Netflix throws millions of dollars at shows like Devilman Crybaby

>Netflix throws millions of dollars at shows like Devilman Crybaby
>Amazon creates a double-paywall anime service and then shuts it down in a year

I know it's tangentially related to anime, but can we talk some inside baseball about streaming services?

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no that shits for dweebs

>>Netflix throws millions of dollars at shows like Devilman Crybaby
Do we have any actual word on Crybaby's budget? I ask because people have been hyping up muh Netflix budgets ever since they first mentioned getting into anime, and I've never seen any real source or logic for it.

Virgin Strike Vs Chadflix

Neither is sustainable. Anime costs more to make than the low return of streaming gives, it's a niche medium that needs to work on niche logic.

I'd rather talk DODGEBALL!

Wait, it was double-paywalled?

No wonder that shit failed.
>paying for electricity
>paying for internet
>paying for amazon prime
>paying for anime strike
just to watch original anime that nobody cared about

>Made in Abyss

what was frustrating was that Amazon picked up really good shows which meant you couldn't just watch everything on Crunchyroll

>People seriously discussing paid stream services like crunchyshit and goyflix.

Sup Forums is dead

>watch everything on Crunchyroll

>millions of dollars
An anime barely costs 2 millions and they are not funding the whole thing.

I really hope you're complaining about slow sub rips.

I listen to a lot of television podcasts and I'm fascinated by the inner workings of entertainment companies.

don't worry I usually torrent everything anyway

We need them to be good enough for HS and Erai to steal from.


Considering they're bankrolling anime, there's as much reason to take interest in them as Aniplex these days.

We should ask Tattun, Netflix funded LWA TV and Trigger got money from views/exposure.

>you couldn't just watch everything on Crunchyroll
You have to go back.

Why don't you guys see your anime on MEGA? I mean you just search for the anime on youtube
Idk for example
>Samurai Champloo MEGA english sub
get the link, download it for free...
It's just so easy

Don't do that.

It's probably not that much. They are not paying for everything and anime does not cost that much to begin with (about 2 million on average for a 13 episode season).

How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

nice meme

Constant stream of original material to discuss from Japan. The userbase and moderation are in agreement that dubs are shit and subs should be primarily discussed. The foreign language and having to watch subs to participate in discussion are a barrier to entry that keep out the stupidest and laziest posters.

It also helps that it's literally the foundation of the entire site. Sup Forums exists FOR Sup Forums, everything else is just extra space to keep off-topic discussion out of Sup Forums.

Monkeys and typewriters.

By that logic, Netflix shouldn't work at all. The whole point of most netflix show is to create that niche content that isn't made for TV anymore. How successful it all is seems to be secondary to perpetuating their monopoly on TV time.

Netflix was one of the investors for LWA, but they didn't bankroll it like they did Devilman.

How come you faggots still don't realize that pasta is ironic

He was asked and said he didn't know.

Who is this cutie? :^)

Realistically speaking, they'll never be able to beat the price of free, so they should beat the free out through the quality of their product.

But the problem with that is their products aren't better. I remember a fond time where I got free subs of high quality from honest to god anime fans who put a lot of passion into their work. The corporations just do things through a soul-sucking method that just lacks the passion that I'm used to, which is a large part of why I don't even watch anime anymore.

I just miss the golden age of fansubs. Even fucking horrible-subs and that shitty group daiz used to run (CG or something like that?)

Isn't crybaby also a committee project?

>Amazon creates a double-paywall anime service and then shuts it down in a year

Sucked to be an American I guess. All the Anime Strike content was just on ole regular Amazon Video in Canada.

Oh. Well. I'm still waiting for that fucking Patreon.

>I just miss the golden age of fansubs.
It was so great. 4 different groups for Kill la Kill. Multiple groups for EVERYTHING with CR/HS being the bargain bin choice of the plebs willing to accept inferior translations.

That said, I learned Japanese and just watch everything raw. I recommend you do the same.

>I just miss the golden age of fansubs.
I don't miss faggots like gg at all.

I only miss deadfish. Maybe coalgirls.


Netflix is gunning to become an anime studio. They have just bankrolled a legit anime series and premiered it on their network. It makes sense to talk about them.

The only reason I stream everything now is that I'm kinda forced to. I work from home and can't really get caught downloading anything.

If the stream services stop simulcasting, all the reddit and MAL folk are left without subs and come begging here to look for fansubs. We have enough cancer here as is.

What? Your boss logs your home internet?

>Kill La Kill
>Golden Age of fansubs

No but I just know that the one time I'll do it I'll forget to close my work VPN or something. I'm mostly just paranoid.

There is no way that you are not a shill.

wasn't Strike the one where we were getting legit flat-out mistranslations in episodes? it's amazing people paid for such shoddy fansubs like that, which used to be free.

The best part of this bait is he calls Re:Creators a good show and nobody even notices

Coalgirls encodes were unironically great. I really miss DameDame!.

I fell off with that show when it was airing how bad did it turn out?


Everyone was politely not taking the bait, baka sakana.

Kill yourself.

How does Sup Forums still download shows even? Private trackers? I use to have some accounts for those.

>Neither is sustainable. Anime costs more to make than the low return of streaming gives

How the fuck do you know? Have you done the market research? Do you have any fucking experience in the streaming video industry? Fuck off, you god damn idiot.


No one downloads anime anymore since they closed down Napster.

Well I didn't think of that.

you single out gg, when they went out of they way to generalize and make even the biggest pile of shit interesting and funny, nice.

I buy BD from Japan.

Mods please don't ban.

Not only that. Netflix has never made money you fool.
Google it.

>They have just bankrolled a legit anime series
Except Crybaby is legit trash. Story and adaptation aside, the animation is low-effort flash garbage.

Netflix has a massive cashflow and is rolling in profits.
Google it.

>missing bloatgirls

How long did it take for you to achieve that level of fluently? Also, what materials did you use to learn the language? Curious to know

B-but muh Yuasa

>Netflix is rolling in profits

>he didn't have over 1TB of storage back in the day
Plebbest of plebs.

>the animation is low-effort flash garbage.
You mean art style, and it's pretty typical for one of Yuasa's works to have a simplistic art style like this.

Google it, you child.

It's 20 billion dollars in debt.

Google says they are $20 billion million in "profits."

>You mean art style
I mean both. The tweening is sick. He put effort into shows like Ping Pong and Tatami Galaxy. But Crybaby is dull and flat and reminiscent of a cheap Western cartoon.

I took 12 months of Japanese in uni. It covered two years of course material, though: the first year of material was covered in one summer, then the second year of material was in the next three quarters. I had to learn a language for my BA and forgot until my last year of uni. Prior to that I'd been watching anime and browsing Sup Forums for a year two years, so I wasn't going in raw.

A good uni class is the single best way to learn the language in the west. Nobody is auto-didact enough to learn it without the structure of a class and deadlines. After finishing the course and leaving uni I became NEET for two years and wound up translating 4 nukige for petty cash until I got a real job.

>I mean both.
But you posted a still, so I think you didn't mean animation.

u tool

>Shorted NFLX 200 shares @ 199.18 in November
>Forgot about trading account over christmas break
>Check price today

S-Should I hold this short? Netflix is doomed thanks to Violet Evergarden shitshow, r-right...?

>shorting for two fucking months
>forgetting about a short position
Just close it out and accept the loss, dude. Go read The Intelligent Investor and never mess with anything more complicated than index funds ever again.

imagine getting paid to make that logo

Considering that physical media is dying streaming is going to rule the industry. Enjoy your anime oriented at chinks and spics.

Netflix proved that people are willing to pay chump change for convenience. I don't care about resolution or whatever supposedly makes streaming shit. I just don't want multiple gigabytes of a show I might not even finish taking up space on my computer when I marathon things. I can watch an episode without worrying about how many seeds it still has if it's an old one (usually zero) and then I can drop it when it's garbage.

The bonus is that I'm likely voting with my money for shows that pander to me.

He's a big guy.

so do you think community college classes would offer the same kind of quality or would 4 year universities be the only option?

Also, what is your degree? Thinking of trying for Engineering and was wondering if Japanese would be too much with that.

>Sup Forums will never come to terms with the fact that licensing by western companies is keeping the industry in Japan alive
No one remembers the animepocalypse of 2007/2008/2009 anymore

I wish their dubs were better. I usually watch subs but if they got people like Will Smith to voice act I'd be interested in watching their dubs.

Netflix is dead meat once Disney gets its streaming service rolling. You better pray The Mouse doesn't gets its hands on the anime market like it conquered Hollywood.

>Also, what is your degree?
I can't answer your question/post because it would actually be enough to uniquely identify me.

But I wouldn't recommend a two year community college. Garbage. 4 year university courses or nothing. My uni had an excellent Japanese program.

KLK was probably the last show I remember that had actual typesetting in place. Now it's just shitty Arial-font translations placed directly on top of the text.

When CR/Netflix start to put some actual effort into sub typesetting, then maybe I'd give a shit to throw a few $ their way.


Disney's brand power isn't what it used to be.

I personally got fluent in Japanese through sheer autism in my high school summer time. If you missed that golden time then you're kind of fucked. Why go to university just to learn Japanese rather than something cooler like a STEM field?

You probably watch the shit subs you get from HS exclusively.

did you ever study abroad for a certain period of time or were you mostly just stateside?

Also, ever go to Japan after that and test out your skills in real life or do you mostly just use it to understand anime,manga,games, etc?

I get it. Its funny because Disney actually owns around 2/3rds of all content in the west.

>Disney's brand power isn't what it used to be.
Yeah, and Apple doesn't have the reputation it used to. Doesn't mean they don't still have more money and clout than God.

That is dependent on whether or not Solo completely kills the Star Wars brand. Even after TLJ, it's still somewhat salvageable.

>I don't care about resolution or whatever supposedly makes streaming shit
Holy shit, you're a consumerist imbecile. You don't care that the video in visual medium is bitrate-starved, has aliasing issues, has artifacts, has banding, and so on? That you'll never watch source-level quality? You don't care that you're paying not to own a show, but to access a catalog restricted behind DRM, a service that, as per Netflix's privacy policy, mines user data to sell to third parties?
>multiple gigabytes
What kind of a streamfag casual are you where this is even an issue? A hard drive, ever heard of it? Seeds don't matter if you're on a private tracker, and even public trackers suffice for most things.
The only thing Netflix proved is that ignorant consumers like yourself are willing to pay money for anti-user, anti-privacy practices that offer a mediocre level of convenience that only an tech illiterate can value. Convenience at the cost of all else - pure retardation.

>Successful business
>not being in debt

>meme subs

I watched LWA with the Vivid-Asenshi subs. They had terrible translations of obvious phrases, and there was very, very little typesetting beyond that meme pic you posted.

You want ACTUAL good typesetting? Go look at Kaylith's Zankyou no Terror release. It is the GOLDEN standard of typesetting. It's also the last time a sub group actually put in effort into a show instead of just ripping CR subs and changing a few words around.

Entirely stateside. And no I never went to Japan. I can barely put a sentence together these days but I can understand written text and spoken word pretty damn well. Certainly well enough to watch/read Japanese otaku media raw, and to muddle my way through a japanese news broadcast.

What in the fuck are you talking about? I speak Japanese and there wasn't a single thing wrong with Asenshi's translations. You said that typesetting has been low effort since 2013. I showed you that it hasn't and you went nuts.

Your unsolicited mention of the sub group Kaylith just makes your criticism seem like it has questionable motivations. Perhaps you are associated with that sub group so you want to slander the competition.