I feel empty after binging this show, I signed up for tits and gore, not depression. Yes obviously I didn't read the source material.
I feel empty after binging this show, I signed up for tits and gore, not depression...
At least it ended with an important message.
you get what you deserved then
Then go read it.
I signed up for depression and all I got was pointless tits and gore and godawful pacing.
Why the fuck would you sign for depression with Devilman?
Threads like this.
God doesn't hate fags.
>Actual fag teamed with the demons
Satan was literally a tranny from heaven
Ragyo needs a haircut
and yes I know what that's from
In the Devilman universe he sure does.
seems like the guy who made kill la kill was more than a bit inspired by devilman
>falling for cheap emotional pandering
Former gain staff inspired by devil man? doubtful.
>Former Gainax staff.
damn it.
I don't, what's that from? A doujin?
Google detects that it has to do with Devilman but only gives back tumblr pages for some reason.
Neo Devilman
I see, I've only read the original. Thanks mate.
Some user from here compiled a list of Demonbro stuff to read/watch in order
- Mao Dante
- OG Devilman & Neo Devilman, the stuff in Neo Devilman also happens around the timeline of the original
- Devilman Lady, a direct sequel of the original
- the Violence Jack shit, this is half canon and half Nagai pulling shit out of his ass but one thing for sure is that it kinda happens sometime after or around the time the stuff in Devilman Lady happened
- Devilman Saga, isn't finished yet though from what I can tell, but apparently it is going to end the Devilman story once and for all
The animoos are complimentary and the Apocalypse of Devilman stuff is kind of a what-if scenario if Amon managed to take over Akira, but considering the nature of the stories it's possible it's yet another one of the time loops.