>[HorribleSubs] Overlord II - 01 [720p].mkv
[HorribleSubs] Overlord II - 01 [720p].mkv
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fuck i havent started on season 1 yet
Doesn't episode 2 air tonight? Please be fast thanks.
Just watched it, but in which episode Shalltear fights against the dragon in knight armor? Or it happens in the recap movies?
No, it's episode 1. The same as the preview one.
In the movie. No point of watching it though, it's the same short scene.
Thanks, but are there any new scenes in the movie besides this?
Must I watch the movies before moving onto the second season? It states they're recaps, but have they changed anything important?
all recap except for
Alright, thanks user.
No improved art or animation? If not I'll just skip the movies, no point in downloading 10GB for a short new scene if the rest if it doesn't look loads better than the TV or BD versions.
There's a brief scene at the start of Ainz as a human going to plug himself in to log on as well. So just 2 short new scenes.
Oh, and a new song by both the same people who did the OP and ED of season 1 and 2 which are pretty cool, used as the different endings for both movies.
There's a few minor scene changes. The carriage ride with Sebas and Chair has extended dialog. There's the fight with the guy in Dragon Armor. When Momon goes into town, it shows him entering the city and having the conversation with Narb in the street instead of in their rented room in the tavern. There's minor addtions to the fight in Carne. The fight against Hamske is extended. They also preview the lizards at the end.
A bunch of long dialog stuff is cut.
The movies are totally worth watching as a refresher for season 2 and give you enough treats to stay interested.
I only remember all this stuff because I saw them a couple weeks ago.
Oh yeah, forgot about Ainz jacking himself into the chair at the very beginning.
How long is the lizard arc?
Why is albedo so perfect?
One volume (volume 4). Same as every arc, except men in the kingdom, which is 2 volumes. So going by how they were adapted in season 1, 4-5 episodes. The remaining 8-9 episodes will be the men in the kingdom arc (volumes 5 and 6)
Long enough to make the series lose traction
"Harry potter and the goblet of fire" means the story is about Harry potter and what he does with the goblet of fire. This arc feels like "Lizard men and AOG". The main characters are lizard, and how they relate to AOG.
A poor decision. This Arc can't get short enough
Not perfect enough to ride a bicorn.
Well at least we will get to Sebas' little cute prostitute.
> It's an entire season of lizards fucking
Nazarick needs to be burned to the ground, purified and turned into a unicorn pasture.
Hm, maybe I'll clear up some space and watch them this weekend then after all.
Thanks, anons.
The whole LN past the third volume is "The New World and AOG", what are you on about?
They have to slow burn through content or they catch up to the manga.
Unfortunately that means that it is a slow moving anime that may get lower ratings and canceled.
You are retarded.
Its been too long since the first season came out, maybe I need to watch these movies cause I was pretty lost on the characters talked about in the first few scenes in this ep.
three episode of lizard fucking max, otherwise we're never going to see demiurge being fun
So the maids, for whatever reason, aren't level 100. Does that mean they are stuck at their current level from when they "transferred" to the current world?
Hard to imagine the level up system still made it over, considering what other things didn't and/or are different.
wow its shit
Who is the wolf maid?
Lupisregina. Prey for a third season if you want to see her get decent screen time since she gets a lot in volume 8 and it seems like they're doing 3 volumes a season.
Who makes the best task master? Loli? Shota? Butler?
Except that wasn't lupus.
Just recently finished S1 of this. Talk about a living hell. Get transported to a world full of cute girls who all want your dick. But you can't do shit with them, because you're stuck as a fucking skeleton and also your emotions, including lust, are being suppressed because of your racial traits.
Not to mention, you can't eat, drink, or sleep. Forget that shit, I would be looking to off myself as quickly as possible.
I think was talking about Pestonya Shortcake Wanko
Yes the woof girl.
Yeah i didn't like the movies very much, they skipped a bunch of Narberal character development for a fucking meme fight with the hamster, that doesn't even make sense because he just oneshots him the same way after.
Maybe the human Ainz scene is worth it, but I'd just rewatch the show.
>not wanting to be a skeleton
Look at this meatbag
Season 1 was kinda above average, but it was due to the plot so it couldn't be helped.
But the season 2 started good. I hope this keeps up.
>this is what they meant by "lizard sex"
wEw I thought you guys were meming all those moons ago
What's wrong with the lizard arc?
Spoilers at your own risk:
Lizard protagonist falls in love with a female lizard, before the final battle she asks him to impregnate her since she's not taking part so the lizards have a leader after he dies. Ainz while spying on the lizards accidentally ends up watching them have sex on his remote-view mirror in the company of the guardians, including Aura and Mare, which makes him wonder if he needs to instate sex ed lessons for them.
This is a thing that actually happens.
Give me a quick rundown on Overlord, why should i watch it?
Google it faggot.
Anyone has read the Yen Press translation? Does it have terrible localization or is it fine?
Read the LN instead.
Is granny voiced by Goku granny, or am I hearing things? I can't find shit on it.
Autistic Japanese salary man has to take care of a bunch of overly attached children, somehow trying to live up to their idolized image of him while dealing with his own insecurity and abandonment issues all framed in an isekai story with incredibly detailed worldbuilding.
Yes. It's goku.
The main character is a spooky scary skeleton
>OP showing scenes all the way to the momon jalbadoth fight
fuck off
Watch them take up 5 whole episodes though.
Does the season 2 pick up where season 1 left off? I was reading the light novel for a bit but I haven't kept up with it.
>Does the season 2 pick up where season 1 left off?
Yep. Season 1 ended with the end of Volume 3, season 2 picks up at the start of Volume 4.
shes too cute
So why are they attacking the lizards? I get that the guardians want to take over the world and give it to their master but what is Ainzs motive?
>NPCs don't require fluff
Maybe they have basic shit that comes with game lore?
I like Nigel's tl best, can he sub all the episodes?
Experimentation, getting a foot hold in the NW, and resources.
I'm downloading season 1 of this, what am I in for?
The cutest indeed.
>I want Ainz as a wife!
Is this the highest evolution of waifu-ism?
I hope they use the budget on the Sebastian martial arts, too much magic and cgi in season 1.
Who cares let’s talk about the copy of players and assets from ygg to nw
not that user continued...
>not that user
When last we left off with
>the last line of defense for ain’t ooal goauld is a buch of poly trash.
Why is Ainz bullying the cool lizard village?
>they were on the verge of either starvation or all-out civil war and cannibalism
>he brought them together, feeds and protects them
>resurrects prominent individuals that died during subjugation
That's not what I would call bullying.
They were done for anyway.
Wants stronger bodies for un...oh wait, read the damn LN.
Yes/no yes because no fluff no because the player that was working on them got fed up with the tool and how it was taking so long and left some unfinished.
>Maybe they have basic shit that comes with game lore?
That makes sense. Enri's Goblin Soldiers are probably all identical, at least to start with. The same with her Goblin Archers. There is likely some default "generic goblin" fluff, but how much default description are you going to put in a customizable character like the NPCs or a PC?
Some apparently, because we know Shalltear's custom appearance reverts back to standard for True Vampire under certain conditions, but I doubt there is as much as the Pops and Summons have. Why give player a filled in text field if no one else will see it and they are supposed to erase it?
He's going to steal their waifus
>Why give player a filled in text field if no one else will see it and they are supposed to erase it?
You mean to Player Character?
Maybe there's no field since it's Player character or you can fill in your chunni backstory if you'd like but anyone would see that while not everybody did.
What if Enri's Goblins all have part of her personality and that's why they act so weird?
Because SHE'S weird.
That’s a good point iirc the first thing all of them say is “we are the of the army”
>I'm downloading season 1 of this, what am I in for?
Ever watch Masters of the Universe and wish Skeletor was actually scary, and won almost all the time, with only the audience knowing what an insecure dork he actually is on the inside?
About one third of the way in, you'll leave Snake Mountain, here called the Great Tomb of Nazerick, to meet the first of many, many groups of heroes that you'll come to like almost as much as the more charismatic and interesting villains.
Is there a translation of the 11-100 spots?
>Ainz headed towards his — which was of course shared with Nabe — tent. As it was a certain distance away, some people assumed it was to keep others from hearing moans. Or rather, that was what they heard from the leader just now.
They have no idea.
Oh and they did not understand the idea of names before Erni started naming them.
>warrior's spirit
>loyal to a fault
>quick on his feet
>bright future
why is he so perfect?
Because he's MC.
Is the lore from nw or ygg??
You forgot blue eyes.
NW has no console or fluff tabs and gobs have given names here so Yggdrasil.
Yeah not to mention the brain stomping levels they have compared to the native peoples. Hey let’s make a fence/wall in a small. Amount of time. They also can’t lean skills out side of what they have see cooking farming and fetching berries.
Hamsuke learned MA from a teacher, as did Gazef.
Brain was autistic enough to teach himself.
Unless the nw has its own shitty developers it would have to come from ygg.
I mean Perororonchino's extra special stuff about his fetish doll worshiping one of the event bosses instead of one of the player options for a cleric's deity didn't translate to the Six Great Gods. Someone from the Theocracy must have asked an angel about the gods at some point though, so either stuff does get localized like a bad dub, angels spout blasphemy, or they don't have much in the way of default lore programmed in.
Did they not understand, or just not have them?
Are the subs for the new PPP out yet?
It could have been the effect of Enri not having levels in commanding them, too.
Those japs man, those japs.
I'm still chuckling over them using Eclair, of all characters, as the last character shown in the OP.
Best decision ever.
well he is the main villain so it'd be weird if they didn't show him
Those eyes only see cleaning depravity.
>moved away after the War to get an education
>spent his entire time away thinking about the real cause of the war and how to change things
>comes home years later to fix up the old neighborhood only to be branded a sellout
>tries to unite the oppressed across tribal lines to fight the Evil Overlord
>used to be into females with big tails like everyone else but is into something different now
Is it just me or does Zary the Lizard remind you of anything?