The last chapter just came out and I don't see a thread so I'll be dumping the chapter 107 Raw. If anyone could translate a bit of it that would be nice.
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-Kun END
Other urls found in this thread:
Apparently, Aoyama's team is losing hard
Why is everyone acting so surprised? did Aoyama make a bad move?
This is where the Timeskip starts
Seems like Akira is as crazy as ever
For the people who haven't read the Manga Atsumo (The Mangaka) got together with one of Odagiri's friends
Looks like Zaizen left the Soccer team to become the head of his dad's company like he promised.
Hikaru (One of the players in Aoyama's team) got a kid.
If his kid can already drink beer just how much time passed?.
Also, it's nice to see the author showing the side characters futures.
Odagiri got rejected by Aoyama two chapters ago but at least she found someone else
Is that a ring in Moka's left hand?
Is that Umeya?
Moka is saying Aoyama can now touch her for 11 seconds
Aoyama says it was 12 seconds
Seems like Moka can't completely touch Aoyama yet. Wonder how they'll do it on the Wedding Night.
And that's the end. Looks like Umeya stayed Moka's Cupid to the very end. Overall i think the Manga was pretty decent and even though it is sad to see it end there's so much you can tell in a realistic Comedy Manga so I'm glad it ended before turning to complete shit. The romance was surprisingly decent too.
hey, you there stop dicking around and pass before he gets your ball!
Just in...
Aoyama, you're close to where it'll land!
"i'd be able to touch it once, i think?"
"what do you mean, once!?"
"the ball gets too dirty over the course of the play"
"if only I could do something"
"He... received it???"
"With his head?"
"...only once..."
"what's he planning..."
I'll kick it and...
"japanese flag fluttering in the background"
t/l: "dama" means "ball"
nice and heartwarming, wonder if they'll make the anime to the end
Thanks user. Do you think you could translate these?
Just something basic to understand what they are saying
>wonder if they'll make the anime to the end
There could be a OVA but to be honest i think its unlikely
>Odagiri got rejected by Aoyama
You would have loved that thread when pic related came out and everyone thought she had won
Good think I wasn't there.
I'd hate to get all happy about it to later be hit with this last chapter.
This is chapter 105 and just in the first pages of 106 pic related happened. Quite funny to be honest
Thanks OP, pretty decent series.
Aoyama has a ring too which means those two are engaged. Sucks for the other dude tho. He has no one
Is this the first time the childhood friend wins?
Is Umeya pathetic or not?
>Losing hard
Most dangerous lead
Tsubasa should've won.
Kind of sad how everyone got someone in the end except for him..... And the cake
Gonna be honest, for a moment i thought Moka would end up with Umeya. This chapter could have gone any way but I'm happy she got with Aoyama.
Holy shit, do she really liked the guy after all.
Could someone translate this page?
>still butthurt about Aoyama
>I love you!
>Sorryć I was too caught up in the moment!!
>Moka won
Never read the manga but that's the best finale it could have.
Thanks user.
I wonder how much time passed. For one of Aoyamas friends to have a kid already it must have been 5 or more years
A bit sad how everyone on Aoyama's school team left soccer, even Zaizen. I guess only Aoyama had the spark
Maybe they can fug and touch her if he wraps moka in one of those plastic bag and vacuums out the air.
Odagiri looks happy at least
She just needs to take a shower everytime they feel the need to have sex
They'll need to have sex in the shower every time to stay clean while doing it.
In the end seems like Aoyama prefers small breasts over big ones. Amazing taste
>Still a Cake
The author must hate her.
How many chapters did the anime cover? I really enjoyed it and might as well pick up the manga now that it's finshed.
Can't tell for sure because they chose random episodes but they animated around 30. Here
are the chapters if you want to read them. Personally i think the Manga is way better than the Anime cause some jokes are better
I tried so hard
Moka tried harder though.
If you think about it it makes more sense for Aoyama to stay with Moka than Odagiri.
>She likes Soccer
>Is willing to clean for him
Also the height difference. Just imagine
Even Hikaru who got barely any screentime had a finale but the archer didn't?
Any idea of what says in the squares?
I couldn't have asked for a better ending. Every character got one panel showing how they were doing, it had a timeskip and Moka and Aoyama are engaged. The only question unanswered is why was Aoyama ok with touching Odagiri but whatever. Great Manga and fun Anime.
Just glad to know that Aoyama didn't end up single in the end, unlike some other mangas.
Wait what? It was never explained why he's ok with that girl touching him?