Lolibaba edition
OPT - One Page Thread
Damn, did the old one die already...a shame, it had some better than usual pages
So are there any romance manga out there where the MC isn't a completely useless dipshit? I'm not asking for recommends btw this is rhetorical.
It's just getting kind of tiring seeing the same situations play out in a bunch of different romance manga because the male MCs never ever stand up for themselves.
the funny thing is, this guy thinks he jumped to the good part
but the 'pestering' would have been so much better
of course, not realistically to do since it's a fucking hentai
>"I stubbornly kept pestering her..."
Yeah there are a few. explore the series category tag searches on mangaupdates.
not really a recommendation but Hapi Mari was fun.
For you.
fucking disgusting
>not knowing
lol at "One year later" in english
>not knowing
Not knowing what? That Tomboys are perfection? Flat is justice?
r8 my oc
Google/iqdb gives me nothing. Got a more searchable page?
It's published in weekly shounen champion.
Try Yandex or SauceNAO.
The characters are beasts.
buy the original ;)
Any leads to these? None of the search engines yielded results.
>Abe-kun's propaganda trying to get neets to go /outside/
works on my machine
Oh, both are from the same manga? Thank you. That word was all I needed.
>so you're smarter than the average saucfag then, huh.
Did the scanlator really think the audience was so oblivious he had to localize "SAFE DAY?"
I looked up a few of the names on those pages but got no results, then I added the word bitch, and I instantly got results. Checked the MAL cast just in case, and the names match. I had read a few chapters of this mango before, but I had completely forgotten about it.
>so you are smarter than the average saucefag then, right.
That's the point. You self insert as the protagonist because you think you are much better at handling the situations. That's why it sells.
I want to lick the drool off her face
>tfw it was revealed that Najimi is actually a woman
manga ruined.
>Najimi is a woman
I've missed the last few threads, is this for real? That takes half the fun out of the character
I'm just taking the piss out of anyone whose read it. Najimi is still genderless until proven guilt.
>Najimi becomes the final boss
>reveals she really is a boy
>became a girl because she loved Tadano so much and knew it was the only way to get his love
>wins the mcbowl
screencap this
my nigerian brother.
If Najimi cucks Komi-san, I don't know whether I'd be angry, astonished, overjoyed, or all three at once.
I don't even know if I can stomach Najimi being romantic in the first place.
I just wanted a comfy manga about old vidya
best girl
shoujo manga, start with kare kano
is there more or just another blueball shilling
>sad panda distributing questionable porn to minors
>dead since Jan. 2014
Why would you do this to me user?
The colour color memes have started in force.
I've spilt unquantifiable amounts of seed to this
... Lemongrab?
shoujo manga has the opposite problem though. the male romantic interests in shoujo are often rich, have super model looks and have very high standing in society. they also get away with things that any remotely normal looking guy would get the cops called on him for. Physical/mental abuse, sociopathic personalities and a bunch of them are outright rapists.
funnily enough, the type of romance manga that consistently has the best MCs are... yuri manga.
that what you've pointed out as a flaw in shoujo still usually has more potential for an interesting story on average, romantic or not, than the usual self-insert mc romance.
also gb2 to >>/u/
Does anyone have that page of some swordautist jerking off to the murderstroke/mordhau technique?
This is a weird compliment to give, but I love how the few doujins based on this series 100% nail the characters and their personality.