Fellow anons I've been gymming for a month now. I want to achieve exactly this body and need some help to achieve this EXACT physique since it is what motivates me to go to gym everyday.
I have 11 months left till my time is up HELP
Fellow anons I've been gymming for a month now...
Ask /fit/
don't take anime pics seriously
And neither should you
I know it isn't realistic but I want to achieve as a close a body to this as I can.
It helps me to push myself to my limits in gym daily
fit here, if you weren't born with the genetics necessary you will never look like this
P90X for a year should do it
>taking unrealistic physique drawn by some porn game artist who can barely into anatomy seriously
I KNOW KNOW it isnt reallll but what about my user friend then ?
This is the IRL version that I wanna strive for
Thanks !
Only people who bothered to give advice
Have you tried sword lifting?
Also making a thousand of blades should help too.
Remove the wristbone on your right arm and you can start looking like pic
Eat one onion a day.
Retired /fit/ & /fraud/ trip here.
Use steroids if you want quick results. Not joking. Even just some testosterone cycling will do you wonders. ECA stack also (Google it: stands for 'ephedrine' 'caffiene' 'aspirin') will help your fat loss. Note: FAT loss, not WEIGHT loss alone. You can be skinny or average in weight but still have FAT which is what you need to lower to allow abs to show through like that.
Steroids are incredibly easy to get online, you don't even have to do 'deepweb' shit, you can find reliable sources via a simple google search. Reddit is leagues more helpful than /fraud/ on fit for information, btw, and there are also subreddits with sources if you want. Though I suggest you google and read various steroid forums etc to get a good idea of what you're getting into - the actual pros/cons, and that, if you do it PROPERLY and in small amounts it's not all that dangerous (unless you have an underlying health condition like heart problems or some shit).
Other than that, showing abs is almost completely diet. Obviously, you need to work out to be able to /have/ abs, but for them to show like that you have to be low body fat %. Which means fix your diet. Highly recommend the keto diet once you've built the underlying muscle, as it will use up your fat while preserving the muscle and in general give you a lot more energy once you get through the initial body 'adjustment' period (aka 'keto flu').
Once you've achieved your goal, it'll just be basic upkeep work-out wise. Diet will /always/ be important, however.
Keep in mind everyone's body is unique, so your abs or body MAY NOT LOOK LIKE even a realistic version of that anime picture. But good on you for being inspired for your goals.
Good luck. And what the actual fuck why would you ask Sup Forums, use your head. Work out/steroid BBS forums are your friend. Don't believe everything you read right away, read multiple sources/proof and come to your own conclusions.
But testosterone shots will make you bald
At the very least you MUST:
-Drink a gallon of milk a day
-Only clean yourself in cold water - cold baths and cold showers ONLY
-Eat a minimum of a raw onion everyday
-Do a lot of squat ass-to-ground
-Give up masturbation
-Be overly aggressive to fat people
They will only accelerate balding if you're already genetically predisposed. Also a couple cycles will not make you go bald, which is all a person would really need to achieve OP pic if they're working out regularly/properly and dieting right. The people going bald either have unfortunate genetics, or are constantly on steroids/heavy steroids/have been for years.
There are lots of things you can use to stop/prevent/help reverse (depending) the 'negative' effects of steroids.
Assuming you're a 50kg skeleton like half of Sup Forums
>Eat at a sufficient calorie surplus until at least 75kg or more if you're not a manlet
>Eat lean you fucking fag, stuffing your face with McDs is counterproductive
>afterwards proceed to cut
>drink ONLY water, at least 2 liters a day
>do a 3 or 5 day split
>have 2 rest days at most
>don't listen to the permabulk faggots, do fucking CARDIO
If you're a 300lbs fatass like the other half of Sup Forums
>eat at a sufficient calorie deficit
>do A LOT of fucking cardio
>drink fucking WATER
>lift as normal
>ignore legs if you're a fag and only care for your looks from the waist up, just make sure cover up your retarded chicken legs
Remember the most important thing, that kind of look is only achievable with below 8% bodyfat, so nutriion is about 75% of what you should be focusing on.
If you want to be strong, do GOMAD and eat a lot
If you want to look ripped, go to the gym, eat right, drink water and do cardio
Lastly: read the fucking sticky , you're welcome
test-e & some crunches
Absolute kek
>All these people wanting to look strong instead of being strong
You'll need more than 11 months.
I want to look like a colors.