One Piece

Do Minks become human during a lunar eclipse?

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did someone kick that mink on the left in his crotch or something

Her face color is off. Fix it.

Will the cake reach the sunny this chapter?

Don't shit up this thread too.

Don't you think that outfit is sexist? Misogynist even.

I don't like this picture, it defeats the whole point of Carrot. Now she just looks like a shit version of Marguerite

Would you drink poison for one of her kisses?

Let's settle this once for all.

What a hilarious twist would that be

I'm not mexican, but I picked the "I am mexican" option anyway.

You misspelled sexy and milquetoast, and yes. Yes it is.

Aren't these polls shit?


Ay caramba! Cuando Pedro BLANCO???

Would Caesar invent a treatment to eliminate the cramps and pains during the female period?

One Piece threads are filled with spics. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

why are you so creepy nigga, you're obsessed with perospero, ceasar and ivankov

Whose character name is said in this song?

boner plz

Well that explains the luna shits. Most are spics just like on Tumblr

Why are you all obsessed with Carrot?

It's a bunch of waifufags which is much more normal than you asking creepy questions about these particular characters every thread. It's plain disgusting.

>Most shipping in One Piece threads revolves around Sanji
>Turns out most posters are spics

Sanjfags confirmed spics lmfaoooo.

Cuando Sanji negro???

dude are you kidding? she's a walking talking stuffed animal with tits, what's not to love? meanwhile perosfags have an obsession with urine and incest

>meanwhile perosfags have an obsession with urine and incest
That's literally one (1) dude who spams this dumb shit.

Sees this and replies with this To try and deflect. Pathetic, spics love Luffy and luna because you know muh Brazilian.
Failed attempt at damage control, spic. All the Spanish memes posted here a Luffys too lmao


Well lets just hope the shipping stuff will end after this arc ends. Or will it continue with Reverie and Wano?

Its actually the opposite Sanjifags are the white people. Spics are Zolofags. and Jimbe and Luffyfags are LuNanigger(s?)

I thought it was revealed that it was a 10 year old girl who legit thought boys peed sitting down?

No that was roleplaying.

No, we're cutting to another scene.
Probably back to the Luffy v Katakuri fight or maybe Germa.

Don't generalize fag. I don't give a shit about LuNa and I am not a Luffy fag.


You just know Oda's going to churn out a boatload of samurai/ninja/Yamato nadeshiko waifus

2chan is saying we'll see some Gastino this chapter. Who is hype?

Sanji Negro when?

Yes, to declare my love for her.

5ch just confirmed that Big Mom fell into the water and died

Once Sanji reunites with Robin in Wano the Sanji bowl will be over. But we still have Reverie which will bring the Luffy shippers out big time with Vivi and Hancock appearing.

Disgusting. Delete this.


Delightful. Post more



Nope, those are all Luffyfags.

Is Hancock even going to the Reverie? I don't think she is.

Vivi, Rebecca, and Shirahoshi will all get wet over their mutual lust for Luffy. I do want to see Vivi getting a bit jealous of the other girls who want to ride Luffy's Monkey D.

>Cuts her men
>allows her to be severly injured
>bullies a weak woman to look cool
>grabs her against her will
>talks down to her
>calls her a copycat just for looking like someone
>causes a legendary sword to be destroyed
>ruins her dream by holding legendary swords as a pirate
>won't fight a woman because he thinks they are inferior
>Smells like BO
>Saves her men
>becomes their aniki
>protects her from severe injury
>fights a very strong enemy just to help
>gives her directions through the gas
>doesnt think she looks like anyone
>won't even disrespect a knife let alone a legendary sword
>has no legendary sword so doesn't negatively affect her dream
>won't fight women because he is a gentleman of principle
>can hear her tears dropping and smell her pussy juicing
>smells like smoke(she likes Smokey guys)
Are there people that actually and unironically believe Tashigi wouldn't be better with Sanji than Zoro?

>spics make up a half of these threads
muy bien

Second one in the right is my favorite.


>still haven't seen Carrot's bare feet

Hancock is the ruler of Amazon Lily in addition to being the Captain of the Kuja pirates.

>Le 42% thread

Chances of Oda skipping Luffy vs Katakuri? How long till this arc is over

Who will be the next one being defeated? Dogtooth or el Grande Madre?

Big Mom is not getting defeated this arc.

Por que no los dos?

Arc is 99% sure going to end at chapter 899-900.

omfg dude stop. This is too much for me

In the same panel? Will Luffy bazooka Dogtooth into his Mom?

>Hancock appearing in Reverie
>Sanji ending up with Robin
One of them is wrong.

What the fuck is wrong with that guy?

Is this what Magellan has been doing all this time?

el grande madre sounds so cool, missed opporunity there oda

Wouldn't it be "La grand madre"?

Uzumaki Khan, apparently "famous" for being REALLY FUCKING excited about anime. Started as a Narutard, and didn't like Bleach, but started watching it an apparently became a huge One Piece addict. Literally every reaction I've ever seen of him is losing his shit

Charlotte uses masculine when talking about herself.

I wonder if Zeus can merge with her hair too

I wanna kiss you but I want it too much
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison

When are we getting Ippo (blanco)?

Heh jokes on you whiteboi

Yo soy colombiano

Why does Mihawk carry a tiny knife in his necklace?

Nami likes em blonde

What if instead of saying "thank you" Merry had said in his funeral "OH GOD I'M BURNING OH GOD IT HURTS OH GOD WHY OH GOD AAAAAAHHHH WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS I LOVED YOU GUYS WHHHHYYYY"?


didn't you hear him? he doesn't need a cannon to hunt a rabbit.

you think he's gonna pull his giant ass sword whenever he wants to eat a steak?

To cut his steaks.


I'm Spaniard, those that count?

Sometimes it helps to have a tiny knife on hand

Its his eating knife because he need a utensil, as he is a civilized pirate.

He also uses it one people that are too confident in their own ability.

>24 Unique posters in thread
>Meme poll has 66 total votes

Well looks like someone's cheating. This is why polls are a joke. Most people here are spics.

Merry deserves it, she is an obvious witch, she never swims but can manage never to sink. Since aqua lagoona confirmed she was a witch by proving she couldn't drown they had to burn her.

Her name is LinLin

You don't call people by their name if you respect them.

Remember that one Luffy Nami shipper rigged his poll that one time.
It seems that is him since it appears according to this thread
he hates being called a spic

There are a lot of lurkers desu

Stop being autistic.

Calling someone by their surname without a title is even less respectful.


Fuck you faggot. I ship sana and I'm a spic. Theres literally nothing wrong with being mexican puta.

>stronger Moria becomes fat
>stronger Big Mom becomes skinny

Will returned Prime Moriah split Wano in two?

man i'm actually rereading some east blue right now and the fucking fodder is unsufferable. literally commenting over every single thing the main players do, goddamn

he'll split nami's whore legs in two