OST released today
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
First for Horikita a best.
Ichinose is objectively the best, user.
I wonder who will start the bullshit
>Muh Whorikitafag
>Muh Keishitter
Both are shit
Would my opinion that Kushida is best girl change if I read the LNs?
Depends on how far you read the LN.
We're supposed to drop our spaghetti around her until it's revealed that she's a traitor on vol 6.
God tier:
Karuizawa, Ichinose, Sakayanagi.
High tier:
Shiina, Sakura, Hasebe.
Mid tier:
Hoshinomiya, Chabashira, Sato.
Low tier:
Horikita, Kushida, Ibuki.
There's no good song in the OST though.
Next time just use the name Classroom of the Elite as the thread's title, user.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Can you faggots fuck off with these shitty threads already. I took a look at the AS thread and yeah, based on the posting style, a lot of the people that post here also post in the AS forums. At least now you faggots know where the cancer is coming from.
OP here, I used to be active in these threads but tinfoil-kun and degenerate waifufag-dono eventually gave me cancer so I stopped posting.
I hope they go away
I'm okay with this.
No I won't, I'm a weeb so I might go full on weeb.
Horikita-chan is cute. CUTE
We know, Sudo.
Should I start reading the LN again?
God tier:
Horikita, Ichinose, Sakayanagi
High tier:
Shiina, Hasebe, Sato
Mid tier:
Karuizawa, Hoshinomiya, Chabashira, Sakura
Low tier:
Kushida, Ibuki
That meme only applies when Horikita's first name is being used. At least get it right.
God tier:
High tier:
Literally everyone else beside ibuki
Nagumo is literally the perfect boy for Ichinose, and I say this as an Ichinosefag.
Okay, pre-volume 5 Sudo.
Best girl Kei awaits for you.
Joke character like Yamauchi and Ike. What's the point when it was hardly a thing at all in the story?
But Sudo being part of Horikita's development is not a joke.
We're talking about pre-volume 5.
And pretty. We know, Ayanokouji.
>Ayanokouji giving a shit about Horikita
Ayanokouji thinks she's cute and pretty and wished to see her with a genuine smile.
She was a useful tool than Kei.
Ayanokouji disagree
I don't see how. She was his cover and leader figurehead.
He thinks every girl is cute or hot.
Ergo, isn't wrong.
Someone was arrested emailing threats to Kei's voice actress.
We almost lost season 2.
Emilia is that you?
A reminder that Kiyotaka pulled Kei into the pool with him and saw a glimpse of her smile, he said that it's worth seeing. 3 volumes later, he claimed that Kei must remain as his girl and will be there for her. A promise and a declaration. The closest one with getting such treatment and development is Sakura, but Kiyotaka is too oblivious of her, and doesn't even bother getting Sakura involved in his schemes. Till now she doesn't know the real him. His date with Satou will trigger more flags for Kei and Kiyotaka since the boy himself contacted her, it is implied that it could be for dating advice or, more keikaku. Volume 7.5 couldn't come much sooner.
Kei is a miracle of the universe.
>Blocks Sakura's path
Is he emailing deaththreats to Rem's voice actor as well? He's quite the emiliafag.
>Police: Suspect is former leader of Taketatsu's fan club
Why? She doesn't stand out in any way.
They are made for each other.
>Using the japanese name
Just don't let him make the thread next time he isn't TL user so I don't give a shit
>Using the japanese name
Shut the fuck up ironic weeb
Fuck off cancer this is an ENGLISH Board
They protect each other, they attack together. Truly Bonnie and Clyde of the series.
End yourself normie faggot get out of the thread
Kill yourself
I bet you like Horikita too fag
I'm a Ichinosefag actually, so go screech somewhere else tinfoil-kun.
I wonder what kind of gift will 50% gets. Homemade chocolate? Homemade sweets? Whatever it is, they better cuddle.
Nice false flag
You're the reason I stopped posting in these threads.
You're the embodiment of cancer itself, I sincerely hope you and your whole family gets nuked by a terrorist organization, have a good day!
The threads where good without you
worthless weeb scum
Go back to facebook where you belong.
And don't forget your fedora!
Shush Nagumo, I know you will dick her hard this Christmas and in the StuCo arc. Calm your chimpo down.
>I am genuinely jealous
Ichinose is literally perfect
>think he's insulting Sup Forumsnons by calling them weeb
I bet you're a dumb Keifag.
Fuck off Horikitafag
Why are you automatically assuming he's a horikitafag?
I agree. It's a crime to keep her body for just one guy. We need to give her our points for her great services. Business is business.
A perfect slut
Horikitafags are jelous of Kei
Post more Ichinose I don't have yet user please
You thought wrong.
>*Transfer points to Ichinose*
>Bend down Honami I'm going to ravage you from the back
>Okay, i like it that way and please play with my boobs too
>Thanks, can I do anal too?
>Sure, but that would require more points. I can offer you a threesome with my homeroom teacher as well and of course, that also require more points.
Fuck she's hot as a slut.
Projecting isn't a nice thing to do.
Stop hiding behind a cripple Horikitafag
>unzips pants
Hiding behind a Horikitafag? That doesn't make sense at all, dumbass.
>FPBP was for Horikita
>Homemade chocolate? Homemade sweets?
Yes please. The gift normally reserved for Valentine's, but she just couldn't wait.
Aah that'll be the first gift he's ever received won't it, bet he'll smile unknowingly again.
Personally I'd like if it were something he could put in his empty room and be reminded of kei by it. But I don't think she knows it's empty nor what kind of thing he would like (he probably doesn't know either). Tho Kei the gyaru might think of something like that that's neat for a guy to have.
Kill yourself Horikitafag
I don't care at this point if you believe me or not, but holy shit you don't handle banter well. I was messing with you since you attacked an Ichinosefag the same way.
Stop responding to him, he's obviously retarded.
? I'm the second quote and I'm just saying you're projecting, which isn't a nice thing to do.
>unbuttons shirt
>take both Hoenami and Hoeshinomiya to the store room
>mission starts
>transfer points later
>Does nothing but be smug for three minutes on screen
>Instantly becomes favorite next along Ichinose
What is wrong with me, Sup Forumsnons
I think the reason why he is being like this is pretty obvious, but I fear saying it would result in him spazzing out like woah.
>You won't be walking tomorrow after I'm done with you tonight, Karuizawa
Smug loli with bitching hat. It can't be helped.
>Satou and Karuizawa
>Hasebe and Sakura
The friendship levels are off the fucking chart here, anons. How can four girls have such deep ties of friendship? This is the start of a lifelong friendship between these girls. I especially like how Hasebe does everything in her power to help Sakura get 50%'s affections. She's such a bro and absolute best wingwoman. Sakura's lucky to have a friend like her.
Boys keep on spending points on her. She's basically a moving brothel.
Must the first reply I receieve upon entering be from a hater telling me to kill myself? This war certain you-who-know xfags take and propagate sure is serious business.
I love Horikita I fucking love her!!
sensei a best
Best VA
I prefer Kushida's. That switch she does where she goes from the angelic Kushida to bitch Kushida makes me rock hard every time I listen to it.
The OSTs are so half-assed. Hopefully if we get a second season or just OVAs, they better give us edm trap banger, or just rocks since nips are good at it.
>edm trap
>Our main slut.
She's canonically not confirmed a slut though.
I wonder if they will stay as friends after 7.5
>Fashion terrorist x fashionista
for now
Are any of them really side characters if they all have main character hair? Or is Tomose just so best at drawing everyone, even the mobs?
Ara ara ara you're in for a ride soon user.