Evil Mastermind Behind the Fall of Anime

>said anime is dying back in 2006
>good anime were still being made up to 2006
>anime plummeted in quality after 2006
It seems as though they predicted the future but what if instead, 4kids were the ones who instigated it by pulling some strings somehow? It's a plot of revenge for the harsh criticisms they got for doing their job. All the pieces seem to fit.

2001 to 2005 were the dark ages of anime


Naisu beito.

Perhaps they're in cahoots with KyoAni during the Haruhi incident, juuninenmai.

Or it was just Daiz

ITT: Things 4kids did right

But the state of anime right now is much better than it was in 2006.

Early Pokémon.

Here, have a jelly filled donut.

>implying the change didn't make the scene better

>4kids fault for japanese producing crap

>4kids were the ones who instigated it by pulling some strings
They'd just have to manipulate the production of anime, maybe by influencing the market.

If we didn't have 4kids than we couldn't have those fun threads were we theorize how 4kids could fuck up certain anime.

the whole market is in japan.
go back to /r/flat earthers

They are literally the only reason Ultimate Muscle got an actual ending.

>caring about ultimate muscle

>>caring about ultimate muscle
You can go back to your boruto thread now.

No. Its Cool Japan being cheap as fuck. They went from spending like 80 billion yen a year on boosting Japan's foreign view down to 16 billion yen and at the same time being cheap as fuck with their funding, forcing studios to look to China for animation. 4KIDS has no bearing on QUALITY except for actual cuts and Daiz style translations

nice jelly donut!

Jelly filled are my favorite, nothing beats a jelly filled donut.

At least Boruto's not a shitty ugly show.