Be honest Sup Forums, how many of you identified with him?
Be honest Sup Forums, how many of you identified with him?
I still have control over face to face interaction but otherwise I'm Souichi.
Many girls love me too.
I thought you had to be 30 for the magic powers to kick in.
I didn't encounter a single human worth cursing so far, although I was super physically busy during my teen years so it's maybe why.
>identifying to a little shit
fuck off to /r9k/ and /trash/
He's /ourguy/
They made another Junji Ito anime? Did they add unnecessary lewd scenes into it? I remember they fucked up Gyo adaptation.
Ongoing tv series, only one ep is out so far, they picked a sol story for the first one and it was fine.
Ito's stuff tends to be very unsettling, yet both his manga, and now the anime are comfy as hell to me. I'm not complaining
wow, that's a tough post
I hate ourguy meme
Only some of his works, he has plenty of a completely comedic ones.
But OP didn't say ourguy anywhere, user.
Alright calm down there Chad
>said the butthurt manchild while typing his message furiously like a degenerated autist
*tips fedora*
You should ask to Sup Forums.
Can we talk instead about how beautiful Tomie is?
>Not knowing how to cross-link
>being scared of spiders
No I'm not a faggot.
Spiders are gross. You're gross. The world is better off without spider lovers.