Why are brown people so damn cool in anime? please post the best brown Characters not no damn Gyaru.
Why are brown people so damn cool in anime? please post the best brown Characters not no damn Gyaru
Jin > Mugen
They spend more time outside in the world, so they had time to live more than us, basement dwellers.
but both Mugen and Akira(devilman crybaby) copied Spike's look.
Spike isn't brown, that's Ed.
i thought spike was a "Caramel" type of guy.
they don't look like spike at all and crybaby just copied Mugen
damn he does look a lot like mugen.
they're all asian. it's more like the tanned asian brown.
the reason spike has a tan is that his green hair would look fucking weird if he was as pale as Jet
What kind of character type could this be called?
I'm gonna go with the Bruce Lee expy
but you can agree they all have a similar type of hairstyle
was toguro brown?
Bruce Lee had the bowl cut, but they do share his personality in a way i guess.
They're all Japs
sure i guess.
also now that i think about it spike isn't necessarily asian, he can also be tanned white.
mf gendo is like my favorite character from eva
Mugen wasn't THAT dark in the anime.
>they're all asian
Spike was literally born on Mars.
What i want to know, was the creator of the Devilman Crybaby anime(2018) too lazy to come up with his original look for the MC?
Lightly tanned, you mean?
Spike's modeled after a japanese actor
Jet's likely a caucasian
Ed's some kind of alien because who has that kind of hair/skin combination, unless she's just really tanned which would make her a ginger
Faye is most likely chinese
Wasn't Mugen Okinawan?
So? Are trying to say there's no Asians on Mars?
thinking about it, "Bruce Lee expy" would fit them, since they're sorta physically in appearance like the Bruce minus the hair (lithe, fit and muscular bodies while being sorta lanky), with lots of fighting skill in their respective universe, and a "cool, cold badass" personality
Why you no post real brown characters, amigo?
he's typical anime. he can easily pass for anything except black.
>Faye is most likely chinese
she is from Singapore actually
Oh yeah its a brown Party up in here!!!
you should of chose Chad from bleach
should have, not should of
He has no character, posting him would be derogatory to brown people
>not wanting more of this glorious wild hair
>tfw Pedro's ritual suffering
what did he do to deserve this
I'd party up in her
Nagai was too. If anything Fudo looks more unique in Crybaby than any of the original series, where he basically looked interchangable with most Nagai MCs.
Are you blind? Jet is darker than Spike.
tan. brown is shit
fuck your pale taste, no life!
Is this the scariest homosexual in anime
i cant wait for the OVA to come out this month i hope Zest and Chisato have amazing Lewd scenes.
All three of these characters are Japanese though and for Japanese that skin tone is not tan.
Come on guys post some hot chocolate already. Can any of you guys beat my Gladis from kyonyuu fantasy in Defense Mode?
>this month
oh cool, totally forgot about it
They're not really brown. They're like a light olive/tan. There's a definite difference.
make way comin through
Well actual dark people are disgusting
cool brown anime characters lets see uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yeah, I got nothing.
The only other one that comes to mind is pic related but I never got far into Bleach.
Best boy coming through