Boku No Hero Academia

How would you all kill off Inko for more Deku suffering?

Izuocha never ;_;

how about killing deku

Why kill that nice woman when you can kill Deku and/or Bakushit instead?

It'd be pointless, unnecessary "suffering", since Inko doesn't even show up anymore

Gay. The only parent thats likely to die is Daddy Eugenics.

>I-it would be pointless, bad writing, etc...
>offers replacement sacrifice
Sounds like Inko dying would break your heart, all the more reason for Hori to do it

Deku is perfect. No more suffering, please.


Thats not it at all.

He would be a lot more enjoyable if he had that grin in the manga instead of looking like a worried baby.

That gif alone is more badass than his fight with Chisaki.


How do we break the Deku?

Kill All Might.
Kill Inko.
Kill Urakaka.

He needs to suffer until he learns how to fucking fight. No more of this shitty "I just need MOAR OFA" bullshit, he needs to learn not to telegraph harder than a fucking Dark Souls boss.

All Might.

As of now, Inko doesn't have much bearing on the plot. Ochako dying would put him in a rut but he would get over it. All Might is irreplaceable to both Deku and the audience.

Which one makes it past 50 chapters?

Deku forced to choose between Inko and All Might

>Inko doesn't have much bearing on the plot
We've seen more than enough of how much they care for one another for her death to significantly impact him. Just admit the thought of it horrifies you personally

Why is Ochako even an option?

Her role isn't as crucial to Deku as All Might's, but yes if I had to narrow my options to two people, it would be Inko and AM.

Ochako is the first one out.

Nobody wants that stupid edgeshit and would rather have an important hero take the rare death for plot/villain purposes.

All Might can’t die yet, he has so much more suffering left to do. They are both dead men walking, but Endeavor will go first or at least get his quirk removed

Fucking neither.

How about having Deku grow without some generic kill the loved one shit?

Who the fuck cares about her? All Might will be the one who'll die slow, painful death, driving Deku mad.

well he learnt full cowl very fast, so

Endeavor. All Might is wrapped in death flags, while Endeavor dying wouldn't have an emotional impact on anyone but AM and Shoto (if any).

Better kill Deku and leave Bakugo as the MC.

>Nobody wants that stupid edgeshit
Cliches are cliches for a reason user

Stop. This meme will never catch up.

>Emotional Impact

Thats not the main point of taking down Endeavor though. Its to further fuck up the heroes by yet again destroying their top hero and shaking up things.

And Endeavor is absolutely going to fail.

Bakugo got nearly double the votes Deku got in the recent poll, and the gap will only widen over time. It's definitely not a meme.

He has killed like 1 character thus far. And there are a few more ahead of Inko on the death list.

He couldn't even kill Ingenium ffs. And he was literally fighting the Hero Killer.

>AfO wants to steal Deku's quirk
>freelance villains are now hunting him down with the promise of VA dollars
>Deku is forced into hiding
>one of them invites himself into Inko's home
>tries milking her son's location out of her
>Deku races home to save mum
>arrives just as things escalate
>fight happens
>Inko gets caught in crossfire
>ded mum
>escaped villain
>MADMAN unleashed

>Wanting Bakugo as the MC

Killing someone to instill drama is a cheapshot. Hori may be a mediocre writer but he still has more integrity than that.


I dont understand the second panel.

The only way this could be better is if there was no way of knowing who killed her. It would eat at him for eternity.

How is KiriMina canon?

But who will replace Endeavor? Who's the number 3 hero? or i guess number 2 now


That’ll be the excuse to reveal the guy, although I’m not really why his identity is a secret in the first place

Avatarfags who shitpost and are incredibly stupid

You'll meet them soon.
Well, it isn't canon yet, but it's leading up to that. Shame, I liked my crackship

I’m a faggot but I keep imagining Inko getting kidnapped by Shiggy but her sweet nurturing motherly influence has a taming effect on him before we learn that she and Nana actually are related. Shiggy still remains evil but lets her go and tells Izuku he’s got an amazing mommy.

It’s not, but Kirishima is the new leader in the clubhouse for the Alienbowl

Well we can't kill All Might yet, he also needs to suffer more.

I don't recognize those avatars

They will reveal the guy and he'll be the one Deku interns under next. And he will be the guy Deku eventually replaces when he becomes Number 1.

Cap this.

we know all might, endeavor, best jeanist, paper ninja guy, lesbian dragon girl, and orca,all of those are in the top ten.Am i missing someone?

I know AM doesn't count anymore

i think only the one on the right has been around the past two weeks, surprised you havent seen him

I completely agree, and the hero is going to be Shiina

It’s just those 5 that we know for now.

0 - All Might
1 - Endeavor
2 - ??
3 - Best Jeanist (temp leave)
4 - Edgeshot
5 - ??
6 - ??
7 - ??
8 - ??
9 - Ryukyu
10 - Gang Orca

I figured since both Ryukyu and Gang Orca are officially introduced after AM's retirement, their rankings are the present one.

2 - Crawler__

I think the most likely thing to happen is Endeavor fucks up in some way and villainy increases 5000 percent instead of him succeeding as a symbol like All Might.

Watch it be the bunny guy from Hori's old work, the same one that he took Gang Orca from.

Who wants to bet Hori makes some chucklefuck on the top 10 list "unknown" somehow? Like we have a Giovanni-from-Pokemon moment where someone actually spouts bullshit along the lines of "it's a total mystery who the #8 hero is! He's never revealed himself!" even though it's literally a fame list.

>last two chapters
Why, of all the stupid shit to do you make a kinder garden filler with toilet level jokes? You could draw an awsome fight of an old man and Black Mist. It would be so much better and entertaining.
I really don't get it.

It's Deku's dad, who's working abroad in some Avengers/Justice League.

All-Might works alone to keep OFA secret and Endeavor is obsessed with surpassing All-Might in Japan's ranking.

But his dad's in Tartaros though.

Shounen isn't all about battles. It's about caring about the characters too and it needs comedy.

In retrospect, which of these arcs will be looked upon favorably?
>Hero License Exams 1.0
>Yakuza Raid

He’s been doing a few comedic chapters in between arcs for most of series


It’s called a breather.


I hope the anime fills out that fight when it gets there.

Whens birb and Mei coming back?

Never write anything ever.

USJ or Yakuza, the license exam was mostly underwhelming, with a few nice moments here and there.

As soon as Ochako and Iida do something of importance and Deku stops being a bitch.

birb when hes revealed as the traitor
mei when ___________she dies

I want more Mei boobs for chapter 200. Birb is dead.

Delete this

Birb is not the traitor. Or else he would not have been turned into a marble or take out Moonfish.

burgerland arc w h e n
hori needs to show the birthplace of heroes eventually

>being this new

>tfw no adventures of Deku, Kaminari, Memema, and Horse in Burgerland

Obviously Compress was trying bring Bird back home now that his mission was complete.

It's not, that's why everyday until canon

Gotta use that sigil magic to bring about the OTP

>Deku suffering
mediocre and stale
>Iida suffering
like fine wine

Stain breaking out and crippling Iidas parents when?

Because the vocal minority of autists couldn't handle heroes doing hero things so Hori has to appease them with cucky SoL shit.

KIll Bakugou
Deku don't give a fuck about Uravity

I want to stuff Momo full of delicious, heavy, fattening food for the sole purpose of optimizing her Quirk.

Mineta doesn't like fat cows

Even the biggest Tumblr landwhale would be FAAAAAAR out of Shitneta's league.

ITT: heroes who will go on to have great porn careers

3 episodes to start the next season
>1) mom im home for summer break, oops i saved you from this urban villain urchin haha isnt it cool how much ive grown in just a year
>2) things are relatively peaceful, uraraka visits, meets inko, deku gets embarassed because he isn't used to having sexier feelings. league of villains are stirring up trouble in another prefecture, probably gets handled by gran torino and all might in a heroic duo scene that makes all might feel sentimental re: deku
>3) league of villains get all saucy and decide to attack deku while he's out and about with Inko and Uraraka. Inko gets killed, likely as a psychological tactic against Deku, who uses an unprecedented level of power from his quirk, shattering basically his whole skeleton out of rage. school is starting up again soon...

>bonus: 4) all might isn't teaching again this year...deku visits him upon request to find him donning a respirator and a saline drip.

this is loss

Midnight and Sero's quirks are the perfect combo for rape. He should be her sidekick in the future.


You better be talking about Sero, Midnight is pure

Quick post suffering Dekus

Chloroform Cake and Bondage Boy


Something looks off in the perspective

Imagine how satisfying the bullying would be if it was Mineta instead of Deku.

There is nothing sweeter in this world than tears of a winner broken.

I would love for Bakugo to get hit by one of those quirk removing bullets, just the temporary ones though.

I'm confused, does Deku have AfO?