't she also need to learn a ton of quantum physics and borrow Hardy's power to open it?

No idea, but that sounds like it would fit. I wish more focus would be put on Lelei learning science and applying it to magic, and having magic studied using science. It would make that world more useful and give more time for Lelei.

One might say they were fucking like rabbits.

Thats what i wanted to hear, thank you user

>Lelei, Ph.D.

You have no idea how badly I want this.

It's a way to have someone overpowered that's not just from reincarnation or summoning. If only I was rich and could just fund authors/artists to produce such things.

I'd accept an entire series dedicated to wizards learning about our applications of physical laws and merging it with their own knowledge.

You can also have scientists and engineers studying magic and finding ways to include it in technology at the same time. Add in studying the differences in biology of fantasy species to learn why elves just have pointy ears and live longer..

>You can also have scientists and engineers studying magic and finding ways to include it in technology at the same time.
>a group of scientists giddily stand around a chariot they have assembled along along-side some sages
>the words "Mk. VIII" are scrawled on the side
>everyone shakes hands as the last glyphs are drawn onto the undercarriage.
>With an incantation the chariot rises into the air for a few inches
>everyone stands by with baited breath
>Without throwing itself into the air like previously, or shattering under the arcane forces, the chariot just sits there hovering
>tentatively one engineer wearing thick padding and a helmet steps onto the vehicle
>adjusting his hands over some control panel he pushes a knob forward
>the chariot begins to accelerate forward, everyone starts cheering
>one voice shouts "Fucking flying cars will be a thing in my lifetime"
>yet another starts audibly planning out a hover board
>the sages are a bit confused as to who this "marty McFly" is but he must be some great man

After the sages learn how to make magic explosions, get them and a few leaders from that side of the gate together for a demonstration of a nuke.

>elucidating kemonomimi genetics

My research background will finally have a good use.

Study of Rory's regeneration abiliies, the lifespan of elves, etc. Finding out which species are capable of children with each other, and if they are all just slight variations of human or completely different paths to the same similar appearance.

The thing that I'm really interested is how all that shit works on a molecular level. Figuring out unique or novel cell signalling/differentiation patterns to produce cat-ears, elf ears, or even controlling cell replication rates in a way that promotes longevity is too fucking tantalizing.

In Gate, Lelei needs it to keep up with Rory/Itami/Tuka. I would wonder what the gods in that world actually know, since at least some were once mortal. Elves would most likely be just variations on human since there are minimal outward differences, but some of the others get significantly mixed with the appearance of an animal. Those would seem to take magic or a god's influence to have that effect, or its just of all possible mutations/variations, those are selected to be the ones encountered - there is no reason the available species need to be truly random from all possible forms of life.

5 whole ip's you are samefagging nook
GOOD subhuman nook trash like all you who likes this trash deserve nothing