This is Kokoro Yotsuba from "Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama"
She is willing to substitute our dearest Yotsuba as Sup Forums symbol. She has 4 leafs, her name is Yotsuba and she's kinda moe and loli for your taste.
She's also fappable, looks fine.
No risk.
Clean reshuffle.
Maybe Kiyohiko azuma would stop being bitter if we fuck off of Yotsuba
Thanks for reminding me that I need to watch 12-sai S2.
She needs to put on a tie and look respectable.
hiro start selling toys
Only bow-tie
She's also my wife.
dumb baby eggs show for babies
isn't she a bit too young?
No, she's at the age where all girls should get married.
I don't think Sup Forums's mascot would approve
Sachiko is for hitting in the tummy.
Her friend is cuter and has a nice tie.
Best lolis always are from kids anime.
Fuck ties.
She's cute without the tie as well.
Fuck you all for always posting such cute or lewd screenshots from kids anime, I always end up picking them up because of that and I'm always disappointed.
so cute hnnnnng
Cocotama is genuinely good.
Disappointed why? Kid animes are fun.
I want to break the law.
I want to break this cunny.
I want to secretly coco her tamas.
Learning that she was wearing skorts instead of a skirt hurt.
She can't do action stunts on a skirt.
Yes she can.
It's better to do them while wearing a skirt, user.
I want to do Kokoro while wearing a skirt.
>t. muhammad ibn animi
Girls over 11 are not worth anything.
Did they really have to make her this sexy? I have to pick it up now.
Little girls aren't sexy.
Sexy and gay.
Yes they are.
little girls crave the cock