Devilman: Crybaby is actual garbage, why do people like this shit? I expected better from you, Sup Forums.
Devilman: Crybaby is actual garbage, why do people like this shit? I expected better from you, Sup Forums
It's a mess of a show. The writing is outright schizophrenic. None of the characters are developed enough and everything feels like it's going in a rush. Akira is an unlikeable faggot that gets pushed around like a bitch even after turning into Devilman. The whole thing feels hollow and largely pointless. There were occasional moments that seemed neat (which I'm gonna assume were taken straight out of the original work) but don't mesh well with the shit that surrounds them. The animation was good but also inconsistent. I needed to rewatch some of the fights and pause them to see what the fuck was supposed to be going on. I have never read or seen the original Devilman, but this adaptation sure as hell left a piss poor impression of it.
Nearly every change was for the worse and the pacing is all off
I regret having watched all of it, should have realized how bad it was gonna be from the first three episodes
Damn, what does it take to satisfy you people? Do you impose the same impossible standards on everything?
>impossible standards
They don't have standards. You can't even say they have shit taste, because they don't even have a sense of taste.
These aren't good arguments
Nice argument OP
and "it was shiiit" is?
Nobody wants to argue with babies.
>expecting something good from a Devilman product
If you werent watching for the animation and music idk what to tell you
First post in this thread
t. spic from /m/
The script is shit.
>First post in this thread
Looking up synonyms for "it was shiiit" and saying the same thing in different ways is 13 year old tier.
You're supposed to provide EXAMPLES, and a COMPARISON to a show that did the same thing well.
I'd say it's a pity that Sup Forums doesn't understand any of this shit, but that would be a lie.
Exactly what I'm trying to say. Everything is a priori terrible to you people. Even when you take your time to consider something, you only consider it to confirm your own resentment.
its better than moeshit
wow, you're unimaginably retarded.
>post arguments
>says it's not an argument
go kys you fag you'll defend shittiest shitfest just because
fuck off you have no standarts and are ratarded cock sucker
Is this supposed to be post-ironic, or post-tsundere?
This is complete bullshit. You don't need to have a better similar alternative to something to argue it sucks. Something isn't inherently good because it has no better substitute. You're demanding too much of people to earn the right to criticize the show you like.
yeah. Noone is saying that it's at the bottom of anime in quality but it's shit do you understand? It's pretty bad. It could never be as shit as BNHA but it's still shit
The donkey noises made me think she was going to turn into a demon. Anybody else think that?
yeah, that's what I thought, but nothing came of it. Just a "haha you thought this was gonna turn sexy but guess what" moment
I though I should extract the wav and play it behind people's backs.
>You don't need to have a better similar alternative to something to argue it sucks
>Something isn't inherently good because it has no better substitute
You actually do user, and it actually is.
>earn the right
Nobody needs any "rights" to shitpost on Sup Forums. And that's exactly what OP is. A mere shitpost. To say that it's a criticism is laughable.
Yeah OP is a shitpost but the show lacks in many ways. Read first post.
First post isn't good enough, apparently. You got to start talking about other shows.
>read first shitpost
Shitposting in detail is still shitposting user.
>To say that it's a criticism is laughable
The first post is definitely a criticism.
Life and everything surrounding it is a shitpost
Only your life.
Humanity is a shitpost
It's the sort of thing I'd expect somebody who has never watched any anime at all to say, so no, not at all.
Is your argument that every anime has bad rushed pacing and poorly developed characters?
I feel like your post was pointless. The show was literal kino and you're a retard
Ah, so this is the intelectual prowess of the average person that enjoyed this.
>It could never be as shit as BNHA but it's still shit
Here we go.
My argument is that any literal dumbfuck can say the exact same shit about anything. Especially the bit about rushed pacing. When all someone watches is shonenshit, where everything takes dozens of episodes to happen, I would understand that this show would seem rushed to someone like that. And the fag doesn't even bother to name anime that DIDN'T have rushed pacing as a comparison.
Of course the reason is probably because all they watch is Bleach or Hero Academia or some other slow boring garbage, and didn't want to actually put their tastes on display to get blown the fuck out. Either that or they really are fucking stupid and think that we get anything out of their post other than "some user thought it sucked".
>Why isn't he naming shows he likes so my shitposting can go to shitting on whatever show that is
Nice try, faggotron
Heh, pussy.
You have to be a man to criticise, not a child who's afraid of getting a response of ">x show >good"
>Especially the bit about rushed pacing.
I liked Crybaby quite a bit, but I'd unquestionably agree with the criticism regarding rushed pacing. Show probably would have benefited from having an additional episode, preferably centering on Ryou's growing realization about his true nature.
The show really was rushed, though. The 10 episodes were obviously felt.
t. brainlets
I'm starting to think your accusation of shitposting is nothing but a projection.
>When all someone watches is shonenshit, where everything takes dozens of episodes to happen, I would understand that this show would seem rushed to someone like that.
>The story of a guy who suddenly gains special powers and tries to save the world
>There is a generic pair romantic
>There is the blonde and asshole rival (their childhood scene is basically Deku and Kacchan)
>There are villains who are bad just because
The only difference between Devilman Crybaby and Boku in Hero or Bleach or Naruto is the presence of sex, drugs and gore. Things that make idiots like you think they're watching something unique and superior.
You didn't think that was rushed? It's not a question of understanding, its a question of providing the right amount of narrative weight to a critical development.
>when you reduce everything down to simplistic tropes the only difference is X
Damn user, can't argue with that.
>unique and superior
To what user? BnH, Bleach and Naruto? Are you saying it isn't superior to shows for children that drag every little plot point out to half an episode?
>Please show me shows where this is done better
are you a nigger faggot? You yourself then haven't seen a show with a good pacing then i guess? Every retard who can differentiate good from bad shows can say which has shit pacing and which doesn't. Psycho pass doesn't have shit pacing and if we take just first season then it's same lenght. Shonenshits are shit noone with a bit of brain considers them good.
wow, people like you actually exist. Then i guess you consider something like BNHA to be peak of anime quality i guess no?
>It's not a question of understanding
It actually is user. Because children can't even parse any "narrative weight" if it's not dragged out to a length that their sparsely active minds can handle.
>BnH, Bleach and Naruto have better pacing
Thanks for sharing and being a great example of my point.
Gawt daym this show has some low effort anination
>Psycho pass doesn't have shit pacing
Maybe, but it's not the best. Still bored me out of my mind, I had to drop it.
You are so dumb.
do you think there's an extended version of miki's death hidden somewhere in the studio? that quick stab in the back and hair pull seemed pretty tame compared to the old one
Isn't a man who criticizes everything and responds to every provocation the definition of a crybaby?
>Are you saying it isn't superior to shows for children that drag every little plot point out to half an episode?
I'm saying they're the same shit.
>Disliking Bleach
How low is your IQ,nigger?
OVAs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CryBaby
>over the top religious bullshit
>2018 anime with bad quality
>any criticism met with "you just dont understand"
>worst fanbase than Popteamepic gj guys
>drag on every little plot point to half an episode
Yeah let's just squeeze all the big moments into one episode that surely won't feel disjointed and off.
So the fact that I have found Devilman's pacing too fast automatically means that I like series that drags? Fanboys and their binary mentality.
yeah because you are stupid. I'm not saying it's the best but it's miles ahead of this shitshow. Actually maybe for chickenbrain people crybaby might be actually better.
I'm on episode 5 so far and it's a fun show. I wish there was more contrast between the background and foreground and the pacing was less off but the action is enjoyable and the two mains are pretty likeable.Has good moments scattered around the episodes which excluding those are still decent and kinda boring at worst. It's a 6 or 7 in my opinion.
>I have never read or seen the original Devilman,
the original anime was waaaayy better.
hahahha Sup Forums is lowest IQ board on all of Sup Forums. Fucking elementary school dropouts think their life matters and that they have say in what shows are good.
>liking bleach
what a fucking retard
are you posting this from a zoo?
bait bait bait bait bait bait
It could've been better, the right story beats were there, but the pacing that the 10 episodes had wasn't nearly enough to fit in the right amount of development, leaving it confusingly rushed at best and an utter disservice at worst, and the animation quality is pure janky, unshaded, badly drawn dogshit, which ruins 90% of the whole thing and makes scenes that would've been great become cringy messes (though there are SOME exceptions like episode 9, the rocks fall everywaifu dies scene). Also there is way too many lewd parts, which WOULD be ok if they didn't take up time which could have been used to develop characters...or animate the bloody thing better. Point is it's filler in something that doesn't have room for it.
In short, there's a good anime here, it's just hidden under some horrible flaws that bring it straight to the gutter.
Miki and Miko are a great duo tho, credit where credit is due
>Because children can't even parse any "narrative weight" if it's not dragged out to a length that their sparsely active minds can handle.
Kind of a non sequitur no? How much screen time should be devoted to an important development in order to give something the proper weight is independent of how much screen time is necessary for "children" to understand it. It's all about proportional emphasis.
>I have never read or seen the original Devilman
How the fuck can you judge it as a bad adaptation if you have no context for what it was adapted from?
>the animation quality is pure janky, unshaded, badly drawn dogshit,
Why can't you fucks just be honest and say you, personally, didn't care for the art style? Instead its always "the animation was bad!"
Look, we are just happy to see Devilman again.
I'm not judging it as an adaptation. I'm judging it as its own thing. I certainly hope it's not an accurate adaptation of Devilman.
>Devilman: Crybaby is actual garbage
It's by Yuasa, what did you expect?
Should I watch this or just read the original?
Well,you're here aren't you user. So your opinion is just as insignificant as ours. Unless of course this isn't your usual home....and you spend your time on a different website....perhaps one starting with R and ending with T.
Read the original. Takes less time than watching all ten episode of Crybaby, and even as someone who thought Crybaby was okay, I still think the manga is better.
But it was bad. There were some nice cuts here and there but generally it was pretty damn choppy.
They're both short so you can try doing both. I think the maga is better (filled with flaws too, though) so watch the anime first so there won't be any expectations
I hadn't read the manga, but I found the story quite good, even though I felt it was a bit rushed. The series jumped from Akira fighting demons to to an apocalyptic end of the world happening in the span a of a few episodes. There was no time to get accustomed to the characters. This is something I imagine that had to be sacrificed for the sake of an adaptation, but still. Other than that I really liked it.
...because it is a bad style for animation. Most of it feels like something I could do equally well in ms paint, and I'm not making that out as a good thing to me. Some of the later episodes improve it, but by then the damage is done in the first 7 episodes
I expected you to leave Sup Forums forever.
I'm mainly on /sci/ and Sup Forums i just come here to shit on retards like you.
Learn about Yuasa. Learn about animation. Go watch his other works. Grow your mind. Stop being a fucking idiot.
>Most of it feels like something I could do equally well in ms paint,
I'd like to see you try. (not that that would prove anything about Crybaby, mind you.)
>Sup Forumstard talking about low IQs
You can keep posting that but I'm never leaving.
We are supposed to feel bad for Miko and feel that Ryous and Akiras relationship is extremely significant to the plot. But this just doesn't deliver with the same power Yuasa expects us to have because all he gives us are a compilation of flashbacks. Other than that Ryou is a constant asshole to Akira, and Miko barely appears.
All his other works are just as pretentious and crappily drawn.
Disgusting faggot.
I'm not that guy but shit nigga Yuasa (/simple) artstyle =/= good animation
Sometimes it's great sometimes it isn't. Mind Game's animation is great. Tatami Galaxy is great. Even Ping Pong has its moments. Devilman doesn't have many good sequences.
>retard from board dedicated to watching cartoons and reading comic books thinks he's above people interested in politics and real life
It's really weird when you see how fucked up an Sup Forums poster looks like irl.
Please tell me more about how Sup Forums is the board for the retarded college dropouts, fellow kekistani magapede. Shadilay and praise kek!
>/sci/ and Sup Forums
Well that explains it.You seemed that kind of guy anyways.
Not only retarded, but posting on Sup Forums also makes you fat.
nah Sup Forums retards couldn't get out of highschool to drop out of college
Kekistan is not a part of Sup Forums culture for a long time I think your reddit experience is showing. Where else could you have seen it.
>Interests tell what your IQ is
Whatever makes you feel better I guess.
>Devilman: Crybaby defenders are crybabies from Sup Forums
You literally can't make this shit up
reading posts that say that crybaby is more than 4/10 lowers my IQ by 5 points and makes me angry.