What went so fucking wrong?
What went so fucking wrong?
nothing could have gone right
Everything. What a disappointment.
When a show gets hyped as hard as this one it's bound to be a disappointment.
Trash. All those 3 years preparing for this "masterpiece" has gone into the sink.
>show dumps entire emotional load in first episode with barely any real backstory or plot
Should have made it a movie instead
Violet fujogarden.
All the paid Disney shills from India told to shit on anything Netflix before they make their new streaming service.
sucks so hard that mods are banning people for saying it sucks
>Kyoani fags hyping it up.
>Shitposters falseflagging and stirring up shit.
>Nips who saw it early saying its great.
>First episode airs and its bland.
Should have figured.
I'm dissapointed cause you guys hyped it up so damn much.
I was watching and waiting for something interesting to happen, and the best i got was a generic, "lol xD the autsitic girl doesn't understand social norms and undresses in front of a man ;3"
It's way overdramatic, none of the characters are intriguing, and there isn't a single interesting plot element or idea presented no hook.
Vapid direction and poorly written, but at least it's pretty.
>Sup Forums already whining about the show not having enough shitty action scenes, fanservice or epic memes and references for it to appeal to their 1 minute attention span
Can't really say I'm surprised, honestly.
Now this is a fresh take
It can't be THAT bad. What exactly happened that made it that bad?
>no jojo references
You can try to freshen up bullshit all you want, but it's still bullshit.
It's not the worst thing ever, it's a solid 5/10 if you value visuals, but it failed to capture the viewer with it's non-existent plot and flat characters.
oh shit am i going to be disappointed what the fuck someone sell my stock in kyoani right now this is some bullshit every single year they always promise us another haruhi or another clannad but it's always impure oppai bitches with shitty appeal and whimpy MCs who never do anything and make everyone more depressed about their own lives. To be quite frank it seems that the death of kyoani is upon us, my friends. Lay down your coveted kyoani related items and move on to something better within the industry. Don't let their monopoly on moe sparkles keep you watching such boring garbage that doesn't even appeal to the common fan anymore. Watch something wholesome like Mistuboshi Colours this season instead.
Why are people acting surprised? This is typical post-2011 Kyoani.
It's the worst piece of shit that I have ever seen in my life, there is nothing exciting about this anime.
For an anime that was hyped for years this suck ass.
Stay mad Kyoanusfags
Oh, that means it can still get much better, r-right?
>violet spends 8 minutes pining for her CO before someone bothers to tell her the war is over
>spends another 8 minutes getting a job and taken around town by the cuck who gave her automail
>remembers her CO is dead and has a whole frontlines flashback in 4 minutes after some fag says aishiteru
Nips loved it though.
I'm sorry that it doesn't have ebin memes for you, OP.
Nothing. But there was nothing that made it that good either. The hyping and reverse trolling and just general attention its been getting is making it seem like a big dissapointment though.
Also they need to build up some backstory and interest in the characters before trying to dump emotional stuff on the viewers (Gauken Babysitters did a fairly good job of this for its first episode in comparison this season).
Eh? No.
>Nips loved it though.
Not really, for now they're fine with it, but not love it yet, maybe later, maybe never.
Love how KyoAnifags were all like
>Sup Forums will stop when it airs!
Now looking at the catalog
>three threads, barely 20 posts each
>all talking how it was average at best
Not even them are trying to defend it anymore.
japanese people don't matter as regards a netflix original boondoggle
We just had one reach the bump limit, newfag.
So it was just a poor man's Plastic Memories?
Curiously, nips also love Plastic Memories.
So is it a flop?
none of the south east asians who fall for this stuff have woken up yet
No, it's too early to tell.
You mean the pre-airing thread where a bunch of the posts were just two fags flinging shit at each other?
All I can read on twitter and blogs is sakuga this, tears in my eyes that.
Oh and the retarded "isn't she a robot?"
It's a 10/10 and everyone who thinks otherwise needs to lurk for two more years
>LN adaptation
It is a mystery.
There's nothing implicit in the laws of nature which says that stealing things is wrong, because the laws of nature don't have anything to do with morality. Neither the concept of 'theft' nor the concept of 'wrong' are innate to humans. They have to be taught. The key difference between this idea and Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment is that this idea allows the contents of the 'poster' to be altered by material from the 'IN' slot. Every human starts off with a blank poster, and over the years, it's filled with more and more rules for taking the 'input' of human social interaction and converting it into 'output' – your own participation in that social interaction. So, if we're talking about 'theft' being 'wrong', we have to think about it in terms of the 'input', the 'output', and the 'rules'.
Anyway, all of these 'rules' get used to process the 'input' and eventually the 'output' pops out – let's say, for instance, that you decided to take the banknote and return it to the guy who dropped it. In this case, the rule 'theft is wrong' won out over 'money is something to be acquired'. His idea was that every human is fundamentally just 'shuffling symbols' inside the 'box' – mindlessly accepting input and manipulating it according to arbitrary, abstract rules that we only have because 'culture' or 'civilisation' imparts them to us through meta-rules. Internally, there's no such thing as society, or even morality – just rules and meta-rules, which the vast majority of people go about their lives entirely unaware of.
It's not impossible for people to become aware that they exist inside a 'box'. In some cases, they even recognise the nature of rules and meta-rules. People whose process of ideation is no longer unconsciously governed by rules and meta-rules – these people are 'sociopaths'. sociopaths are those who are aware of the arbitrary nature of the rules that govern the nature and method of their human interactions
Violet is a sociopath.
Literally pre-air.
What? The consensus is that it looks great but it's a bit boring.
Yeah, I actually can't believe Franx or fate could deliver something better than this turd.
Too early to tell. The first episode was lackluster but I'm giving it the 3 episode rule. Maybe it will pick up a bit.
>nips loved it
Can't wait for those amazing 2.5k sales.
When it will release on netflix ?
Nothing. These threads are just Sup Forums trying to force le TORtanic
Violet was picked up by Hodgins and told that Gilbert ordered him to do so, all the while Violet repeatedly asks for Gilbert's location and wellbeing. Hodgins takes her to granny's house and tells her to treat her like her mother (grannys son died and Violet coldly told her she can't replace dead people) and just try to be happy, because that's what Gilbert wanted for her. As he left, Violet ran out in after him and told him she could still fight, that she doesn't have to be thrown out like that for her injuries, but Hodgins told her the war had already ended. She was then taken to where the Auto Memories Dolls work and was assigned to Benedict to follow his instructions. After changing clothes in front of him, she's given the task of organizing letters that have to be delivered. She did so without rest and finished early so Benedict told her she could try delivering them. He meant the next day but she autisticly went out to deliver them right after, and Hodgings found her in the streets. Later she was given the chance to watch an Auto Memories Doll in action (Cleavage-chan) and she admired how Cleavage-chan could tell that her client was in love. She was then like "wow, how did you do that" so she went and asked Hodgins to let her do the same job, because she wanted to understand what it means to be in love. He tells her that usually you gotta understand that shit before doing the job but ok. Violet then revealed that Gilbert's last order was to find love, cue the flashback to when he was dying and Violet's arms were hurt. She tried to carry him with her teeth but he said to stop, to run away, be happy, and find love.
I missed a couple scenes and there was some dialogue that I didn't understand but that was the overall plot of the episode.
>believing what user posts without proof
I believe it had over a hundred posters, but yes it was mostly two morons flinging shit at each other like all recent KyoAni threads.
Definitely. Nothing about it stands out.
never, they'll wisely cut their losses straight away
If it's not airing weekly, then probably at the end of june.
>veg is so underwhelming that even the regular kyoani shitposting is entirely mild
Hopefully Franxx will deliver us from these boring ass threads
What? Fuck off back to Sup Forums
>muh crossboarder boogeyman
Fuck off.
It's just really boring and uninteresting, I was gonna rely on these threads to make it more fun to watch but this constant brutally honest shitting is just like killing the fun.
Like reading all the honest impression just kind of makes me feel "sad" or like not good about the show.
Like it's not even fun shit posting, it's just like a collective disappointment.
It's just as bad as it's always been.
>not believing what anons who watched the livestream were posting during the episode
It's reverse harem for the main girl.
>Tsundere Boy
>Cool senpai
It's a matter of time when NotSaber watches those 3 fuck each other like boku no pico.
You can browse Yaraon or Otakomu yourself. You're a big boy now.
That's exactly what a psychopath would say.
Honestly thats how I can tell it really is not being well recieved here. If it had a great or notable first episode the shitposters would be out in force. Instead everyone is either just saying "meh" or that it doesn't live up to the retarded hype.
>paying mind to what streamer retards are saying
>even once
>even ONCE
>not wanting to form an opinion by yourself, so you latch on to a random user's opinion to fit in
No, most kyoani shows have literal subhumans trying to point out every mundane flaw in broken English
Livestream thread was a hundred plus anons collectively meh-ing with a few falseflag posts peppered inbetween
nobody thought it would be anything but thorough tedium except for tricksters and the easily tricked
>t. didn't even watch the show but I'm definitely not wrong
Both hypes shows will turn out to be shit.
Meanwhile this season has so many amazing series nobody was waiting for.
This. The shitposters went wild happened for Devilman, this is just really lukewarm. Hopefully it gets better.
Even Yaraon, a troll's little heaven, has people praising it.
I don't know why you feel the need to lie about such trivial things. Here, literally 20 seconds on twitter.
We should have known.
>subs not even out yet
>shitposters still try to claim they understood it well enough to know that it was boring despite multiple proof in the past that very few people on Sup Forums even understand Japanese
I'll just wait for subs.
That's more indicative of the type of anime it is, VEG isn't gonna have the same shitposts and waifu wars as Maid Dragon for obvious reasons.
>the shitposters going wild*
I'll step away from my keyboard now
Where the fuck did you get that from either of the posts?
Most of the posts compiled by Yaraon and Otakomu are negative.
Like literally every anime?
Is this the end for KyoAni? God I hope it is
Site still says 11th, but I'm not from NA.
Wow, it's almost like yaraon thrives on shit flinging.
>watching a show in an language you don't fully understand while memeing around with Sup Forums
>taking these opinions seriously
>being an EOP i know, i know
now listen you shit, i only accept opinions from people who watch anime on their own uninterrupted in a dark room with a good sound system using mpv. anyone else can fuck right off.