> the show seems completely forgotten
> she still gives me a boner
Myriad Colors Phantom World
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Sup Forums seems to think this is Kyoani's weakest show which is pretty bizarre, I wouldn't claim it was amazing but not the worst.
>remember everyone spamming this part
>people get interested
>show loses popularity quick from everyone dropping it
the ending wasn't too bad either
Nobody cares what a worthless idiot like you thinks.
The second epsiode was pretty bad, I'm glad i picked it back up though because everything after was quite stellar.
>completely forgotten
do you want a general like maid dragon?
This aired two years ago.
They saved the best for first
>completely forgotten
Evidently not since little shits like you keep making inane threads like this one. You never gave a shit about the series and never will.
I've always liked the heavily saturated colors in Ishihara's shows
>the best Kyoani since Nichijou
>people hate it because they can't think by themselves
generic Kyoani slut
Sorry if this threads annoyed you.
Yet I personally really loved this show. It was light hearted fun romp.
>MC literally tongue kisses his mother
The fact that this is so easily forgotten proves how terrible this show was.
Hyouka was good
Every KyoAnus show gets forgotten as soon as it ends.
Except Hyouka for some weird reason.
Yeah I loved that sho-zzzzzzzz
No it's crap, kill yourself.
>evil but perfect demon mommy dies in the end
>slutty regular mommy stays
Why'd you have to remind me?
Konosuba was the superior show.
I can't forget it that easily, it's the last remnant I have of early 2000s JRPGs and animay
Also I can't decide whether koito or ruru for best girl.
Are implying something or is it just a reminder?
She has the second-best episode overall
It has one of the best "MC goes god mode" scenes in the final episode out of any show i've seen.
True, I'm sure no one remembers Haruhi, K-On, Lucky Star, Clannad and Nichijou.
>Sup Forums seems to think this is Kyoani's weakest show
You should consider that a large part of the KyoAni audience consists of Landwhales who were mad that Phantom World didn't pander to them.
I didn't like Hyouka.
You're actually too dumb for Hyouka. Wow.
This is what the Hyouka fanbase actually believes.
It's amazing how we're all still alive
low tier trolling
I miss her.
I thought the first half was okay but for some reason I really like the second half. It was fun. Also koitus best girl.
>still no doujins
Who are you quoting?
Nobody remembers the show because other than a few moments of (admittedly) quality fanservice, it had nothing going on in it. I don't even remember what the fuck the story was, there was just a bunch of kids and they were doing seemingly random stuff in each episode. The only part that I remember is that the big titty slut had to molest herself to activate her spells, which my penis liked.
Here's every good scene in the show. Now you can skip it.
what's pwm10_5?
>there was just a bunch of kids and they were doing seemingly random stuff in each episode.
That's literally it. The show was episodic.
Maybe they should have tried to have a story of some sort.
Or interesting characters or themes or anything.
>wanting mindless fun to be anything more for no reason
The absolute state of kyoanifags
well that would be fine if it was fun but it wasnt fun.
It was extremely fun.
Honestly I don't mind the episodic format, it separated this show from other LN adaptations which usually just do the same structure for their arcs (3-4 episode for 1 volume). The episodic format allowed them to have fun with a short narrative which usually concluded in the end of the episode, instead of dragging it out like in other LN adaptations.
Best breast physics in anime? I say yes.
Eiken would like to have a word with you, user.
>Maybe they should have tried to have a story
Did you even watch the show? It's episodic so it didn't need an overarching story at all but there was noticeable character development and am overall plot. I hate to say it about a mostly mindless LN adaptation, but this show might have been a bit too complex for you if you couldn't even grasp that.
>he doesn't know about Urushihara
Watch more anime, bud.
That's the one with the really wonky breast physics? I don't think so.
Traps don't have breast physics.
That's KyoAni though.
Needs more doujins
Kyoanus hasn't done anything decent since Nichijou.
>Villain who steals a person's power with a kiss
>Expected her to kiss Mai, Reina and/or Koito
>Kissed MC instead and didn't bother with the others
Genuinely surprised. But then again she kissed the undine girls.
It does have a theme of disfunctional or incomplete families. This should have been obvious since episode 4. This theme was also the most prominent one in the climax and conclusion of the show. None of the characters had a good family (Haruhiko's mom abandoned them, Reina's parents were too strict, Koito's parents hated her abilities, Mai lives alone and one or both of her parents are probably dead, and Kurumi's parents were hinted to have died in a housefire in episode 6), and their statuses with their families were often relevant.
Too high level for Sup Forums since they didn't out right say it in the show
>he still doesn't know about Urushihara
That's cute. Again, watch more anime.
Kyoanus hasn't done anything decent BECAUSE of Nichijou.
What was wrong with K-on movie? I thought it was decent.
Fuck you, AmaBuri was great.
It was a rollercoaster of magical hours and worst shit I've seen from Kyoani. That fucking horse scene was just unneccessary.
>make fanservice show
>don't show a lot of skin in the process
Did you even watch the beach episode, you fucking mongoloid? Kill yourself.
I whack it to Mai every so often. Every inch of that body is made to be slammed like a wild animal and covered in fresh, hot, stringy, thick cum
Considering KyoAni's track record this could be said to be their worst in recent times, that doesn't mean it's terrible, just that KyoAni has such high standards now
They had to make it like that because they weren't going to make a season 2, and the first novel is just a prologue before it hits you with that crazy twist as the real story starts in volume 2.
Ruru a best. A BEST!
Scans never.
It was shit with every third episode being really good, like the one where he becomes a kid again
The series would have been a lot more memorable if they adapted the next volume as well.
>Nobody remembers the show because other than a few moments of (admittedly) quality fanservice, it had nothing going on in it
It was massively memorable though.
I only watched the show when it aired and I can remember pretty much every episode.
Mai vs phantom girls duo
mindwhipe wonderland
AAAAA vs flame demon
pervert monkeys
big ruru
school play
cat mansion
shota MC
censor filter
May not be in the right order though.
>I don't even remember what the fuck the story was
There was no real plot beyond monster of the week formula and a final boss to tie a few loose plot points introduced here and there.
That blonde chick (forgot her name) is literally the hottest anime character designed. EVER.
Neither show any results on google (some dfc with purple hair) or pantsu, next time post an image of the show.
I need to read the novel of this anime
How would Lovecraft-san feel about this?
Fuck Kyoanus! Why that assholes dont make a MILF/cake focused show instead making that blurrry Violet Evegarden?
I wanted Enigma to kiss and take over Mai.
Why are the doujins so disappointing?
>KyoAni has such high standards now
It's an exact copy of how Cthulhu was described in the story, so he'd be pleased.
What did they mean by this?
I like how the cakes are going "Oh, my!"
They know their place. Women love dicks
So, how much shrinkage was involved and how much is the real deal?
He was hard.
Her doujins are very good.
I wanted to see more of the villain
We all do.
But for me especially because of possession fetish.
You can still buy it and be a hero
It wasn't anything special, but I had fun watching it. It had some really fun episodes.
>those weeks of hype for Koito
>finally her episode airs
>that beautiful shitstorm
Can't say I didn't enjoy it.
It really is among their worst. Only that Kigami anime original and Kyoukai no Kanata are as bad.