ITT: Characters that aren't cliches

ITT: Characters that aren't cliches

Is Oberstein literally Sup Forums the character ?


why does japan love germans so much

Yang is racist.



No, that would be the crybaby.

Greatest ally

"What is that?"

Imperials are racists, Yang just happen to not like Mashengo.

Why? Mashengo was nothing but helpful to him.

Yang just was paranoid that Mashengo took virginity of his underage son.

What are some jokes that you didn't get until years later?

>a TOAST to democracy

I still don't get it


It's the guy who's always talking about bread.

Didn't notice the toast.

Reuenthal, of course.

Best character

One of the best characters of anime.

fite me


Is any thread with logh character as OP destined to turn into a logh thread?


Legend of the Galactic Heroes was full of cliches and dumb. He's literally a poster boy of "muh democracy even in face of corruption". The whole series was retarded and even Captain Harlock has more depth than that shit.




LOGH reaction pics are the best.


Goddamn right they are.


Then why did he promote him?


Yang is literally me

We need more reaction pics from Gaiden


no, that would be the son of the Phezzan schemer in chief

arrogant and completely fucking useless

Marry me

Do you have better boipucci than Julian?


reminder there is nothing inherently wrong with cliches if the execution of the cliche is good

Post examples

Reuenthal is /r9k/ incarnate but he's also a chad.
Truly a unique character.


The hot-blooded dragoon officer.

Well, can't argue that

Is not a cliche because how many MC's kill millions just to make a woman happy?

yang only did it for the pension

>"btw we decreased your pension again because we fear you will rebel against the empire"
>"don't rebel against the empire please"


We should made a better version of this.

As long as you put Sup Forums on the Reich side of things.

Annerose must be /an/

Fuck off, Yang is /his/

/his/ probably didn't exist when that image was made.

Poplan should be /S4S/ and Sieg should be /y/.

Sup Forums will be "that"


Lohengramm could be /fa/?

>logistics god cazellnu not /biz/


They are nice but

A toast for him.


What happened here?

normal day on /biz/

Sup Forums is Rubinsky obviously

mommy my bitcoin!




To think there's such a place so close.

Nearly finished watching this, Joe is dumb as fuck.

i'd be more worried about what's next door

Rubinsky is actually intelligent. I'm not sure who in the Reich is dumb enough to be Sup Forums. I almost want to say they should be Andrew Fork.

>Andrew Fork

This is perfect.

best villain of all time

Sup Forums is a jew?

I have no doubt he would browse Sup Forums if he could.




Mashengo should be Sup Forums for obvious reasons.

Sup Forums btfo

Any news about when the new anime is going to start?



>genetics have nothing to do with the abilities of an individual
They do to a degree, but I wouldn't say that degree is very large or in any way the deciding factor. The core message is right but I can't help but nitpick a little bit.

thanks for the clarification captain autism

Based Rossenritten.

And /wsr/

yang is a cutie

Lennenkampf of course.

why is yang literally doing the pepe face?

Next season.

Actual retard right here

I am still sad about how little we got of him, his character had so much potential.

I wanted to see his adventures while designing and building the new capital. Fucking terrorists man.

I wanted to see his project end as a way to finish the tale of the empire.