The 1997 Berserk anime is better than the manga. Unlike the manga, it has a powerful narrative from beginning to end, and the eclipse is actually a perfect place to cut things off. You get to see Griffith rise to the cusp of the greatness he sees for himself, fail because of the same insecurities that motivated him to rise up in the first place, and then become a monster in what makes for a damn good tragic fall.
Or you can drag it out and just pile on the fantasy and the kiddy sidekicks like the manga did and make your story peter out into mediocrity.
Blake Barnes
I agree, the fact that both ishiduro and puck showed up after the band of the hawk arc had no blatantly comic relief character at all certainly heralded dark times.
Jacob Brown
Fuck off to Reddit with your unpopular opinion generals.
Brayden Gomez
Okay speedreader.
Elijah Jackson
I have the exact same opinion.
The original Berserk TV anime is a masterpiece, while the manga is utter trash.
Hudson Edwards
how does one get such shit opinions?
Noah Green
It also subverts the tragic fatalism inherent to Griffith's story and takes all the emotional weight out of it. Y'know, since he fought his entire life against the fate his birth had dealt to him only to succumb to the fate hell had in store for him in the end.
But Guts doesn't have to bother with hell's fate because he's super cool and the hero and kicks the ass of all the demons.
Logan Cooper
>unpopular opinions
Ok then.
I like to watch dubs vs subs every chance I get, because I prefer listening to a language I understand and enjoying the animation vs having to use my eyes to read text half the time.
Jaxson Gomez
also manga actually spoils the end of the golden age and anime doesn't
Cameron Lopez
I'll agree the manga has dropped quality as time goes on. but the manga is still superior
James Kelly
lost children > all
Leo Mitchell
Super DUPER unpopular opinion WARNING!!
The 3 golden arc movies were better than the manga and the anime series
Jordan Adams
just because the manga is shit now doesn't discredit how great it was before the jrpg party the anime was still exceptional and had an excellent OST though
Mason Martin
I think encouraging anons to think their taste is bad when they've done nothing but enjoy discussing what they're enjoying is a bad thing, since the only thing in anime enjoyment for me that displays a good taste is enjoying anime for more than just sex appeal.
Daniel Carter
Modern anime > Old anime
Dominic Adams
I can't stand old anime because it looks ugly. Ironically my problem with western cartoons is the reverse.
Jace Carter
>implying that’s unpopular Try modern anime = old anime
Christian Baker
Piping hot opinion here, Golden Age and maybe Black Swordsman are Berserk's only truly good arcs. The rest is typical battle shounen shit.
Mason Sanchez
NGE is mediocre, EoE is great and the rebuilds are trash
Isaac Perry
NGE is great, EoE is mediocre and rebuilds are trash
Bentley Gomez
The movie Akira started off good but descended into nonsensical shittery.
Kevin Long
Henry Foster
Ayden Wilson
golden age is fucking boring though. berserk isn’t good until all the fantasy aspects
Ian Nguyen
>and the eclipse is actually a perfect place to cut things off.
>And then suddenly demons burst from hell and murder raped everyone
Doesn't really gel in a vacuum.
Daniel Sanders
It sure felt cathartic to watch though. Got me into NTR and suffering porn when I first watched it.
Jaxson White
Only when it's Conviction levels of fantasy. After that it's just bullshit.
Conviction > GA > BS > the rest
Jackson Perez
The movies > 1997 >>>> manga. 1) better animation, direction, composition and voice acting then 1997 2) cuts out all the boring parts of the manga (Yes, there're a lot of those)
Angel Rivera
>ITT: unpopular opinions Alright. You asked for it. Dubbed anime > Subbed anime.
Aaron King
>ITT: unpopular opinions >posts objective truth instead wdhmbt
Nathan Reyes
anime was not a mistake
Chase Jones
Manga > 1997 > PS2 game > movies > other
Jason Martin
Kare Kano is the best Gainax anime
Jackson Allen
the evangelion manga was better than the anime it was based on
Brayden Stewart
>the evangelion manga was better than the anime it was based on >based on b8?
Landon Lopez
Read it again. Means that he likes the manga adaptation.
Michael Parker
As much as I like the count arc I'm glad I watched the anime first.
It's just so much better when Griffith's betrayal is an actual twist.
Dylan Rogers
> based on >BASED ON >EVANGELION perhaps you sould read my post again.
Ayden Johnson
I don't care for user's opinion but read it again, he said he likes the manga adaptation of the anime, the same anime in which the manga was BASED ON and not the other way around. Holy shit learn to read.
Austin Davis
Oh yeah, my bad.
Lucas Martinez
The 1997 anime is trash. They butchered important characters which would make a sequel of the anime a complete trainwreck. The animation was bad even for 1997 standards. The movies aren't good adaptations either but at least they are entertaining to watch, and some scenes like the stairway scene and the sprint were pretty much perfect. They even felt kinda out of place when the rest of the movies was so action-focused.
The only way to properly enjoy Berserk to its fullest right now is the manga.
Jaxson Hernandez
Nathaniel Wright
>kicks the ass of all the demons.
Guts' fights are literally one massive struggle after another. That's what so good about the Black Swordman arc - during the golden age Guts literally takes on 100 men, and even then that's the only time where he actually struggles with an oponent, except that one time against Zodd.
Berserk gets dark after the Golden Age arc because Guts is in constant fights on the verge of death, can't barely sleep at night and doesn't eat properly. He's constantly exhausted but strives forward despite everything else going against him.