Fuck... the writing is so bad

Fuck... the writing is so bad.

It's a very simple story.

do not read anything by Go Nagai he is a communist


piss off sjw


>muh inhumanity of war
>humans are the REAL demons


>>muh inhumanity of war
but this is true you colossal edgelord


Thiz is wut u call a foundational text. Most of the shit you lyk has borrowed hevily 4rom this manga...bud

>Opposing communism

war is the essence of humanity, bugman

Technically war is one of the main human traits. I still wouldn't disagree with calling it "inhuman" (or just awful and tragic) but I don't think Nagai handled that theme well in Devilman. The humans fighting themselves are supposedly a metaphor for war, turning into a demon means going at war or something, but it doesn't work since we only see crowds mentality and demons (or more accurately, devilmen) don't take part in any conflict, except the one brought by Satan at the very end. And humans never turn into demons (except the ones that got possessed but that was magic and happened only once).

There's an interview where he talks about how he grew up listening to stories about the horrors of war that left a big impact on him. Of course he's anti-war.

Go Nagai isn't a writer, he's an entertainer

>crying when the guy who wrote a thriller manga in the 1970's disagrees with your political values
>anything other than peak faggotry

Is this worth reading? Tbh I'm at little turned off by the art style.

What did she mean by this?

I’m not him. My point is that SJWs love communism

It's invited a ton of shitposting thanks to the fact it got a Netflix adaptation and this board is filled with casuals, but it's still a highly influential and well-executed classic. It starts off a little rocky but gets much better.

they hate it because carl marks is racist and sexist and material analysis is deeply troubling eurocentrism

It's pretty interesting. You can diss the writing all you want but as long as you take it as a horror story you probably will enjoy it. I don't think it's great as many people seem to believe but it's so short you might as well take 2 hours of your free time to read it.

then why do they want to redistribute wealth and socialise everything you puerile faggot

Its only 5 volumes and its a manga that has influenced many authors such as Miura and Anno.
I would say that is worth a read if you're interested in the medium, at least to see how did influence later works.

read devilman and find out


if he's such a damn poser why'd ya bump his shit thread

it depends on people, for me it's fantastic i was astonished by the ending, for some others it's just a story like any other story with the bizarre 70's style of drawing/writing. But at least read it to see how it influenced his medium.