Squidchef is my new favourite narehate
Made in Abyss
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>narehate in the background licking plates clean
So even the cloth she uses to clean the counter is a narehate.
>inb4 she
She's too cute to be a boy.
My theory is that the eye hole is where the true human forms of the narehates in the village are kept, their souls (humanity) forming the foundation of the village itself while their empty abyss-formed creature forms inhabit the village above. The lady that Riko meets could possibly be the squidchef with that line about wanting kids being an early piece of foreshadowing.
She is too creepy/unnerving desu.
She's far cuter than most other narehate from the village.
where is the user from last thread who posted that eclipse has already happened and Lyza is the sacrifice
still waiting to elaborate on that
Tablecloth dude is my new favourite narehate desu
More useful than 60% of anons of Sup Forums.
>So even the cloth she uses to clean the counter is a narehate.
Didn't notice that at first. I wonder if he pays Frogtopus just to use him.
That little bowtie she wears is also cute as fuck
Calm down, it takes more time than translation.
So, you guys think Tukushi will go on another cocaine fueled, day long drawing session soon?
What happened to music-kun?
I want a chapter about life on Idol Front post-prushka
Do it yourself. TLs are in the last thread.
I thought that was he wanting a human child like any other Narehate fucks in this village.
Did I miss the thread? 44 is out.
Yes. You are 14hours late.
>can't even read the OP
I mean Chronicle of Tales.
this guy
Is it wrong if I've started to lust after Reg's aniki?
Oh, yeah. He said he is working on some album of his own so he is keeping MiA on hold for now. He said he will comeback and make more eventually
How come he doesn't know anything about Reg? We saw Reg and Faputa sitting on top of him in the cover page
If the "lady" is a narehate, I'd bet she's Maa-san.
Notice how her silhouette looks like Maa-san's. Maa-san is also crying on this page and the previous one.
fucking adorable
stop with the fucking spoiler thread header you autistic fucks
some people have to wait until later to read it, then there's retards like you that ruin everything.
Does she want to tongue assholes as well?
Nigger just go read it instead of bitching
I bet she's a retard/autist so probably. Maa-san always struck me as an abyss version of Lenny.
absolute brainlet
I'll be platinum mad if that's Lyza.
It's not going to be.
There's a very, very small chance that it's a fake Lyza made to tempt Riko to stay but I highly doubt that. Also the person looks like a teenager not an adult, and the hair is different from Lyza's (not curly for one)
Maybe it was a fake Lyza which the village would use to trap Riko that was still in mid creation, hence why she looks different. This will be used to prove that Mitty is a fake.
Literally just read it
konbu sosu
I guess there is a chance that the pit could be some kind of value creation factory. Maybe the narehate that get balanced end up down there and are recycled into value, hence all the black gunk everywhere.
I still prefer the idea that narehate bodies/souls are trapped in the pit but we'll hopefully see next time.
Why does everyone bully Reg?
>some people have to wait until later to read it
>They have no problem browsing Sup Forums though
>Reg gets to live like a human and be treated as such by Riko et al
>Big Daddy tells him he's literally just some kind of abyss device
Boy oh boy I can't wait to see how this is going to play out.
How do you think the rest of the Ilblu arc will go?
Very bad things are coming our way and I won't be surprised if we see the destruction of Ilblu or at least multiple needless narehate deaths.
he's always known he's a artificial though, this isn't particularly shocking news.
Step up your game Tsukushi senpai
Yeah but it's still pretty unpleasant to come face to face with your own trapped rotting body.
The fact that he was crying before he even saw the trapped person only goes to show that he knows what's down there but it distresses him nonetheless.
So why is Reg literally just Megaman Trigger?
But you're wrong
>only goes to show that he knows what's down there but it distresses him nonetheless.
The frogsquidbabaloli explicitly said that, for some reason that noone seems to know, all village narehates can't even get near the place without suffering a panic attack due to some kind of "magic" as she called it
I want to STROKE Bondrewd's TAIL!
Manga Riko > Anime Riko
Hadn't Riko lost her helmet 1 or 2 chapters ago?
Why and since when is it back?
I don't know man, i can stand being questioned about loving a loli but explaining why she is in grayscale is a bit outside my area of expertise
She got a new one from helmetman.
We just don't know teehee~
>inb4 Tsukushi is a talentless hack
Where is Wakuna?
>Inb4 he will noclip through the Hole walls in the first page of next chapter and kills the black goo lady
He's obviously Wakuchan
Is there a chapter 45? I can see it on mangakakalot but they didn't translate it yet?
Very unlikely, the village is most likely acient, this means Wazukyan can't be Wakuna since he commited to his Last Dive when Bondrewd was already doing his things
yeah its gonna be out in 5 minutes
I don't get the Wakuna noclip meme
I don't get it either. Wasn't it Srajo who bypassed Idofront unseen?
So why did Riko and Maa even go into that hole? What did burgerflipping narehate even say about it?
>loses his arm
>now he's Future Gohan
Rigo and friends stir up shit wherever they go, it's a miracle the seeker camp survived their onslaught
Srajo sneaked through, Bondrewd noticed late but gave no particular fucks
Bondrewd said Wakuna just used his relic to cheat his way through the Sea of Corpse
Yea it's not like she tells us where she got the new one and it's not like there is an actual drawing of her buying it in one of the panels.
I guess it's because he has a relic that allows him to go through the layers of the abyss, which could also mean he can go through walls with no issues, Srajo went unseen but bonerguy said the old man went through the 6 layer using his relic
Riko's impending nuclear bowel meltdown is gonna wipe out the narehate village as we know it.
so how come Maa-san cannot speak the narehate language that literally every single other narehate seems to be able to speak, does this mean he's relatively new and not ancient like the other flesh blobs?
>Every once in a while theres bad people
>But as you see we're all good here
Who are the bad people he was talking about?
Wakuna, Srajo and Lyza?
Could Wakuna have noclipped through Bondrewd?
He's a retard. Or a very young child,
Its a different helmet
I haven't visited MiA threads since the anime ended and ch. 43 came out, so please tell me this:
how many copies did the anime sell?
Mediocre-good level.
Maybe they both did, at the same time, like in a group?
Enough for a second season
Guess I've got BRAIN PROBLEMS. I'm pretending to be retarded, I haven't read the new chapter yet.
That doesn't answer the question.
It's not just Maa
Most Narehate are like him
The chef girl seems to be a special case like Kaija, maybe they are "servants" of Sages or something like that and therefore they are more intelligent and can communicate with humans
Like Kaija serves the snake man who bought "Mitty" and also might be trying to trap Nanachi the squidgirl serves the Wazu, but for now squid and chilly highfive sage doesn't seems as malicious as Kaija
It holds the secret of the village, the other residents have some kind of instinctual reaction that prevents them from going there.
but Maa went with her. He did cry but it didn't seem so bad
Why did Riko even go there? She'd need to ascend back.
She's still in Iruburu and it's not affected by the curse
He was terrorized as fuck
Only reason he didn't ran away yet it's because there is Riko making him feel slightly safe
She sniffed Meinya first and noticed there is no force field down there so it's perfectly safe to down there, ateast safe regarding the curse.
nah white whistles are an autistic bunch and the way bonerdude spoke sounded like they went to the 6 layer in different intervals
I still dont understand why would Nanachi want to go back to flesh blob Mitty, he already did everything he could to release her so why would he want her again, like that, I could buy it if they gave him a fake human Mitty tho
he was crying like a bitch, but then again Maa-kun is always crying like a bitch.
>manga becomes popular
>threads turn into shit
>get anime adaptation
>thread turn into cancer
Such is life
stop shitting up the thread
there's no curse there and Riko is abyssexual, if there is a hole then she must go.
There is a dedicated MiA shitposting thread out there in the catalog
Hm. Wakuna may indeed go ~ and write "noclip". What about Srajo, I wonder. Invisibility?
>She'd need to ascend back.
No curse so no problem