Dropped. Fucking cunt.
Dropped. Fucking cunt
great thread OP
Did she hit too close to home?
don't worry she doesn't have a vagina
Shut the fuck up. You don't just laugh at a man's penis like that you stupid bitch. How many dicks has that cocksucker sucked to fucking show this kind of reaction.
>There will probably be no season 3
Vol 5 is shit anyway
will she be the one to torpedo SS Explosion?
>no pan
A true goddess of Stacies
No she doesn't like dicklets. You must be at least 8 inches for Aqua.
Stop with this stale meme.
It makes me smile knowing dozens of /r9k/ babydicks dropped the anime at this exact moment
I canceled my preorder too. Enjoy never getting a third season, faggot.
>a man
there's your problem. You are no man in the first place; you never were a man.
How do you know?
A lot, promiscous degenerates are the worst
That was a cute reaction though
Aqua sama is the best
Worth it, tbqh
Like I recognize that these threads are like 80-90% bait, but the mere idea of someone being made so buttmad will likely sustain me until the day I die
I've waited long enough, someone explain what the fuck user meant by this
what did he mean by this?
To sow grain in a field you need to use a hoe, such as Aqua.
5 inches master race
He was in the bath HE WAS IN THE BATH!!!
Fuck off George
>That one post where some user got incredibly pissed over the scene
Its laughable huh
>tr. "I have a babydick and I'm an insecure faggot to boot who tried to self insert into the MC, but when he was more like me than I thought I got triggered."
It's okay to have a smol benis.
So long as you don't put it into women. That would be very disappointing