Violet Evergarden livestream

Starts in 10 minutes at 00 JST at TokyoMX

Stream links:
(might require VPN to open, but not to watch. is just redirect of below link with proper chat)

copyright violation is against human nature

Is there any reddit live stream?

5 minutes, ready your popcorn

Youkai Ningen Bem AOTY

I sure fucking hope this series is the troll magnet of the season instead of Fate/Extra.

fateshit is too boring to troll but it will be schizobait of the season after fujos get tired of citrus

>fujos watching citrus
What does that even mean


>sharing the stream on the fucking OP
Sup Forums is dead, OP is a fucking faggot who is desperate for posters.

lurk two years before posting





Here we go

It's already shit

WTF am I watching? Some shit about a devil boy and his vampire mom torturing Pinocchio?

HAHAHA no fucking way that this hype was paid with this shit


hey wait a second
i don't speak this language!


Its so cringe when characters with saxon-origin name have a honorific along

>the colonel
>muh colonel
>where is muh colonel
Is this the cuck anime of the season


>You're not the Colonel
>Where's the Colonel?
>Where's the brooch the Colonel gave me?
>What happened to the Colonel?

This is the show that was hyped for 3 years? It barely has any animation, what's so great about it?

it got visuals, i guess...
definitely not sakuga

representation for the ASD community

I expected more than just a set of pictures full of filters.

I'm confused.
Isn't Violet a Auto Memories Doll?
Why does she bleed and have scars?

KyoAni fags delusions as usual.

Troll magnet is Poptepic.

She is no doll. Violet is a PTSD cyborg human.

Auto Memories Dolls refers to the amanuenses who travel around writing for people.

What human survives ripping his arms off?

She haven't even gotten around to writing anything yet.

She hasn't introduced herself as an Auto Memories Doll yet.

plot armor


I see some chinks crying, is this it?

how long until this is up on nyaa?

Violet fujogarden.

What do you think of this tummy?

is this on netflix? why they havent released all the episodes at once?

From the same shit country, what do you expect?

lmao wtf is this

Is there anything worse than being streamfaggot?

That's not how this is going to work. It's not Devilman Crybaby.

eyebrows are obviously more important

Violet is a german soldier though
Admittedly they're both dumb, violent womanlets with crippling depression though

they blew the budget renewing their After Effects license

It's licensed but not a full-on Netflix production like Crybaby was

>Whining about livestream while watching horrible sub which rip from crunchyroll stream.

They haven't fully explained what is Violet yet. There must be a good reason why she dashed into the battlefield with no helmet.

are subs of this going to be on netflix?

So the German finally rekt the tea drinker?

>people already thinking that the major is violet's "father"
Oh boy, I can't wait until they get Usagi Dropped.

You fucking ignorants, you absolute morons! Do I have to teach how to appreciate this gem of animation, this CROWN JEWEL of anime? So listen carefully you literal children. This. Show. Is. Deep. Now, do I watched this? No. But I already know everything and I can assure you that this show is a masterpiece. And trust, I can recognize a work of art when I see one. Want to know how? It's simple you donkey, by the amount of dialogues. The more dialogues show has the deeper it is. If you don't know this rule then you should leave this thread and educate yourself you fucking imbecile. And one more thing - if I ever see one more of those "clever" and "snarky" comments about how Pop Team Epic is better than Violet Evergarden then let's say you will not live through the night. Don't feel threatened, feel warned.

i see.
that's a shame

google it fag jesus christ do you make a post every time you think you might need to urinate

t. latefag

LN always mentions how her eyes are blue orbs

here's your (You)

How to open netflix? They ask my credit card.

>most hyped show of the season
>one of the worst first episodes

When will KyoAniFags learn? Their favorite studio became a LN monkey.

I'm rawgod and you should obey me, クズども

What's worse is that the LNs are ones they own and have to figure out how to improve every time they adapt one

subs when?

Ok, so the rip I'm downloading is 2GB. Is this a 40 minute episode? Will the whole series have 40 minute episodes like the usual live action shows on Netflix?

And it's not working.

>Sup Forums was wrong AGAIN
I guess I will have to figure out the AOTS myself, this board always disappoints me.

Thing is, it actually won their award instead of just an honorable mention like the others. You would have expected them to be more faithful this time around.

What show had the best first episode this season?

In April.

Do you even know livestream is full raw and you can't be in easy mode to pause it? It's watching directly from Tokyo-MX along with all gacha games advertisement.


Ironically Citrus. That overly long sequence of dressing up was somehow endearing

That's only for burgerland. I still don't understand the reasoning behind that decision.

Pls respond.

Citrus, Yuru Camp or Arctic girls. It's hilarious how KyoAni can't even make the best CGDCT anymore.

So how was it?

burgerfags only binge-watch shows these days, netflix is catering to that

I'll even lower the bar and just keep it to SoLs. Practically every other SoL except Slow Start has had a better premiere than this.

Citrus, Colors, Sakura, Ryuuou and Camp all easily had stronger starts.

There's a tv rip raw of 300MB available already, so I'm assume it was the standard 24 minutes for the first episode.

wow that was garbage

I don't stop anime since I know japanese pretty much my whole life, N2 kun. Good luck storing your shit quality livestreams on HDD tho

Thanks for the info. Download finishes in 5min so I'm going to stick with the 2GB one. Hopefully it's higher quality, not just bloat.

Is any group picking this up? I checked Asenshi's site, but it only says "we'll see."

Kyoani found a way as usual. Ignore the shitposters from Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Kyoani as always fucked up.

They blew out the budget on animation and visuals trying to scream THIS IS DEEP YOU GET IT? DEEEEEPPPPPP! but they changed the story a lot. Instead of following the LN they added shit that doesn't even belongs here and is placed at the end of volume 1 FOR A FUCKING REASON.

Now the question is how hard it'll flop.

Ofc it was, my dear 360p livestreaming sissy boi

Franxx will probably be an 8/10 with completely abysmal treads and fate will be an oddball since Nasu is writing the script himself

>get gype as the best anime ever
>first EP is utterly shit
Well then. Knowing kyoani, this won't get any better.


is horriblesubs not doing this?

>Kyoanuscucks on suicide watch
>Trying to defend this horrendous first ep
>Literally nobody is praising this shit even on moonland

what's the percentage?

Subs when?

Their hacker died.