
She´s ready for the next storm.

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Nice image.

Why is sumire best girl and why does she cause saradaniggers to sperg out?

Ninja storm you mean?

Tbh, i'd like to see that! Maybe she could use nue to attack?

What do you think about Team 7´s first mission so far?


sperg? it is the other way around baby.

Like a very badly done rip-off of Land of Waves and the only good thing about this series. the character interactions, seems to be going to shit too.


For some reason this pic strikes me as something right out of Kingdom Hearts.

Let us start this new thread and hope it does not turn to shit like the last thread.

Why do Sarada and Boruto become more and more unlikeable the more the show progresses? As academy students, they really seemed like childhood friends who fully knew each other, teased the other here and there but ultimately knew about the other one's strenghts and respected them. Now, they show zero teamwork whatsoever despite having had one entire arc about teamwork im general and an own episode about teamwork in small cells dedicated to them. Boruto tries everything on his own, Sarada just sees Boruto as a nuisance, it's so fucking shit. What went wrong?

New writers I guess.

The movie happened. It's a shame that SP couldn't just overwrite Boruto's movie personality with his pre-genin one. Guess they simply ignore Kishi's shitty writing.

*can't simply ignore

It's getting obvious that there is a correlation to enjoyment and screentime of the other kids

I just want the Team 15 episode and hope they retcon Sumire's career shift in the manga

Academy and graduation arcs were so comfy.

My wife sumire is very cute!

Because the entire movie is about Bort learning a big lesson.

How could they even rehash the movie's plot if Bort is already a cool guy that everyone loves and regularly works hard?

It's getting annoying. I don't like salad and prefer sumire but I'd rather they get nice moments than this aggravating garbage. It's like watching the same retards fight over and over makes you wanna hit your head. Yes salad we get it you want to have a perfect record and not one fuck up even though that shit LITERALLY doesn't matter in becoming hokage if you act like an unlikable cunt. Bourto is regressing too hurrr I can do everything alone I mean we just had a few episodes to move beyond that.

>Mitsuki episode
>has very little Sarada and Boruto
>it's considered the best Boruto episode
Coincidence? I think not. Time to rehaul the Boruto series and remake it into "Mitsuki."

Is Boruto jumping the shark?

I want to fuck Lady Kiri.

>I want boruto to be just like Nara to but even more talented
T. Faggot

Well, they do it differently. Instead of all the family drama, maybe we could have gotten a situation where Naruto and Boruto are alone, and they have to survive together, getting closer as father and child? It's not necessary to make Boruto a big jerk to make him look up to his father, but I guess that's Kishi's writing for you!


They are forcefully reverting Boruto to his cheeky personality to make it match the movie's. Sarada doesn't have to be bitchy, but she's also becoming incresingly more annoying for no real reason.

Cheeky is one thing, an arrogant retard who vastly overrates his own abilities is another.

What did he mean by this?

He always has an autistic statement to make. I miss sasuke. Give me an edgy rival that will still do whatever it takes to save your ass at the right time and a retarded female team member who gets talked down to by said rival any day

Thing is that the movie works as a self contained story about Naruto's son learning how to appreciate his dad but it doesn't work if you are making a lot of stuff that happens before it unless you want people to hate your MC.

So SP decided to go with inconsistent characterization because they don't want to tell the movie's story differently than what Kishi envisioned.

He already reached the 5th stage of grief. Poor boy.

Boruto is fine

But having someone to nag on him constantly every episode would get tiring

Am I the only one that hates the whole "InoShikaCho" lineage?

I'm already tired the new kids.

I mean, Shikadai is just another Shikamaru? Really...? That's it? Fuck off.

Fuck Chouchou and fuck that one pale kid.

what does it mean?
did western sjws/anti naruhina people reallly made Sekibeing talk down the NH animation?


* take

Chouchou is the worst

So why mods delete all the Sarada OPs?

Boruto is better than Naruto.

No. The staff members at SP convinced him that posting borderline hentai of characters from a show made for children isn't a great idea.

The character or the show? Anyhow, both statements are wrong.

early Boruto was great,
his development is getting shit on because of the movie stuff.

>you clowns are very entertaining to watch
>keep doing your autistic rambling
>two low IQ monkeys attacking each other
>very funny
>you are literally made for each other
>made to entertain me of course

eugenics comin thru

I think he is getting cocky because he wants to impress his father. What I don't like about this development is that it comes from nowhere. Before this arc, Boruto did not want to impress his father, he wanted his father back home and giving attention not only to him, but to Himawari and his mother. Acting like a spoiled kid that wants attention goes completely against his previous behaviour, because before his own actions he always had put the interests of Himawari and Hinata before his.

Tsundere anime Bort >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheeky-bastard attention whore Bort

Problem is that anime Bort has no reasons to complain about Naruto since he is actually around his family a lot in the anime.

Yeah, also this, but I can understand him having mixed feelings about his father going from doting parent to almost-always-at-work. I think that his attitude towards him during the Nue arc was pretty good and realistic. Ep 17 was great. It's a shame that they ruined his character development just to go along with the movie.

Wrong opinion whores

Chouchou is great but considering the dynamic of the group and more specifically Shikadai (Inojin at least is a gender bended Ino) are both clones it does make their team rather boring. Chouchou is basically holding the team together all by herself.

>Inojin at least is a gender bended Ino

Inojin isn't slutty

Inojin barely has any characterization, he seemed like a pale autist with no social skills at first but once Mitsuki got that role he disappeared from the plot other than his episode that ended up being more about how Himawari is inspiring because... she loves daddy?

How does Sup Forums feel about Mitsuki?

>inojin isn't slutty

he will be the next Moonman.

Very wasted potential because the only new thing he has done other than suck up to Bort is suck up to Salad.

Is Mitsuki going to turn Boruto into a demon and destroy the world just so he can be with him in his last moments?

What are the chances of SP replacing Sarada for Sumire for some bullshit reason if this arc bombs?

*with Sumire

>This was originally just for practicing drama, but I think I wanted to include a scene I haven't done. When it comes to drama, if I don't think about what kind of feelings are in the characters' points of view, their motivations, and their reactions, I can't draw them, so I used those characters. Though I thought the everyday intimacy of a couple is a normal thing, after deep deliberation, I realize this isn't an account where I freely draw as I please like it's an old personal account anymore. I have disturbed the company and my professional relationship, so I have deleted it. I sincerely apologize.

Satan wanted to live with Akira in the demon world but he fucked up.
Mitsuki is already content to live with Boruto the way they are right now. He probably doesn't have any hatred against god and humanity nor the will to replace them with chakra demons. Probably.

You are still going on about it? Just let it go.

Going on about what?

The stupid "SP is going to replace Salad with Sumire" meme that has been going on since the Nue arc.

Why did they have to give her a slut outfit?
Her original outfit was much more modest

imagine all the private Naruhina smut this guy has drawn and can't disclose anymore.

Well, with Sumire being confirmed as Boruto's possible love interest and Sarada being that unlikeable, it's not that far-fetched.

Cute sexy snek. Not as good as glasses sexy snek tho

The only thing that really bothers me about Boruto 's behavior in this episode was the "So uncool" thing. I fucking hate that shit.

By that logic should they replace Bort with Mitsuki as the MC since he is acting so unlikable as well?

He has a whole artbook of them that we'll never see.

Not nearly as unlikeable as Sarada. At least there is a legit reason to adjust his personality (to match the movie one), but Sarada has no reason to be this bitchy right now, her movie personality was pretty chill.

Why can't they just hire this guy as the main writer? His scenarios are way more interesting and realistic than the shit we get in the anime and manga.

A chinese writing a glorious nippon series!? Unthinkable!

it's a shame,
this is equivalent to Hiro Mashima's private FT porn stash

I would pay to see NaruHina interactions like those I see in that artbook. They seem really organic, like an actual married couple, completely unlike that autistic "marriage" they depict in the anime. Hinata seems more like Naruto's servant than his wife in the anime.

God damn he's a good animator but he also just draws really nicely. Look at Naruto's dopey face coming home. Look at Himawari cuddling her panda. Look at Hinata's everything.

Sumire being given a much better backstory than Sarada was a consequence in making a cool starter villain

But now that she's part of the main cast, her very existence makes Sarada and her background look bad, made worse as Sarada's prissiness becomes annoying as time passes

I actually don't think so. The episode where Himawari gets sick has some great moments between them, like her doting on him when he comes home drunk and her kicking him out of the house when he and Boruto are being noisy and Naruto reminiscing about his first date with her.

Maybe she has the authority of a wife, but the anime completely lacks the affection a married couple should have for each other. Just one hug like that one in the artbook speaks a lot about their relationship.

>that bottom page
>Naruto and Hinata even being around each other shortly after Pain
God damn it I am mad this never happened

Drawing a cute moment with little to no dialogue is different from writing an entire script that feels natural and the NaruHina moments in the anime are already amazing.

I dunno, this scene is pretty cute. Plus Boruto tells Mitsuki Naruto's always fawning over Hinata.

>Hinata seems more like Naruto's servant than his wife in the anime.
Babby's first look into a Japanese marriage?

that is because they are trying to turn sarada into sakura 2.0 for some reason.

>the anime completely lacks the affection a married couple should have for each other
They look normal to me. Thanks for reminding me I was raised in a family with parents who had no love for one another.

how is she supposed to act as a wife according to you?

hugs and kisses on every scene? that shit ain't happening , specially on a SP show.

No, just one hug like the artbook's or any other form of affection would have done the deed for the entire show. The closer we got to that is , but that feels lacking for a married couple IMO.


I'll be honest. I'm only lurking itt for cute pictures

Not only Sumire makes Sarada look bland in comparison, but Sarada's blandness also affects Sumire. Sumire was a great character with a lot of potential, but after her arc it feels like they have put some kind of cap in the development of her character, and I feel that it's mostly to not make Sarada look THAT bad. Sumire is everything that Sarada should have been as the main heroine, but now that they created Sumire, I want her to be good.