Worst fanbase on Sup Forums of 2017 nominations

Worst fanbase on Sup Forums of 2017 nominations

Previous Winners

2013:Kill la Kill
2014:Kill la Kill (2 cour will do that)
2015: Umaru-Chan


1. DBS
2. Made in Abyss
3. Kemofure
SnK had total dogshit threads but at least they weren't toddlers and they didn't engage in dumb fanbase wars as the second and third

OP said 2017.

Made in Abyss, easily.

This, and the retarded Houseki no Kuni fanboys as well

this this this this

>not cumming on rocks

i hate all

Dragon Ball

Dragonball kept on flooding the board

2018, Popteamepic flooded the board like mad. Though, I'm giving it a few more weeks of tolerance until everyone gets used to the episodic pattern. If they didn't, then they're the worst fanbase of the year

>No fun allowed on Sup Forums

Hunter x Hunter
They even did it in a fucking draw thread a few days ago

Naruto. Fucking Naruto on Sup Forums.

Kemono Friends, no contest.

Kemono friends obviously

Literally MLP for weebs

Anyone who doesn't say DBS is a nigger who watches it.

Dragon Ball followed by Maid Dragon and Made in Abyss for a distant second and third.


List of bad fanbases on / a/

Kemono friends
Hunter x Hunter
One Piece
Gabriel Dropout
Maid Dragon
Monster Musume
Made in Abyss
Dragon Ball
Sword art
Monogatari series
Love Live
Kyoani anything

What is missing from the list?

MiA is best show with worst fans. Argue against this.

So basically if a series gets popular enough it'll have a shitty fanbase?

The only people who hates Kemono Fanbase are salesfags whom, to this day, still suffer the curse on the stalker threads


This. KF should be fans of the year for killing stalker threads.

Reminder that, this is doesn't ruin quality of the anime itself.

>Monster Musume

The monmusu fanbase is pretty much dead on Sup Forums. They moved to /c/ and the occasional thread for a new chapter here has trouble reaching even 100 posts.

left out watamote ya dingus

but all those shows are trash anyway


There is no contest. They've spammed, thrown hissy fits at the smallest thing, do nothing but shitpost, and their threads brought in a ton of spics and children.

>nobody brought up Yuri on Ice yet
After that show aired the amount of fujoposters has at least doubled on Sup Forums. Most of them are clearly newfags, that came from tumblr, reddit etc to spread their cancer here.

Naruto/DBS easily like, it's not even a competition to the others.

Fucking Houseki no Kuni. It's pure unadulterated tumblrism.

That or Memers in Abyss are already in some list for blatant CP.

>I'm gonna need some kind of source on these results, although most do make sense.


I don't remember them being particularly offensive that year though.

Dragonball and OPM.

Dragonball super.



Oregairu is the worst Sup Forums fanbase ever

DBS, MiA, and HnK. And I actually like MiA and HnK, but those 24/7 circle-jerking general , even when there are no new content, are fucking cancer.

>That or Memers in Abyss are already in some list for blatant CP.
You are pure unadulterated tumblrism.

Your news is outdated. Tumblr hates HnK now because they found out that the author's previous works are incest.


Kemono Friends

It's not even a good series and the fans being shit is relevant here.

Nah 2015 worst fanbase is Yahari. The daily threads are so fucking terrible and painful to follow

Yep dbs is the worst.

Pretty much. Humanity is fucked up right know because of the media into believing that popularity equals quality. They cling to their safe-space preferences and against others' and hardly change opinions, unless another thing suddenly becomes popular because of social media marketing.

I remember the manga MiA threads being good
What went wrong?

Little Witch Academia
Kemono Friends
Dragon Ball Super

I hate them because they keep pretending the show is good and everyone should like it

That thread is literally tumblr & reddit save haven in Sup Forums

Fanbase discussion is metashit

Boku no Hero Academi and it's no contest. I even like the show but threads and WSJ threads were unbearable because of them.

Hatebase is even worse

>What is missing from the list?

tokyo ghoul

>popular fanbase are the worst
People who think like this are asocial, that's all.

Vote DB Super, oh my Lord. Also One Piece


t. neo Sup Forums

It become popular or after 2016 Sup Forums mods get replaced by fucking newfags

As a fan of MiA, I can say the threads are just fucking awful. They started as an elitist manga only club about this time last year, and have devolved into 90% shitposting, irrideemable degeneracy, and people complaining that their manga only club has been destroyed. KF is pretty bad too, they're CG shit mess was way better than it should have been but was not even close to AOTY in any critical sense. DBS is also pretty obnoxious and lowers the IQ of the whole board.

>neo Sup Forums
Fuck off.

There really needs to be a separate board for long-running shounen. Imagine Sup Forums without endless stream of One Piece, DBS and Boruto threads.

Kemono Friends, is there even any competition?

>blatant CP
Back to Tumblr

>this triggers tumblr

Dragonball Super and Naruto
They collectively attract the most ESL, children, and spics

Dragon maid

We all knew this would happen when moot and his tumblr mods decided to stop us from dubs spamming narutard threads.

Kemono Friends. Hands down.

Why do you know this?

>proving their point
MiA doesn't have the worst fanbase in 2017, since the Kememecucks exist, but my god its fans are so fucking bad.

They have no point
The author is a pedo, do they think bitching will change anything?

I bet it's not. And you don't even include mine As much as I like Yahari, it's undeniable that the threads are fucking cancerous and one of the worst I have seen on Sup Forums recently
