Unironically, why do sub groups upload to any site other than pantsu when these features exist?

Unironically, why do sub groups upload to any site other than pantsu when these features exist?

Because pantsu is an excuse of a website built in a stupid language by a bunch of amateurs that focus on making logos and mascots with annoying sound effects instead of learning how to make a fucking scrapper.
Now the pantsu cartel will try to call me a shill because that's the only thing they know how to do, if they used al the time they wasted on shitposting on making a funcitonal website all the initial users would have stayed with them instead of moving to nyaa.si

You have a very in depth angry reply, but somehow it didn't answer my question at all. Why wouldn't you use this to upload when it automatically uploads everywhere else? Waste of time.

>uses the Portuguese flag for Portuguese fansubs (even though the majority of people downloading are in Brazil)
>uses the Spanish flag for Spanish fansubs (even though the majority of people downloading are in Mexico)

>uses the US flag for English fansubs

Fuck pantsu.

Does this really upset you?

I just wish the standard for subgroups would be to put their fucking names after the series title so I could find files in folders by typing their names.

It does. I saw him post it in a different thread the other day.


That's some serious autism.

How are you supposed to use any of the IDs? What value is there to tying the torrent to an AniDB ID?

So are you Brazilian or Mexican? Or worse, """"""chicano""""""

How can I trust that it works if it is made by the same retards that can't make a scrapper?
It did answer the question, retard. Nobody wants to use a dead website to share things.

You could try it once? Also, the scraper was fine til it got blocked

Just fucking adblock the flag images then.

>the scraper was fine til it got blocked
You mean it was working fine when it created duplicated entries? Great feature.

I'll just stick to the cartel

Speaking of, they now allow Doki releases, so I don't think it's much of a cartel anymore.

Has nyaa.si ever blocked subgroups from uploading? The cartel mostly just blackballed pantsu from getting subs

We already have our go-to website. No matter how many times you or others try to shove pantsu down our throats, it's simply not happening. Please get over it.

I don't really care where users go, I'm just curious why subgroups wouldn't take advantage of this

Then your question regarding why sub groups go to other sites is sort of redundant. If you don't care where users go, then why bother asking questions?

You're stupid.

You didn't actually look at the image in the OP, did you?

You know Sup Forums is dead when they turn on pantsu from the get-go.

Sup Forums loves Daiz now

They kept all the old block lists when the site started.

For what purpose? How did Nyaa.si win this fight?

>For what purpose
cartel autism, nothing else

There was no fight.

HorribleSubs refused to upload to pantsu

For one nyaa.pantsu.cat is 8 characters too many.

Don't know about now but at the launch, si had accurate seed count and pantsu didn't for months.

>How did Nyaa.si win this fight?
((They)) created some bullshit drama because ((someone)) made a [[joke]] and then HS said they weren't going to upload to Pantsu.
...and then they blocked the scraper after allowing it for a little bit.

why was doki or whoever else banned?

cartel autism

Is that really the kind of thing that would drive that many people away? I think the horriblesubs explanation makes more sense


why are beaners always so mad at their European parents

Anyone notice how captchas now have a warning for siteowner to upgrade? Fuck.

I'm British, I'm saying it should be the UK flag.

Anglo autism, the most powerful kind

there were threads in like nov or something
iirc v1 ends in march

because its their parents fault that they have low IQs and have higher crime rates, for breeding with braindead indians

i don't blame them for chimping out. they actually have a reason, unlike niggers

It should be the US flag. Union Jack denotes Arabic.

So now what, are we forced to use the image captcha?

>.si won
If you're getting transtlated stuff, sure. Pantsu won the raws, hard.

You could get a Sup Forums pass

Haha well memed my mutt friend

Have .si and pantsu released any traffic totals since launch? Are the Japanese still like 70% of page views?

supposedly a number of people considering leaving
unless an hiro gives an unlikely alt avoiding shekels, enjoy the rake up the arse

Ahhahahah, good one.
Wait, are you serious? Let me laugh harder. Ahem.

That's what I hear

I genuinely think it's worth it never to have to do any captcha

After this ad fiasco there is no way I would buy a pass.


Why only post those days?

I'm sure if .si had all the .jp traffic that pantsu gets, they'd be offline way more than that.

I feel like .si doesn't get the translated stuff that quickly either.

They get english anime as quick as you can, which is pretty much all that matters for the averag Sup Forumsnon. It's unfortunate.

.si gets more Japanese traffic. Pantsu just has a higher % of their traffic being Japanese.

>all the .jp traffic that pantsu gets
Prove it.

Horrible subs said they wouldn't upload to patsu because the devs were a bunch of shady amateurs.



Why would that stop them?

I don't know ask them, the whole torrent scene is shady I don't know what they're worried about.

It's just an excuse. The real answer is that they're a major part of the cartel, and the cartel wanted to see pantsu fail

Meanwhile, anidex is pretty fucking comfy these days. Fuck the nyaautists.

Yes, they had the chance to defeat the cartel.

si vs Pantsu

>The real answer is that they're a major part of the cartel, and the cartel wanted to see pantsu fail
you say this as if it is well known fact. Do you have any proof?

Same members

Cartel shills are working overtime because they've been getting indirectly blamed for batoto/doujinstyle going down.

>cartel spends the first two months claiming they aren't hostile and that not blocking the scraper is proof
>proceeds to block the scraper once it becomes evident Pantsu is here to stay
What a cancerous group of faggots holy fuck. Also interesting that their site's already infected with the Google botnet.

Because we were actual kings

Because it wasn't working for the longest time. It'll save me some hassle if it's finally up.

They got their site to just werk faster than pantsu did. All of the other bullshit they did doesn't matter in the end because their site hit target uptime, timely uploads, and working RSS first.

>For one nyaa.pantsu.cat is 8 characters too many.
This. Also the Cartel used their usual dirty tricks.

Who do you upload for?

I really want to like pantsu... I really do. ;_;

What's stopping you at this point? I mean, other than that no one wants to upload to it for some reason

That internal server error.

Yeah, that'd be annoying. I haven't really run into it, but it would bug me a lot

>>uses the Portuguese flag for Portuguese fansubs (even though the majority of people downloading are in Brazil)
Kill yourself you fucking retard. It's pt, not pt-br.

Cartel won't let their power go away

Good thing. The cartel is actually able to make something workable day 0. Reimu is right, Pantsudev is underestimating a lot of shit.

Who the fuck cares about this you stupid subhuman?

>nyanpatsuu xD
Fuck those meme spouters.

>We already have our go-to website.
Is it nyaa.si user? I bet it's nyaa.si isn't it user. I mean, there's several other sites you could be talking about, but nyaa.si is just the one everyone has to be seen to be using if they want to avoid looking follish on the internet. I mean, nyaa.si just look at how nice it looks with its little hyperlinky thing all casual-like, nyaa.si isn't he kind of place run by horrific shitters who shill their shit on Sup Forums constantly, falseflagging like faggots, no, nyaa.si is a patrician's playground.

I love nyaa.si and would never even CONSIDER using any other non-cartel service, and that's how I know I speak for everyone when I say: everyone uses nyaa.si.

In other news, go fuck yourself, TT never let me down yet.

Are there still people who don't just add every site to the qbittorrent search plugin and then use that?

Didn't some subbers say they don't put stuff on pantu is because they are racist? I believe HorribleSubs said this.

It's nyanpasu, you uncultured swine.

Pantsu runs like shit but at least it isn't a cartel site. That upload to Anidex feature is sweet too.


It's a way to search for shows that have tons of alternate names.

Not allowing niggersubs is a good thing.

As opposed to trained cartel professionals
