Fuck one, Marry one, Kill one.
Fuck one, Marry one, Kill one
Fuck Bat in butt, marry Snail, kill Doll if I have to.
Fuck the doll, Marry the Vampire, Kill the dead
jesus christ almighty snail is hot in this frame
I've only watched Bake and Snail is perfect waifu material.
Fuck Shinobu. Marry Shinobu. Kill Doll.
But, they're already dead... kind of
Marry Snail
Fuck Doll
Kill Bat
Marry Snail, fuck Doll, kill Bat.
>I've only watched Bake
And what makes you think anyone cares what you think?
Tease doll, hang out with snail, eat with bat.
Fuck Shinobu
Marry Snail
Kill doll
Fuck Doll, Marry Snail, Kill Rat with Wings
>marry pic related
>make gentle and passionate love to pic related
>die together when old with pic related
Fuck cat, Marry vampire, Kill Snake
Marry snail idgaf about the other two.
The only option here .
I can hear sirens it's time to fucking go guys
This. Got nothing against bat but the other two are just that good.
i love all
>her smile and optimism, gone
Marry and impregnate Bat and ignore the other two.
>Posting Crap
So mentioning characters that are not welcome is a thing now?
Best taste itt.
But I want to marry both Bat and Snail
Kill no one
Marry Bat, kill Bat, fuck Bat.
In this order.
Can I lick their feet first before I decide?
>all of the lolis are dead already
>araragi blatantly wants to fug em
What kind of demons does nisioisin have?
in every scenario,kill doll
i hate that bitch
Kill fuck marry
Fuck all of them and marry all of them.
Fuck snail
Marry bat
Kill doll
Give me just three dols.
how is to like shit,crap and vomit that much?
Fuck bat marry snail kill zombie
>being this much of a cunt
What made you so upset about his comment christ.
I convert to Islam to marry all 3.
I don't understand
Is sex with snail illegal?
Kill OP.
Fuck (you).
Marry the 3 girls.
Ghosts don't have any rights.
Fuck Shinobu, marry Snail, kill doll. We have the technology to revive her after all
>he saved my pic
Thank you,user :^)
snail is not for lewding
>Shaft forcing the "loli trio" meme so hard
Christ, they have little to nothing in common, why do they try to pander to lolicon so much
That's why everything beside Bake and Kizu is trash
Fuck the doll
Marry the snail
Kill the bat
Kill. Marry. Fuck.
In that order.
Not really.
>That's why everything is trash
Fixed, monogatari is fucking garbage.
eat shit faggot
fug number 2, marry none, kill OP
Marry Godchikuji
Fuck Yotsugi and complain to Shaft for cutting out all her best banter
Kill the vampire
Only sane option
you must have been the guy from the "What I expected thread" who kept saying the exact same thing.
Marry Snail, fuck Bat, kill Doll.
You can't marry or kill those who are already dead
Kill doll because it's already dead
Fuck snail
Marry Bat