Would the real William Shakespeare have liked Fate/Apocrypha?

Would the real William Shakespeare have liked Fate/Apocrypha?

Yes. because he would be enthralled with modern technology.
Remember in the 1500s there was no anything.

Probably would've been blown away by it considering he's never seen animation or any kind of film/television before.

Flip on something like Are You Ready to Rumble for Bach too and he'd shit his pants.

He'd probably steal it

nope, sellout shit, he would stick with the VN

Apocrypha doesnt have a VN user

How would have been Fate writted be Shakespeare?

Yes, if he himself would written it.


No one liked fate apopcrypha


Still 1000x better than fate grand order

Unironically not true, I'm sorry Aposhitter.

Better fights, but just that

Everyone other than fgocucks did, too bad it got a better anime huh?

Shakespeare wouldn't have written something as bad as Apocrypha, I don't like their implications he was the one who did.

One of the most psychologically complex character ever written with a lot of depth, some morally gray aspects and developed differently through the different singularities. His tension with Olga Marie is well written, and relationships with the servants in the singularities builds him. I also am interested in the resolutions he comes to in the singularities. In Fuyuki, he does pursue the dream in hopes one day he will reunite with Olga Marie. In Camelot, he accepts the dream in practically impossible, but at least a nice dream, so he decides to keep Mash at his side and pursue the dream in a more moderate fashion. Now in Babylonia, oh boy, he accepts the distortion in his heart and decides to say fuck it to the dream to save Mash, this sadly leads to him hating himself and just fights to end the mess. He is a character that is just hurting on the inside and doesn't know what to do.

Will there EVER be a good grail war?

That's Grand Order, not Apocrypha. Get your copypastas sorted out.

I want to fuck Astolfo.

Romeo and Juliet ver.2

>The original concept was the dumb 7x7 war, but with Shakespeare as the narrating character.

What a goddamn waste.

No because the romantic interest was a terrible frenchman. He probably would have preferred to see Sieg end up with Astolfo. Traps were in the English theatre at the time and by all accounts Shakespere was something of a fan of them.


More dick jokes and traps.

Yes, I think he would be a Astolfo fag

You mean Stay night desu

What VN lol

Not enough tragedy.

He was also a hack so yes

Exactly like the current Fate because e'd just rip it off

You forget he mostly did comedies and love poems with a weird rhyme scheme.


Shakespeare never existed though.


Shakespeare existed, he just didn't write any of his own plays.


Oh I am mad right now. What's next, Beethoven being a nigger?

This is actually still somewhat of a controversy amongst scholars but the majority seems to be consenting on Shakespeare being indeed a singular person but the plays having multiple authors, i.e. he wrote them together with his theater company. Other theories claim that Shakespeare was the pen name of a noble who loved the theater but didn't want to ruin his reputation as theater was seen as crude entertainment for lowly commoners at the time.

Mozart actually.

This. He'd take the premise and write a master piece.

moors were fucking arabs

why do people perpetuate this laughable bullshit

>Shakespeare's writtings were the anime of his time.

Just standard American education that makes them retarded. They honestly think everyone from Africa is black, so they believe that Egyptians and Berber tribes were also black too.

He was a shitposter so probably.

i just finished this shitshow, i barely undertood what happened but otouto protected nee-chans smile so im quite happy with it

t. Marlowe

When are people gonna unserstand you cant watch other Fate shows if you didnt read the VN

> love truth peace freedom justice
Somehow I doubt even a single one of those things in their name is true

It's so fucking pathetic and funny. Most of these people's ancestry come from West Africa, but that's not stopping them from proclaiming all of Africa as their origin.

Jesus Christ looks like you'll be the next on the list to have claims of being a nigger.

He would see the great potential of fate.

Art thee mine own mast'r?
tohsaka anus wast defenseless
onore onore onore

I think he would

It honestly shows. Much ado about nothing and Romeo & Juliet might as well have been written by Okada.

user, I...

Absolutely false, nothing is worse than that abomination.

Not him, but Shakespeare was half and half on tragedies and comedies.

The fights were good.

Who in this day and age is unironically a Shakespeare skeptic? That shit died years ago outside of cranks and Dan Brown-tier fiction.

I think he would have found the idea of westerners watching subbed entertainment from an asian country incredibly novel, and he would have been blown the fuck away by the fact that there was a moving picture story in the first place. By his standards, even QUALITY is incredible.

Given the fact that Apocrypha is a late entry in a series and relies on a fair amount of outside explanation into what is going on, combined with his general lack of exposure of Japanese storytelling and culture from his own time period, I think he would be inclined to assume that any of his personal gripes with the story were more on him not 'getting it' rather than being able to call out Apocrypha' many flaws for what they are.

They he takes a month to write a 2 hour play that steals the basic concept (ghosts forced to fight to earn a wish) and it probably ends up pretty good. He goes full tragedy on it. In his version, Astolfo is probably fucking hilarious because Shakespeare always had at least a few bits designed to play to the bawdy standing audience crowd and making the french character comedic relief writes itself.

if thats what they told you

Fate/strange fake

Shut the fuck up Demo

Astolfo is English


He gives me gay vibes.

The REAL Shakespeare, the Earl of Oxford?
Probably not.