The poll winners will be considered for appearing in the new comic and novels.
Which character should Sup Forums unanimously spam?
Shaman King poll
That's a lot of characters.
Voted for Men
Voted for ma nigga Faust.
of course you did
No Peyote, no buyote.
I want the continuation of Flowers!!!
Marion Phauna
>all those different versions of the same character
They did this only so the MCs dont win to hard right? also >not the cars
>Which character should Sup Forums unanimously spam?
Princess hao
Im going to vote for matamune probably, cant choose between faust or tamao different versions anyway
>They did this only so the MCs dont win to hard right?
I mean that'd work except secondary characters also have plenty of forms.
Rutherfor, I just wanna know more about this alien spirit and why he got the Patch to start the Shaman fights
Smart thinking, pity I went ahead and voted with my dick for the girl I liked the most, damn i wish i could take it back.
Man, you just made me want to read some shamanic adventure in space.
Now wait, second reply best reply
I'd just be happy with a arc dedicated to the G8 and how each individual Shaman King rose to power. We know of Hao, YVS, and the two figures that resemble Jesus and Buddha but the others look really interesting.
Just gimme some backstory please
Faust of course, who else?
Well at least they have much less forms
Guy on the left could be Ra.
Ra, Odin and Dagon are pretty obvious.
First from right and second from left though.
dude weed
What's with the dead rats?
I figured Ra but I didn't make the connection between Dagon and Odin. The guy first from the right is YVS, he made appearances in Flowers.
I wanna see some old Shaman King fights though, like Pascal v. YVS or original Hao v. whoever won the fight 1000 years ago.
Best girl Tamao.
Jeanne is the only good loli so her or humanoid Kororo
Soon I hope.
under utilized canadian qt, pls, and more Faust
they're shamans, they use a lot of weird things, don't ask
Huh, I thought he is a chibi pyramid only. Neat.
>Jesus was a shaman and his guardian spirits where the ghost of his Dad and a white dove
Would be cool, the one next to him is Buddha right?
>whoever won the fight 1000 years ago.
YVS is the one who won 1000 years ago, he is the seventh Shaman King. I guess its based on a pagan god and it would fit with the time
People better be voting for Matamune
He was the best
I really just hope Flowers is declared noncanon.
Shouldn't be 500 years ago?
-1500: Ra
-1000: Dagon
-500: Buddha
0: Jesus
500: Muhammad?
1000: Odin
1500: Capitalism
2000: Princess Hao
Why would Muhammed be before Jesus?
Nvm I misread your chart
This, the other Hanagumi girls are fine too.
Voted for Yoh(the first design)
G8 was a fucking mistake
YVS is jewish
>literally fucking everyone
Impressive but now I want too many of them.
I don't understand why it's broken down by different character designs. What's he planning that could have someone how they looked in SK or SKF?
>original Hao v. whoever won the fight 1000 years ago.
That never happened in Canon because the Asakura Family/Matamune stopped him
Muhammad isn't a god, he's just a prophet
Surely you meant Allah
Allah is the great spirit
More than Dagon that could be someone from Athlantis, the submerged continent
And the big one looks more like Zeus to me, but it doesnt fit the timeline, being -500 Buddhas.
No idea about the second to left tho, could be something Hindu or Aztek
Atzec golden age went from 1300 to 1500
Viking age starte around 750 and reached its peak around 1000
If we take into account a couple of centuries for the new sk to get started and influence a new era it check out
It would be something like
-1500: Atlantys
-1000: Ra
-500: Buddha
0: Jesus
500: Viking
1000: Aztek
1500: Capitalism
2000: Princess Hao