what does Sup Forums think about this anime
What does Sup Forums think about this anime
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Beef or Chicken?
I get it
I'm not upset
Never dropped a show this fast before.
Definitely need to see where it goes in the following episodes. Episode 1 was fresh hot garbage but it was clearly intentional. If that's just the style of the series, then it's a strong 2. But it hopefully gets better.
Pretty hit or miss with the jokes and bits
t. Hoshiiro Girldrop fan
at least it has a kind of self-conscious jokes that may take more strength as it advances
Low quality trash that tries to get a pass by calling itself trash. I hate how I'm going to force myself to watch 3 episodes before I drop it though.
literal shitposting:the anime
I love it
>watching something even though you don't enjoy it
You're autistic.
>Not giving things a fair chance
Even though I don't think it's likely it could get funny if they make actual jokes.
Reminder that there is literally no shame in enjoying any of these as long as you really enjoy them and you're not just trying to fit in
It's shit.
It's perfect.
It is meant to be an emotional rollercoaster: some bad jokes, some good jokes.
I hope a janitor deletes this picture because it makes me feel uncomfortable
Shiterally lit
Fuck off, retard.
It's the Family Guy of anime.
nigga what
Except for the OELVNs there, yes.
Back to /jp/ with you, fucking weeaboo scum.
I see that image hit a bit close to home.
You can make a claim about shitty VN due to its story and presentation, but stating that a game is shit simply because it is written in english instead of the glorious and superiour japanese is Wapanese faggotry.
Jojo memes are maintsteam, user
It's not because it's written in English, it's correlation rather than causation. I have no issues with Katawa Shoujo for example.
How Doki Doki got as popular as it did is truly baffling. The big "plot twist" isn't even an original idea.
Totono isn't in English, so DDLC players have no idea it exists unless someone tells them where DDLC got it's plot twist from.
I want to be Popuko.
I want to fuck Pipimi
I don't think it translates well to animation. However I'm not gonna start pretending I always hated pop team just because it's now somewhat mainstream.
male voice Popuko + female voice Pipimi is the best combination possible.
Prove me wrong.
Lots of shit fell flat but I also audibly laughed several times and I like liking things that make me laugh
Literally the Evangelion of comedy. If you don't get it on your first watch you're pretty much a brainlet.
The Dark Souls of anime.
my dude
Totono is just DDLC drawn out for 20 hours instead of 4, and featuring voice over/CGs because it's a paid H-games and not a free download
I liked the first episode
I liked the 4-koma
I like the youtube videos that one guy has been putting out for the past few years that's basically the comic cheaply animated with funny noises
Annoying, lame and unfunny. Maybe entertaining to ironic weebs/anti-fans/teens, but whatever.
>Jojo is ironic weebing
man how have times changed
i like the show, to me its like an anime version of tim and erics awesome show
but there is no denying that it attracts the worst piece of shit faggots
Indeed, it attracts people who feel an incessant need to compare it to shitty western shows and complain about the fans of those shows.
holy shit
>watching something even though you don't enjoy it
You're autistic.
WE're just in time to look at the OP
I love the manga, but I think the style is too hectic for an anime. Who knows, we've got 11 more episodes, maybe it'll grow on me.
its good and i like it
No it's more like robot chicken the anime.
I'm not sure you understand what the symptoms of autism are.
bretty good
Bkub-kun is /ourguy/.
Normalfags love JoJos because muh man anime, fuck the moe.
I can't. I do like the combination.
4-koma style delivers the jokes better but eh, we will get more OCs for anime so there's that.
Manga threads are no longer a thing I guess.
I really like the song.
Where's the joke?
Also see how it starts and end with the same TV to be able to loop.
For people who like hieroglyphs also.
Better than I expected honestly.
Where's the joke?
The joke is that the refugee crises is merely the dream of a young japanese school girl who wishes to be a part of something greater than herself.
It's good so far. equal mix of jokes that work and don't work. I still don't understand the "I'm me!" skit
I want Pipimi to fuck you with a strapon while she forces me to watch
I like more the ED male version. It feels a little melancholic.
This, but I also just think it sounds cuter
Popuko Aoi Yuuki
Pipimi Ayana Taketatsu
I really like all the references to the source material sprinkled within the OP itself. Lots of fun, small details.
>Moshi moshi
ddlc did it better
pop team epic is shit
It's like a fever dream. Perfect.
Never droppen an anime so fast.
Normies and reddit will probably love it
Please leave.
Kill yourself faggot.
the joke is the audiences who unironically enjoy this stupid shit
What happened to you Sup Forums?
Dude that how to draw manga book! I could almost taste the middle school flash backs.
honestly who the fuck drinks water
you rolled a 1 on stealth kouhai
Lurk more and post less, friend.
Wow she's swearing, I'm rolling on the floor laughing.
>putting Samurai Flamenco on that pic