The only character worth watching in this mediocre show is now dead until who knows when. What now?
Yugioh VRAINS Episode 35 Cast List Episode 35: もう一つのロスト事件 – Mou Hitotsu no Rosuto Jiken
(The Other Lost Incident)
In order to save LINK VRAINS from destruction, Playmaker heads to the Tower of Hanoi. However, standing in his way is Spectre! Playmaker tries to deal big damage to Spectre, but Spectre’s Sun Avalon combo prevents him from doing that. In this Duel, Playmaker learns about Spectre’s shocking past…
Why is Spectre's VA so good? I could listen to him forever
Christopher Williams
Its been more than 20 episodes since Yusaku and Aoi last met IRL. The episode of Aoi discovering Yusaku is Playmaker better be HUGE
Isaiah Wright
Why are the ARC-V girls so much better than the VRAINS ones?
Oliver Jenkins
That's a pretty shallow reason to care for a Yu-Gi-Oh! show if you only watched it for Aoi
Austin Myers
The show is that bad but im mainly watching for nostalgia and because i miss ARC-V
Tyler Davis
I fell off the ARC-V train around episode 70. How well did it end, and is VRAINS worth picking up?
Dylan Harris
So did Ai get killed or something?
David Butler
Eli Jenkins
Asked the cereal user to make the clusterfuck crisps and had some anons from back then return like Dennisfag, Chaos Goddess user and Northwemko user Don't worry user I'm also still here because of the fun threads back then Just rewatching 5D's since that is one of the shows that still holds well
We crashed pretty hard after the last season turned out to be pretty hard to sit through so finish it at your own risk user It was a fun ride but the Yu-Gi-Oh! community on Sup Forums is now mostly dead and doesn't discuss or make as much OC as we used to
Hope you all can atleast enjoy Vrains as much even though it has some production issues with recaps and BUY LINKS I can only wish for now that we get as hyped again for this show as we did for Arc-V
Mason Evans
>How well did it end It ended terribly. The only good thing about it was Yuya and Yuzu's relationship so if you shipped them you will like it. >VRAINS worth picking up? If you dropped ARC-V at episode 70 then chances are VRAINS will kill you from boredoom so no.
Anthony Powell
I bet Spectre's true ace is a tree with boobs.
Daniel Perry
I hope so and if it is she’s already claimed as my waifu. Dryads are the best afterall.
Angel Peterson
If Koishi played yugioh what deck would she use?
Bentley Robinson
I do appreciate that you're trying your best on reviving these threads
It wasn't a mistake early on but it turned into one
Julian Morris
>The only good thing about it was Yuya and Yuzu's relationship so if you shipped them you will like it I think you mean the OST and the girls because their relationship was horrific. They were separated for about 75% of the fucking series.
Julian Taylor
Yeah but Yuzu got naked to save Yuya and in the end all Yuya could think of was Yuzu.
Ryan Nelson
why are there two fucking threads
Tyler Howard
The trips of going over have spoken!
Landon Hill
H-He just disappeared!
Into the other thread!
Luke Russell
Is anyone still here or did you all drive into the other thread?