If you

If you
>using tripfag
>still watching seasonal anime
>prefer anime over manga
You are the cancer killing Sup Forums.

fart on my dick teen

I love anime

When will Fuuka and Koiwai marry?

Who cares?

The amount of tripfags has only gotten down over the years. In fact, Sup Forums used to be absolutely overflowing with tripfags.
So what the fuck are you trying to say here?

well thats just like, your opinion man

Every anime was seasonal at some point.

>still watching seasonal anime
there is nothing wrong with this though. that's what makes threads fun sometimes.

>prefer anime over manga
i agree, but there's nothing inherently wrong with this either.

>If you
>>using tripfag
Hello, ESL.

tell me ONE(1) good reason i should watch seasonal anime

I miss them desu. The massive autism they inspired was something to behold; made Sup Forums less boring than it is now

>using tripfag
So I'm not allowed to make Ruri my cockslave? Fuck you bro.

>still watching seasonal anime
>prefer anime over manga

>no special mention of spics, shounenfags or isekai kids shitting up this board

I love sushi!

If you're seriously an elitist over children's picture books you should probably kill yourself. Other than that you're right though.

>not watching seasonal anime
>caring whether someone reads manga or not

Spics know more about anime than the usual lardmerican crunchyroll user.

>watching things because of peer pressure
Grow the fuck up and stop with this flawed model. The only reason you do it is to fit in on a shitty message board, not because you actually like it.

>still watching seasonal anime
What do you mean by this, as in never watch new things?

Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

Go back to the DBS circlejerk, Paco

>unironically using Yotsuba to shitpost

Watching anime on its airing season means you are a newfag.

How do you go from watching a currently airing show to giving in to peer pressure?