Which would you rather have as your maid?
Which would you rather have as your maid?
Sella because she would cook and clean.
Liz wouldn't even flush the toilet
Left if its just housework.
Right for night services.
Sella because she actually does her job.
If Liz wants to lay around and be eye candy, that's fine too.
I'm afraid I'd have to take Sella, but I'd really prefer it if both of them were in my employ.
How about neither
Both so I can rape them
Both, Sella for actual maid duties and Liz for cuddling and lewd night duties.
One is a bitch, one is a retard. I pick Kohaku.
I'll take the neighbor's maid thank you.
What sort of night services?
Sella for both maid duties and lewd activities.
The one with boobies
Changes your bedsheets if you wet yourself
Why did she take off her shoes to walk through broken glass? That's a terrible maid.
But that makes her an even better maid, risking her feet for the purpose of being respectful and not wearing shoes indoors.
>Why did she take off her shoes to walk through broken glass?
Only plebs walk with shoes indoors.
I just noticed why doesn't Liz button her shorts?