Classroom of the Elites

Is this guy possible of loving someone?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes Kei


Are there any complete english pdfs/epubs of Vol 2,3,5,6,7?

He looks 12

A best girl is waiting for you here.

Are these complete?

1 and 4 are the only ones complete, 4.5 and 3 are being translated, whereas 2 is on hold or something

Thanks for the info.

I feel the need to learn japanese and help with this translations lol

So kind of on this is it best not to continue and try to learn Japanese or wait?

Or are most of the casuals here reading ahead and spoiling themselves?

Wont it take a long tine to try to learn Japanese?
Meanwhile you can just wait for the translations, TL user is translating at a fast speed and will probably reach the latest volume in a few months.
As for volume 2, you can either see the anime or read summary

It will but I wasn't sure how fast the translations were going and I started learning basic grammar anyway.

Is the summary also in one of the links above?

Also, most people here seem to have read spoilers on untranslated volumes, or heard of it at least

I've already watched the anime but I want to see what happened in the original source material. I heard that there were some changes in the anime

Good evening, Sup Forums guys and all Youkosofags.
I have just come to an otaku store.
The reservation of Vol 7.5 is increasing and it is really popular now.

I think you mean capable, not possible.

Also no.

There's already another thread up and TL user is already translating there


Here. Go there instead. He's already finishing off part 5 of chapter 5. Soon he should be done with volume 4.5 and move onto translating volume 5

Great news! Could you post it in the other thread too? More anons there because of the translation

Kei will slowly melts his heart and he'll learn about it gradually by each volume.

Thank you, but I will refrain from the multiple post.
It was just only a thought that I want to inform you about the present situation in Japan.
That's all.

Do you think a season 2 will come?

Nice for fixing the OP but there is already a thread

just be sure to beat the fucking weeb shit next time

I do not think that season 2 will come.
Because Blu-ray sale is bad in Japan.
If season 2 comes, we nips hope the production staff will be changed.

A best.

TLAnon already created another post to dump the translated.

The mother is better.


Classroom of the Elite best girl

She's a miracle, and made the novel even better. How to convert myself to Kinogasasm?

My dreams...


I didn't know we have two Youkoso threads.

Its because the title of the other one is in Japanese.

When will they ever learn..