From 2ch, Ippo is now a traveler, not a boxer anymore.
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I am this close _ right this close _
this is the line _ between me and suicide.
So now its Owari no Ippo?
Fisherman no Ippo starting soon?
Kamogawa did nothing wrong.
We Ippo's Journey now.
Ippo no Tabi?
He actually did it
He actually kept to his promise
Holy shit
How long until Ippo's suicide?
Just a few centimeters and he's done.
What was the morale of the story?
Do not blindly trust your coach and think for yourself.
Blindly listening to everything dumbass tells you to do is not good for your health.
So are we literally doing all the story beats from Ashita no Joe now?
don't go into boxing. Boxing will fuck you up, especially if you have a terrible coach
Very high, it was literally constantly Yamato Damashi
read cardcaptor sakura
Don't run out of oxygen.
Owari no Ippo
Being the inheritor of a dying boxing form isn't necessarily a good thing.
Don't get punched in the head for a living
always use your head
for blocking punches
That ippo didn't love, listen and worship his coach enough. You gotta put your body and soul into every little drip of information your superior presents to you. Superiors>Life.
He did make a promise, and you don't cure brain damage
>We Rocky V now
Brain Damage is bad, avoid hits to the head
Being a hardheaded faggot only works if you have infinite Gary Stu powers like Takamura. If your Gary Stu powers are limited you need to actually improve and gain skill over time to succeed.
2chan comments
>This is just the first step, he'll be back again.
>I hope the boxing shit ended for real.
>Ashita no Joe 2.0
>How come Takamura ain't travelling.
>It's normal for athlets to become a traveller.
>He can become the fist fighting mercenary.
>Seeing how this isn't the last chapter, the author seems to stretch it out.
>We /gourmetmanga/ now.
>What matters is what makes Ippo feel strong, not boxing itself.
>I think we're about to witness a timeskip and then the real end.
>Now he has time to do 10.000 Dempsey Rolls a day.
And 50 other which is a lot in this short amount of time for 2chan.
>We /gourmetmanga/ now.
>Now he has time to do 10.000 Dempsey Rolls a day.
japs bring the bants
This sounds like it would have been the perfect ending, if Ippo actually fucking maanged to get anywhere in the world.
So is he canonically retarded now?
>He can become the fist fighting mercenary.
Sounds like something Grappler Baki would do.
I like how Kamogawa still didnt apologize.
>it's in his head, after some development he'll get back in the ring and win
It's not brain damage fags btfo
dude look what you did
>ippo has literally retired and is starting a family
>people still in the denial phase
We had a good run
inb4 she finds a new, younger, boxer who will give her the dick
it's guaranteed whoever she finds in japan won't have the monster that ippo does outside of osma
Who plays Tommy Gunn in Sup Forums's Rocky V?
I hope he's saved up his retirement fee
>fist fighting mercenary
Good manga, that one.
did he already give her the D ?
of course not, that would require losing oxygen
Coach apology seppuku any chapter now? It's only what yamatodamashii requires.
CCS anime>manga
he didnt apologize. The chapter is out in nippon where he talks to ippo. He asks him about his career and if he has any regrets.
He says nothing about apologizing.
Looks like she won the ippo bowl for sure
So he's not only an idiot but also a hypocrite and a coward.
I'm not surprised, but I am angry
we farmland saga now?
yeah I never liked Kamogawa and his utter lack of concern over his own fighters while simultaneously critiquing literally everyone else.
To be fair he did seem to have some sort of concern that dankichi talked him out of albeit briefly
Or maybe your just retarded?
A shameless monstrous old man to the end, hope he enjoys losing his second son soon
>Ara ara ara ara
When just ara ara is not enough
If you struggle walking straight and drawing a straight line on paper, maybe one more fight isn't necessary.
here is the ippo/ kamogawa convo
Kamogawa: Which arena has been easiest to fight in?
Ippo: Nowhere had any real issues, but Korakuen Hall is definitely my favorite.
Kamogawa: And any opponent who left an impression?
Ippo: All of them.
Kamogawa: Alright, an opponent you can’t forget?
Ippo: Miyata Ichiro.
Kamogawa: You never fought him, though. Whose punch was strongest?
Ippo: Hmmmmm… Sendo-san was strong enough and had enough pressure to really shake me to the core. It was like “BAM” and your whole body felt it. The most painful was Sawamura-san’s or Date-san’s. Gonzalez-san or Wally-san hit with pinpoint accuracy, like a needle.
Wally-san or Gedo-san were the most surprising.
Kamogawa: So basically, you’re saying they were all strong.
Ippo: Yeah, I guess so.
Kamogawa: That’s just like you to say.
Tell me one more thing…
Ippo: What is it?
Kamogawa: Are you glad you started boxing?
Ippo: Of course!
Kamogawa (thinking): He answered right away… With that happy face just like always. It really is just like him…
Ippo (thinking): Laughing, smiling, with that face. When was the last time he did that… It might be the first time I’ve seen it.
Are you actually defending coach? Didn't know anons like you exist.
This. This is 100% Kamogawa's fault and I legitimately believe ANYBODY in this thread with little to no knowledge of boxing could be a better coach than he would. It doesn't take decades of experience to know if your fighter can't draw a straight line, maybe he shouldn't be punched in the face anymore. I'm pretty sure the #1 thing to learn in boxing is how NOT to get hit, not what to do after you get hit.
>Kamogawa: Alright, an opponent you can’t forget?
>Ippo: Miyata Ichiro.
>Kamogawa: You never fought him, though.
At least George can laugh at himself.
the fanbase went from 90% kamogawa defenders to only like 40% now but they still are a lot. Since he isn't actively called out by Ippo or Takamura or even Aoki/Kimura miss out on how shitty he is.
This past year of ippo brings no joy to me over how many people I had to argue with while calling out kamogawa on dynamite glove. The thing is though Kamogawa is a really good representation of boxing coaches in real life. There are a lot of them that run their fighters into the ground. Miguel Zale even mentions it all the way in the Vorg fight.
>People repeating during years that this won't end like Joe
>Its even worse
>Nowhere had any real issues, but Korakuen Hall is definitely my favorite
That’s literally the only place you fought in, Ippo, because the coach refused to go to America where you can actually earn money.
Fun fact of the day: you don't technically need brain to get it on, the movements are automatic behaviors and therefore governed by stem areas. The hips do move on their own.
Dads are retarded
If you want to become a boxer, you should actually try and dodge punches.
Timeskip Ippo soon.
Picked the fuck up
So is this shit finally over?
mori sent out a tweet saying it's not ending iirc but looks like ippo is done for real. He said his goodbyes to the coach and Kumi is living in his bedroom
So did she leave him?
or did he leave her?
there entire chapter is hereshe was taking care of him like she usually does
Hajime no Sendo incoming
>The hips do move on their own.
My doujins were actually telling the truth all this time?
From the narrative point of view, there is nothing wrong with this. They were struck in a old way of thinking and in an old boxing and he paid the price. Nothing wrong there. I understand that. What's even more, its really nice to see the main character of a series deal with the consequences of his decisions, but still FUCKT IT! after all this years reading this, it just doesn't pay off, it fucking breaks my heart-
censored for rape
Holy shit, I thought this was an all family manga.
rip ippo
Jap shitposters are almost indistinguishable from normal shitposters.
Most likely we are gonna see a timeskip to the point when Ippo and Kumi are already married.
No way Ippo is gonna retake boxing under Kamogawa.
However I secretly wish to see him retiring for good.
Ippo is for the slice of life and comedy while Takamura, Sendo and Mashiba are for the boxing elements.
So he's going to travel around the world to refine his skills like Ryu from street fighter?
Yokohama Kaidashi Hippo
I spent 5 years reading this for nothing. Thanks
kinda like ippo boxing career
i'd read it
Japan has terrible boxing coaches.
>Now he has time to do 10.000 Dempsey Rolls a day.
You can now with Hybaric Oxygen Therapy
How much money did Ippo make with his boxing career? Does he have enough to retire? He won most of his fights but he seemed too poor to even hire some minimum wage chump to help his mom with the fishing business, it was weird.
You can become the strongest, but there will be something to fuck you over on thatpath if you don't pay attention.
Shitposting is the art that brings us all together.