I literally didn't care about any of the 'characters' in this show.
I literally didn't care about any of the 'characters' in this show
Nice blog post user. Link for your Patreon?
Nobody cares
you guys are being really mean to me :( stop
I did
so your argument is invalid
>Released by netflix
>Same ones who released the "Castlevania Anime"
>Having the word Crybaby in the title
Did not have even a spec of hope that this would be good. The thought didn't even cross my mind.
What, you didn't like it so you come here and cry like a little bitch? Who cares about your opinion? Fucking kill yourself, retard.
I'm impressed by how much they made me not care about Ryo considering he was my favorite in the manga.
t. Satan
Did you bother to finish it?
not an argument
>not caring about Akira
Good one.
>western influence in muh chink shit
anyone who thought this had hope should be shot
That's the joke, right? That his/her love was selfish and possessive, and that he only realized it after he lost the only thing that was ever really important.
It's so easy to spot newfags.
I guess, in the manga he didn't really think it was a big deal. Not sure why they felt the need to change the ending, Satan's final monologue in the manga is great.
No, he forsake love because he thought without love you can't be hurt.
God's punishing him over and over to make him open up to love, or some shit, I don't know.
I cared about Akira and Ryo, which was all they had to do I suppose. You barely get to know anyone and then they all die horribly. Ironically Miko was probably the best character and she wasn't in the manga. I admit I"m a bit disappointed, the series is called "Devilman" and yet we barely see the titular character doing his thing. Did he fight a ton of bad guys in the original manga? I feel like he did. The series was too short I feel, barely and Devilman action and mostly underdeveloped characters.
they ought to have cut the track star guy's story, ended up being the single most pointless plotline
If this wasn't an adaptation of an older series that everyone and their cat knew the ending to by now and if Netflix didn't release all 10 episodes at once, it would have been interesting to see the reaction to the final episode on Sup Forums as it aired. Even before this adaptation, you had people posting the CLING CLING CLING page and asking what the hell they had just read.
I may have several questions for god, in that case.
yeah, considering he'll probably forget he's Satan again like the last time.
There is no time loop
You can stick to dragonball super young pedro, nobody is telling you to try something else.
Forgetting is sometimes great. It's remembering that's the problem.
Miki is boring as dirt and I doubt watching it more times will change that.
Even if there is it has no relevance to the message, franchise lore is the least interesting thing to relate to the OG manga or Crybaby.