We all agree that the Lost Children Chapter is the peak of Berserk right?

We all agree that the Lost Children Chapter is the peak of Berserk right?

The peak is Griffith vs. Guts in the future chapter.

The peak is Golden Age and there's no arguing it

Probably. It has the best Berserk artstyle though.

No the tower arc is.

dat fucking 2-volume cresendo

Probably golden age, but I'm in the camp of people who don't feel such a big drop off afterwards and enjoy the genre shift into higher fantasy

The manga went downhill ever since Schierke was introduced.

Fuck people who say this arc was “boring” or “filler.” Lost Children arc got me more misty-eyed than any other arc in berserk. That bitter sweet ending.

Berserk was only good during the golden age, when Miura pulled out all the magic monsters and fairies it was ruined.

Lost Children and Conviction are the peak of berserk
Golden age fags go home


my man.

I don't think that many people say that. Before I read Berserk without any context I would always see people mention Golden Age and Lost Children as the best arcs. If someone mentioned another arc it would be sporadic enough that I wouldn't even remember it.

Black Swordsman is underrated af

Berserk peaks at Conviction. Everything gets so so hype and then it starts to fall off. Falcon and Fantasia are still nice tho

Will Berserk ever be finished?


I didn't even like Golden Age and kept reading because everyone told it it would get good. Conviction is true Berserk and you can't convince me otherwise.


All the themes and development of the characters from golden age is resolved in this one page and it's fantastic. In my head cannon Berserk starts at volume 4 and ends right here and everything after Falconia is fanfiction.

Wouldn't a more appropriate translation be "struggle" instead of "fight"?

sure, whatever

really ?? i dropped the manga at chapter 202 but i'm thinking about picking it up again because my friend told me it's going to get much better , i really enjoyed it till chapter 90 but nothing interesting happened after that , should i pick it again or not ?

It is, I really dig the aesthetic of it.

It isn't, it just has the most Gutservice

Particularly he end of Golden Age in the chapters leading up to climax at the Eclipse were the absolute kino. It felt rushed in both the movies and anime, but in the manga from Griffith's fall to the Eclipse is so swelling with every emotion that the end hurts every single fucking time I read them together no matter how many times I do.

Lost children is also great though. Cool apostle, big feelings, great art, and before Guts started looking like Schwarzenegger

The peak of berserk is the whole manga, stop pretending there's bad arcs just so you have something to argue over.

Yeah man troll rape was so KINO

Golden age is great, but I'm going to have to agree with OP, Lost Children is best.

I'm a fan of:
Lost Children > Trolls arc > Golden Age

Falcon of Light (is that the name of this arc) is my favorite, edging out Golden Age. It has the best pages.

Many, many great parts were released after 2002 idiot. Like the entirety of eclipse.

Lost Children was just a filler arc prelude for Conviction

Who else wants it to just be about Skull Knight now.
Guts has too many action-dampening feelings now and keeps fucking around with fairies and that retarded child witch Mary Sue. Also is his crossbow fully useless now that he only fights Apostles and their spawn.

Nah, it's self-contained development for Guts

I’d give anything in the world for a golden age tier flashblack showcasing Skull Knight and Void’s relationship and how they parallel Guts and griffith’s.

I'd say the quality began to go down after Tower of Conviction, I mean it's still good, but never quite reached that level of great aside from a few flash moments.

Although I agree, nothing really good came from Schierke and she pulled so much attention away from others and contains so much of Miura's focus.

Can we just have a flash forward to Skull Knight re-acquiring the Berserker Armor and integrating it into his new form, then hulk smashing his way through the Apostles and lining their heads up on a fence?

I wish Shierke worked as a character. She's sexy

But Kentaro Miura just lost his sense of craft like a little bitch. Sticking a fucking naruto character into the story, sticking a magical girl that gets rid of Gut's problem, turning a great a great character like puck into something horrifyingly obnoxious.

A witch that can paint some bullshit onto Guts' brand so that the undead leaves them alone. Nullifies the whole thing about Guts being a literal omen child, something he desperately wished he wasn't.

>Guts will never be this edgy again

You may be a pedophile but at least you recognize shitty plot/setting failure.

KyoAni adaptation of Lost Children arc when?

Yeah it is weird. If this were any other manga I would say it is good that the status quo changes all the time
But I just never wanted it to change in berserk.
Everything should stay the same.

>implying 3dpd girls look as good as schierke
>implying 3dpd girls don't look like bug eyed cockroaches

Also pic related
>You will never see Guts talking down to a child like this again

So I think I stopped reading just before they got on the boat? Is there any sense in continuing? The treatment of the series by Miura and the two seasons of CGI fuckfest have kind soured me towards the whole thing.

Dropping it after Conviction seems smart.
No stupid shierke. No stupid Berserker armor

Hell awaits.
Your CGI autism has nothing to do with the manga whatsoever, but as far as I know literally nothing has actually happened to advance the plot since Guts got on the boat. It's back to the episodic adventures that made the early series great except it has Naruto kid, pedobait girl, double fairies and a lovable cast of characters so Guts is just swinging his sword around as sort of the straight guy/foil to their comic relief. Oh but there's still lots of Guts' emo and hopelessness intruding on the romantic comedy it became. They're on fairy island last I knew but really, who cares. Also uh, muh, muh Rickert and something, but it was all just a ruse so Miura could dicksuck Griffith some more and make it look like he's still a complex character and has some valid goal in mind even though he transparently went full retard long since.
Also not much real development of the meta, just more mountains of flesh and stuff.

Conviction was pretty good but the ending was so drawn out and over the top it ruined the whole thing for me, and reusing a watered down Eclipse just dampens the impact of the original one.

>The peak of berserk is the whole manga
For the most part this series isn't even that good, it just has a few standout arcs and great arc up until a certain point. It's only the combination of rape scenes and eternal hiatuses but constantly teased return that even keeps you guys interested.

So, no then? Sounds like I shouldn't keep reading.

>For the most part this series isn't even that good

It was decent pre-torturers though he overused wrinkleface priest immensely.
It went from "oh this is an interesting take on like what a sort of fantasy Catholicism could be" to "haha lol Catholics r such pervs amirite?" to "but the Catholics were rite all along?!?!"
The Satanic orgy/cult thing was sort of a nice touch, but the actual story underpinning it seemed like just a pointless episode, no need for a happy ending but the inevitable bad end lacked impact. No real lesson or even a sense of tying up loose ends, all of those characters he wasted pages and pages on were just to set up a few creepy-looking chapters in which those characters would be lost, but you knew they were expendable side characters anyways so you didn't care. Maybe he was just stalling for time while he did all the extra artwork needed for an extra eclipse.
But yeah the extra eclipse was too grandiose and not relevant enough, it was supposed to show you that Guts and Skull Knight and the naruto kid were all the same thing but none of them were truly that strong but they could make a little differences, blah blah blah, but it ended up just being like "the apocalypse didn't see you there on the castle wall because you were too small, gg, run away". Had very little to do with Guts having seen it before or knowing how to react, they just got lucky.
Do you actually think the rape scenes in Berserk are titillating to anyone? Wouldn't everyone just read GS instead if that's what they wanted?
You shouldn't until something actually happens, then just ask which chapter ranges to skip.

Peak is GA because of the eclipse. Which sadly the bastardized even in the movie and the fact Wyald keeps getting thrown out the window just bothers me and makes what leads up to it less devastating. Atleast the anime had Skully saving Rickert from the apostles.

The apostles showing up and Wyald really started to amp shit up and without them it lacked tact.

So I just finished Devilman Crybaby, and I am pretty sure that Berserk is gonna end in a similar way.


I hope that girl's alright.

I like how much Ryo looked like Griffith in it.

Sherry was a mistake. I just want random apostle arcs untill it ends

Why does it have such a homosexual name?

Schierke dies and guts goes back to how he was in the first few chapters as he goes on a b-line for Griffith
How do you feel about this?

As long as she's really dead, no bullshit, then I'd be happy.

Like eclipse band of the hawk dead

I want Jill to be safe and happy ;_;

Like random troll killed by Guts dead.

>tfw didn't like how much of an edgelord Guts could be in the first chapters
>tfw also don't like how quickly Guts mellowed out to people, especially Schierke after she was introduced, in the later volumes
Guess I'm fucked.

We all know that there will be another eclipse. Thats the only reason why Guts now has nearly 10 man band again. Maybe Farnesse or Casca will trigger it? Guts has gone trough so much positive character development, that it is impossible for him to willingly sacrifice his new companions, even if it is to take down Griffith. But if another eclipse does happen, then Guts will surely go back to his revenge mode and fight Griffith. And I agree that their confrontation will most likely end like this . Who says Guts will win? Berserk is a tragedy after all. He is going to try killing Griffith, but there is no guarantee that he will win.

That dumb fucking kid will be the one who survives it and Guts and Skull Knight will die.

Guts or Jotaro, who has the better one-liners ?

Literally anyone has better one-liners than Guts, his are too long and trying too hard and often don't line up with any actual cavalier attitude since he's always raging.

Someone tell me if Griffith's character ever manages to recover after he gets reincarnated. I'm catching up on the manga and he's too boring now without his Guts obsession.

Nice numbers.
>Tfw I loved Guts' character development from an anitsocial kid, to a cool bro, to an edgelord who fights for revenge, to a wise father/mentor figure for the new group, who fights for love.
No part of his character development comes out of nowhere. Everything happens slowly and you truly believe that a man can change that way.

All I wonder is how long in the future will that last eclipse be? Will I even remember that cool manga from the 80s I used to read back then.
Will Sup Forums even be around then?

It all depends on what he is ploting. Im sensing a big Griffith reveal coming soon, that will push him back into the limelight. Maybe he will sacrifice all of his kingdom for more power? Or maybe he will destroy the god hand? The latter makes sense, because as it stands right now, Guts and his band have to fight off Griffith, his demon army, the god hand members and finally the idea of evil. There are two ways to solve this. Either they have a tournament arc, or Griffith takes down the godhand, making him and his army the only enemies for Guts.

>Tfw my brother died during the boat arc.
He had a sacrifice brand neck tattoo and all of the volumes and everything, but he never got to see them get off the boat. But then again, he also didnt see Berserk 2016/17....

>give yourself sacrifice brand
I mean what did he expect?

Good journey, struggler.

I always imagined that someone sacrificed all of their loved ones for a new Berserk anime, and got it, but in a cruel twist of fate, it was Berserk 2016/17.

The whole conviction arc is peak berserk.

Is Jotaro really any better though ?

ITT the page you dropped Berserk

I'll start

Post the link to that doujin?

*blocks your path*

Jotaro is cool, fuck you.

Guardians of desire was superior in my eyes.

Yeah right.

That was a great line though.

Haha you thought I was talking about the watch because I said I was
But really
I was talking about ur face lmao

Granted the sentence structure would have been less retarded in original Japanese but he still mentioned telling time, making him a complete retard

I'm shocked someone could consider conviction drawn out.

The sense of crescendo in those 2 volumes is just spectacular. I can't think of any story arc in any medium that has managed to keep on upping the ante and raising the stakes, tension, excitement like that.

And yeah griffith was getting reincarnated so of course the God hand are going to be there in some way. I don't see it as a repeat of the eclipse at all. The important elements of the eclipse are the betrayal and the brutality and horror of the cast being butchered. here there was no betrayal, it was just a straight forward dangerous situation to survive through , and the cast of good guys were not culled. So I don't see how it's a repeat of the eclipse apart from quite superficial similarities like the Godhand being present in some way.

Also I think you're too dry and cynical if you consider the torturer pseudo-apostles too over the top.

Yes it was, anyone saying otherwise doesnt understand what theyre talking about.

Fine, I think you're too cynical if you consider Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu too over the top.

doesnt help that whoever translated the scans for Berserk tried to hard
>heh and then Guts said "faggot" xD

It's just me but I really dislike the battle manga elements of the series, so whenever someone transforms into a fuck huge monster and dukes it out with guts for a few chapters like it's Dragonball I get bored.

It's not that I don't like the monsters and fantasy stuff, but it's better when they act quickly and violently so the action doesn't get to a point where characters can commentate from the sidelines.

He literally only did one plot relevant thing in the entire manga, he could have died in the tower arc and things would have stayed the same

Faggot detected.

Magic in Berserk was a mistake.

Magic has been a thing since the first chapter user.....

calling it now

>Griffith and Guts go at it
>Griffith ultimately comes out on top and kills guts
>realizes being a ruler is empty and what he really valued was companionship which he threw it all away
>Despite this Griffith is actually a pretty good ruler and humans and some of the more intelligent monsters/demons live in harmony
>the one shit kid Guts wannabe takes up his sword swears revenge
>gorillion years later finally kills Griffith and his kingdom crumbles causing man and monster to once again begin to wholesale slaughter each other
>Kid realizes that ultimately he destroyed paradise and revenge was a fools errand blah blah virtue signaling vengeance is bad mmkay?love thy neighbor
>the end

Nope, more likely he dies of his cold than turns full faggot like this.

He's a good foil character to Guts. He brought some levity to the manga, but most importantly, he was the people reading the manga.

We usually have the main character experiencing everything and leading us the viewers through the adventure.

Guts is already established, we are Puck, we follow along his adventure you stupid ass. He even does the things we would expect the hero to do like show sympathy to that guy who lost his family and got tortured.

Don't tell me your one of those shithead that watch tv shows like they are fucking video game instead of a narrative.

>Hur dur Puck good because he is healer class

Bunch of edgelords in this thread that can't understand the moral/phylosophical themes of this work, just go fap to Goblin Slayer.

Quit making shitposts in these threads without reading them.