Extremely low FPS

>extremely low FPS
>over saturated filter effects
>uncanny valley character designs
>forced acting
>boring story
This is painful to watch. DROPPED.

Is Violet Evergarden the worst KyoAni work so far?

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I will notice your weak shitpost.

What the f*ck, I love violet evergarden now!

Please kill yourself.

kyoukai no kanata is still worse.

>thread on Sup Forums that's about not liking something
Guess I'll try this anime out, Sup Forumsnons tend to have shit taste.
When I want to know if something's good I come here and check if there are any hate threads about it.

you sure showed him.

you are literally me


Hey, Sup Forums's bitching about it. Must be pretty good, then.

finally someone say it.

Well, I have to say, I for one am very impressed. The use of post-processing effects to amplify the mood and create dynamic and tensely focused compositions was exceptional. The CG effects used for the water were almost photo-realistic. I could almost feel the salt spray on my cheeks.

The designs were quite frankly the peak of the medium. The way all the detailed linework was obscured by the intricate filters created a truly perfect aesthetic balance, and highlighted what is probably KyoAni's most daring deviation from their house character style.

The story itself is already on the par of the medium's greatest works. The thematic exploration of what it means to "love" something (a concept I feel, is under-explored in art) elevate the narrative to the level of high literature. Of course, the historic tinged fantasy setting is also quite unique, and something you rarely see. The entire aesthetic is so well crafted, that it's hard to believe that it's a TV show.

Just look at the way they obscure this detailed background to highlight Violet's moody and distant profile. Truly masterful.

Truly, a masterpiece.

spew your uneducated bullshit somewhere else

i dislike the milky filters that obscure the beautiful background work and the strange washed-out brightness; the setup is corny and hackneyed as fuck which is disappointing even if i knew it would be going in; the plot itself & writing are supremely middling and occasionally awkward & over-the-top romantic which is kinda ehhh

the ending scene with gilbert telling violet he loved her was, i don't know, not that powerful? though i will say that i truly liked the opening scene, with violet finding the brooch. it was lovely & the bokeh usage was on point there to get across the dreamy state of that moment. also,
i thought the scene toward the end of the episode with one of the dolls writing up the customer's letter was quite well-done; showing us violet's memories layered on top of the customer's narrative was a lovely way of presenting it and felt really effective in in showcasing how important the AMDs jobs can feel,
unfortunately there were just as many scenes i disliked, like the cheese-as-hell letter fluttering over mountains and past train tracks and through city streets; that way over-the-top scene promoting its forthright saccharine backbone is something i just can't get behind.
there was lots of really wonderful framing throughout the episode – i must say that i'm a big fan of the very neat-and-orderly front-facing layouts that ishidate is utilizing here, and i think that the composition of many of the shots is a big strong point here. it works to great effect, and i most likely won't get tired of looking at them, wax-paper-covered-visuals they may be.
overall – trite and cheesy story, with visuals marred by some idiosyncratic choices and overall a particular brand of romanticism that doesn't really do it for me. some really strong stuff, some very weak stuff. hopefully as the series progresses it can convince me that it's not a 5/10.


it looks lite generic moeshit im not even going to bother watching one episode, and this is coming through someone who made it through smartphone iseki and fate/apoc

Samefag, try harder.

Glad to know i'm not the only one

>Violet learn to live peace
>Her punished Major back but full edgy, wanting more war because muh pact of Versalles.
>MUH drama happens
This shit will happen in later chapters.

>extremely low FPS
Fuck off Sup Forums

If this isn't a copypasta it needs to be one.

>>forced acting

>watching Asenshi
your fault

There is better version out there atm, Asenshi fucked up everything posssible or used a shit raw

Who in the name of G-d are you quoting?

Couldn't have put this any better.

Notice and? You notice a-and?

Totally unimaginative shit posts like this that reek of crossboard faggotry are allowed in Sup Forums meanwhile Mods still try to "enforce" rules.

whatever OP

First episode of KnK was more entertaining than this.

finally someone intelligent like me

It's impressive how much detail they put into animating nothing.


flop dragon is worse

>forced acting
What the hell is that?
Is it like forced animation?

I liked it. Looked really nice

This. Why haven't we hit a 60fps standard era? Games can already do it..


thats right, im playing chess while your still playing checkers
im on the next level

non cartel subs when?

Very nice

It is basically a cliche story decorated by money from goyflix and excessive filters.

If you are here for the art, then stay.

If you are here for the story, then the door is at your left.

>dude forced animation lmao

reminder that THIS

THIS, is the actual state of people who hate this show

>come up with imaginary things they think people are saying, falseflag their minds out and upon confrontation have no recourse

Intellectual like me

This. People who had never read a Europe novel don't know what they are talking about.

Are you being an anime reviewer for free? Kinda funny.

Old Pokemon episodes have better "art"

Why don't you do it yourself?

Are you talking about Dragon Crisis?

No, about tips fedora dragon

ITT: Autism

People have been saying YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND for weeks in retort to people saying they aren't interested. Pretending the fans haven't been saying this doesn't make it true.

Oh, I missed that one. I thought it was an average success. Like most KyoAni things. Average.

Why do KyoAni keep trying to "pretty up" shitty LNs?

It's a blatant ripoff of Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasuka Isogashii Desuka Sukutte Moratte Ii Desuka. Herp she's a weapon but also a girl herpdy derp

Yes adding herp and derp to sentences regardless of context makes them sound dumber.

This is how you separate the patricíans from the patrõns

>thinks I give a fuck if Sup Forums doesn't like this show
looks like you've been rused there, prompting you to come up with this parroted shit which is why I was asking for references and nobody came up with any

Actually the good stuff isn't even talked about here, at best you see one weekly thread when a new episode airs, sometimes not even that. "Hate" threads are almost always against popular/hyped anime, and sometimes the "hate" is even justified.

All me

A surprisingly good strategy.

You forgot the worst of all
>Forced animation

Sup Forums hated Naruto Bleach and One Piece. It is not an indicator that a show is good or not, it is an indicator that a show is popular with the normies.

The real good shows are the shows that Sup Forums never discuss.

>Herp she's a weapon but also a girl herpdy derp
Wasn't this partially the plot of Saishuu Heiki Kanojo?

It feels like all other studios need to be as "beautiful" as kyoani is use an ungodly amount of blur and make things shinier.

what animation

Post-processing and filters. really hurts this including Koe no Katachi.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Violet Evergarden.

Now that you mentioned it, these two are a lot similar.
SukaSuka was somewhat decent because of the romance, and it had a pretty good first episode. VEG is hot shit though.

The plotline is extremely subtle

>Another older man loves young girl story

what are these "other studios" you speak of? making anime look "shiny" is not just about using filters and if you actually think that way you're simply in the wrong

you're definitely not in the right there, as proven by the majority opinion, KnK is beautiful just like any given kyoani show par maiddragon and nichijou

and without a solid grasp of literary technique most of the plot will go over a typical viewer's head

So subtle and deep you actually have to come up with it yourself.

There's also Violet's autistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation

>rick n morty twitch reddit pasta
I think we can finally put a lid on the anti-kyoani force.

Oh you were linking to yourself? Why?
Anyway user if you just go through topics and you reply to a post and it has a (you) next to it, you seem to have some experience already, then it probably contains the evidence you want! Happy hunting

>uncanny valley character designs


It was a freaking slideshow, if you swapped the filters for some "avant-garde" artwork, I'd probably mistake it with one of many Shaft's PowerPoint shows.

- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Europe novel literature, for instance.

The amount of chromatic aberration in that movie was really obnoxious but besides that the filtering was fairly tastefully done.

t. reddit

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plots,

>Being this contrarian

>When I want to know if something's good I come here and check if there are any hate threads about it.
So you'll be watching literally every anime that aired this season?

to realize that they're not just brilliant- they say something deep about LIFE

Someone else continue. I am gonna watch some generic anime that cannot even be compared to this masterpiece of a show.

>call you out on using a well known rick n morty pasta
>n-no you're the reddit






>forced acting

What the fuck does this even mean?

>not reading any Europe novel ever
>claiming that they can talk shit about this show

anti-kyoani force everyone

it meens quads

Not him, but that's my goal (except for sequels if I haven't seen the prior seasons). It's neat trying new things, even if it doesn't always pan out.

You do that every season?

A lot of people do, in fact that is requirement to be here. You dont have to watch everything till the end, but giving up without trying most of the seasonal shows you simply dont belong here

Giving everything 1-3 episode try is normal. Even if you DO watch 20-30 shows per season really, its still not that much time as it seems: around 2-3 hours a day max (most anons spend much more to shitpostin on Sup Forums instead watching anime sadly). In fact even with huge list of shows followed, some days its still litterally "nothing to watch" or one episode per day

Eh. I thought it was gonna be a lot worse than it actually is in the story department. I mean, it's still a coldly calculating attempt at generating feelz with no subtlety whatsoever, but I at least considered it entertaining. Let's see how it continues.

>20-30 shows per season
>only around 2-3 hours a day
What about my backlog? I don't get autismbux so I can't spend my day doing nothing else.

I don't watch everything (or watch at least 3 episodes before dropping) because I try to pick shows that I think might be interesting.
I spend some time checking trailers, synopses and looking up source material to decide whether I will watch something since my autism acts up if I drop anything.

Anime originals are the only series I pick up until they become utterly unbearable.

I do understand what you're saying though. It's just that different people have different ways to manage the time they put into their hobbies.
Anyone who refuses to watch any anime that's out of their comfort zone nor tries anything new does not belong here, I agree.

how was notSento?

If you have watched all seasonal shows season after season you would not have a backlog.

I watched all the old stuff pre late 2000th and everything aired ever since around 2006

Even marathoning 800+ episodes shows like Detective conan or Gintama does not actually take that much time.

>uncanny valley designs
No (You) for you.

It's out on Netflix if anyone cares.

I really just fucking despise her super-punchable face.