Monkey has a giant ass

Monkey has a giant ass

I wonder how many fingers it has room for.

Cat has giant tits.

Monkey has a giant heart.

Shaft doesnt stay on model very much
Maybe they should do a 3dcg anime next, make it set in an apocalyptic setting with no males.

>I wonder how many fingers it has room for.
It has room for a whole fist.

So does yours.

They should get poseable deformable human dolls as a foundation I guess?

(Though this picture could also be a character lens distorted version of her real breast size.)

Maybe a tiny girl fist, not my own.

what anime is this

Boku no Pico

> ass
shouldn't it be red?

She's not a baboon

It should, but not for the reason you're implying.

so does bat.

>posting it without subtitles

You'd be surprised.

araragi has a better ass

I'm speaking from experience.

You just need more determination.


The fact that this show has only a few good doujinshi should be a crime

Nothing will ever top Valhallagatari.

she also has nice arms and a super cute smile :3

Obligatory webm
This is the first webm I saved from Sup Forums and I've saved multiple versions of it from different posts for some reason


And the most delicious voice.


Imagine if she fell and shat all over the place.

How does Rragi do it? He manages to even make the lesbian want his dick.

monkey wants to taste crab


Lesbians aren't really lesbian, they just prefer women.

No, that's Araragi


>You will never have a cute, short-haired tomboy childhood friend that you hang out with every day

Hope to live long enough for true AI and have one made.

Shart in the bath

Never reveal your Sup Forums age if you're to the right of the newfag range.

Hachikuji has a giant bag

Maybe he posted on other boards before, or just lurked without saving pictures..


Webms weren't a thing until early 2014 though. He could have been here for years before saving one.

What the fuck is this show?

Lurk More: the Animation

Jojofags were a mistake.

>what is this ridiculously popular show?
What said.

Nice one!

Holy shit I use one reaction from jojo and "oh jojofag is here holy shit what a fucking disgrace" calm your fucking shit.

You're the one whatching this kind of show not me.

Fuck off and lurk more


Fuck off jojobrony

Get out.

lmao look at this jabroni
go back to r/jojo u fuckin loser

more munkee pls

Why haven't you commited suicide yet?







which ep?

its definitely a nice fit round butt with a great shape but I wouldn't call that giant

there is not enough tomboys in anime


Your reaction tells us everything we need to know about you and probably much more than you're aware of.
Bottom line: you're new and you probably won't stay long.

It's not that you used a JoJo Meme.
It's that you act like a fucking autist.
Your response, , is the disgrace.

At least we have 2 here.

Should be the last part of Tsukimonogatari.
Near the end, I assume.

she fell for link meme on /biz/



>bought Ripple at .11
>sold at 2.80

Those moments aren't "off-model", they're to emphasize Araragi's perspective on what's happening. It's like an unreliable narrator thing but done with visuals. That's why in certain scenes, he's ripped and in others he's a skinny fuck.

>the Animation

Sodachi has a giant hatred for Araragi

WTF I don't remember that scene

Kizu 3





Ore Monogatari



bake no pico


Can someone explain to me what the appeal of bakemonogatari is? I'm on episode 7, but right now I feel like I'm forcing myself to watch it to find what's so good about.
It is extremely boring and the psychological and philosophical questions it gives you are done better in other media.
It is waifus. Isn't it?


>It is waifus. Isn't it?
isn't it always?

big red monkey booty

am i kawai senpai?

just watch fanservice recaps

So Kurapika is best girl?

Sometimes, a show has something more than waifus. I just don't feel like bakemonogatari has it.
But that's like cheating in a video game.

i'm sure there is a better way to explain it but I like the aesthetic and senjougahara

The show is sometimes visually satisfying to me too, but most of the time it's just images of random shit.
The ending song and animation is pretty based though, and I'd love to see a whole show with its style.

If you prefer shows with more action and a focus on plot and such, Monogatari is not for you.
If you like long dialogues which may or may not lead somewhere (They often don't) and witty banter betwen well-written characters, it is for you.
Also, the cinematography is amazing.

>Monkey has a beautiful tones ass