Violet Evergarden

As much as I shit on faggots that thinks ufo's animation is good, when in reality it is all filters, at least ufo actually bothers to animate the stuff under all those filters.
This shit is nothing but pretty stillshots and detailed talking heads.

Other urls found in this thread:

wow welcome to anime
if you care so much about animation, you can go back to watching disney or pixar

>hurr durr, all anime is shit

This begins in much the same way as that Dragon King thing, with an overly melodramatic bit of utter dross. A gem catches the girl's eye and she clutches her chest at the sheer emotion it invokes in her as the music swells to theatrical heights… before cutting away to a recovery ward where we follow the musical journey of a piece of a paper blowing through the streets. After those three minutes of masturbation, the internal narration begins. Dialogue? Story? Pfft. You're barking up the wrong tree, buddy. We're here to see an emotionally stunted crippled girl with giant glistening eyes stare gormlessly and do everything that she's told, without thought or question. Which is what we quickly get back to, with her on her hands and knees, flailing and helpless from fallng out of the hospital bed, while sad music plays and every source of light floods the area, creating a haze that never leaves.

A lot of hay will no doubt be made of the war bits, especially the one where bloody and armless, she desperately tries to drag the dying dude she was pining for by her teeth, but the same goddamned song was playing over that as played over every single other thing. There is only one tone, one theme to the entire episode; "Violet is such a tragic robot girl." Start to finish. Unrelenting. Unceasing. The closest thing to levity is that she lacks social nuance, so starts to change in front of a man who yells "EEEEH!?" No characterization for anybody beyond that. No story beyond that. So no matter how loud the orchestra gets, or how much you want to animate the lost paper flapping through the wind, there's no depth. These aren't living characters in a story, just superficial attempts to relentlessly wail on the heartstrings by way of a fifty ton orchestra, and I continue to find that more grating that a thousand bouncing tits attempting to appeal to my dick ever could be.

This is literally the opposite of his point, you stupid cunt.

As a Victorian/Edwardian story, the pacing feels similar to..say...Jane Eyre or some of the later Anne of Green Gables books. While it works for that genre, I imagine that it will have a harder time hooking a modern audience, and that Sup Forums might lose patience with it should it keep a traditional pace.

It worked for Kimi no Na Wa

You don't know shit about anime.

>muh sakuga

>welcome to animation
>if you care about animation

Most retarded post of the year

No, I do.

In case any of you are wondering why "people" are so adamant on shitposting VEG threads, it's because PTE is projected to sell only 1.2k units.
Meanwhile VEG is garanteed to break 3k average just for being a KyoAni show, not to mention the high possibility of it selling really well.

>he thinks anime and animation are synonyms
Oh you poor retarded thing

I dislike the milky filters that obscure the beautiful background work and the strange washed-out brightness; the setup is corny and hackneyed as fuck which is disappointing even if i knew it would be going in; the plot itself & writing are supremely middling and occasionally awkward & over-the-top romantic which is kinda ehhh.
The ending scene with gilbert telling violet he loved her was, i don't know, not that powerful? Though i will say that i truly liked the opening scene, with violet finding the brooch. It was lovely & the bokeh usage was on point there to get across the dreamy state of that moment. Also,
i thought the scene toward the end of the episode with one of the dolls writing up the customer's letter was quite well-done; showing us violet's memories layered on top of the customer's narrative was a lovely way of presenting it and felt really effective in in showcasing how important the AMDs jobs can feel.
Unfortunately there were just as many scenes i disliked, like the cheese-as-hell letter fluttering over mountains and past train tracks and through city streets; that way over-the-top scene promoting its forthright saccharine backbone is something i just can't get behind.
There was lots of really wonderful framing throughout the episode – i must say that I’m a big fan of the very neat-and-orderly front-facing layouts that Ishidate uses, and i think that the composition of many of the shots is a big strong point here. It works to great effect, and i most likely won't get tired of looking at them, wax-paper-covered-visuals they may be.
Overall – trite and cheesy story, with visuals marred by some idiosyncratic choices and overall a particular brand of romanticism that doesn't really do it for me. Some really strong stuff, some very weak stuff, hopefully as the series progresses it can convince me that it's not a 5/10.

They're more than just synonyms, buddy.

Literally no one cares how well PTE sells.

People were falseflagging previous thread with fake sales.

Is that why PTE stalker numbers were being posted in almost every thread while the first pre-order wave was happening?

Yeah, they talk about it to get a rise out of you. No one cares if it sells well in reality.

Except anime and animation refer to different things
How do you not know this?

Dumb Tanya poster.

I don't care about the reasoning. What matters is shoving reality on their faces.

Not in japan, newfriendo.

>still no subs

Am I getting trolled right now?
Anime = anime
Animation = animation
They are different things in Japan the same way they're different things here. Would you watch a good anime and say "that was a good animation"? Would you watch a particularly well animated scene and say "the anime in the fight scene was really well done"?

Fucking why? It's made in 1080p.

The japs don't use アニメーション when referring to the animation itself or its quality.

>not lurking enough

Truly, unironicaly, genuinely, without any exaggeration, the most amazing viewing experience of my life. I've never laughed harder or weeped more profusedly than at Violet Evergarden. It's a marvel of modern animation, far outstripping not only every anime ever made, but every single piece of animation in human history. Future historians will look back and see this as the turning point for humanity; no one can watch the first episode of Violet Evergarden and walk away the same. It brings out the rawest humanity within our souls, soothes our rough edges, and enhances our finer qualities. I would not be surprised to see a new religion form around the undeniable perfection that is Violet Evergarden.

Truly gentleman, I say unto thee, you must watch and accept into your hearts the beauty of Violet Evergarden.

>muh literally the word meaning animation

They do though. You can see it in the credits of every show.

Well, thats exactly what I mean.

I am just waiting for Takemoto's episode

Netflix airs tomorrow

Muh not!nazis SOON.

I personally separate my life to pre-VEG and post-VEG periods, as watching it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to watch it even if it’s the last thing you do.

My life has been an ongoing quest to discover life-changing works of fiction, and despite having gone through thousands of books, movies, games and the like, I have yet to find anything to even rival Violent Evergarden. I’m honestly getting goosebumps just remembering it.

All I can say is that it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced.

Personally, I wouldn't call Violet Evergarden an anime. I'd call it a revolution. Nothing before it can compare, and nothing after it will be without its influence. In the same way Galileo's brilliant insights saved us from the Dark Ages, Violet Evergarden will take us into a new age. A better age, free of the darkness that has permeated our modern society until now. Its profound understanding of the human condition will remake our philosophers, inspire our scientists, and uplift the common man. If anyone cannot see truth, love, or beauty within their own life after viewing Violet Evergarden, his is a soul forever lost to us. For there is no more spiritual moment, nothing that mankind has ever experienced to truly connect him with the divinity he holds within himself quite like Violet Evergarden. It is beyond our petty labels.

>its made in 1080p
oh boy

nice pasta

PTE is complete shit though

It is retard. This isn't 2010 anymore.

Fresh, just for you

What's so violet about it?

>he thinks anime is produced at a 1920x1080 format and aired as such

You say that as a joke, but I didn't know the title was literally just the MC's name. I thought it hade some chuuni meaning, kinda robs a bit of the mysticism it had.

This one is.

Is it just me, but does this show feel really cheap? Usually the camera effects are used in a narrative sense but this time it really feels like they are just hiding ugly CG backgrounds.
Also, the characters, script and story reek of light novel tier writing. Even with Kyoukai no Kanata's terrible plot, at least the characters were great. Yet Violet feels really mishandled and confusing, the Colonel is under-characterized, and Major Gilbert felt like he came straight out of a fanfiction.

That was a really weak first episode. I hope it feels less pretentious and awkward as it goes on.

Japanese broadcast is ~720p, most groups are waiting to rip the Netflix video for 1080p.

And no one rip it.

TV shows are aired in 720i or 900i format at best. Resolution isn't a part of production, why do you think 4K BD exists?

Are you just missing all the people telling you that Netflix is airing it at native 1080?

>he thinks anime is produced at a 1920x1080 format
Yea considering I just showed you that it is...

>ufo's animation is good
Get fucked falseflagging fate tard

Feast on Fateshit's latest movie installation. It's all fucking 3DCG. How would you even compare this shit to Kyoani's masterpiece?

Asenshi said they're using it.

>TV shows
Did I fucking stutter? Netflix is online and digital, no shit it's released in 1080p. I wasn't talking about that.

The actual combatants aren't though which is the point.

>hey guys lets write an MC with no personality or character so that when she realizes life has meaning n shit then she'll be happy and actually have personality.
I will never understand anyone who defends this sort of thing. There's a way to write characters who feel empty inside or have no understanding of themselves, and then there's just being lazy.

Because Shinkai actually has visual sense.

Well, I have to say, I for one am very impressed. The use of post-processing effects to amplify the mood and create dynamic and tensely focused compositions was exceptional. The CG effects used for the water were almost photo-realistic. I could almost feel the salt spray on my cheeks.

The designs were quite frankly the peak of the medium. The way all the detailed linework was obscured by the intricate filters created a truly perfect aesthetic balance, and highlighted what is probably KyoAni's most daring deviation from their house character style.

The story itself is already on the par of the medium's greatest works. The thematic exploration of what it means to "love" something (a concept I feel, is under-explored in art) elevate the narrative to the level of high literature. Of course, the historic tinged fantasy setting is also quite unique, and something you rarely see. The entire aesthetic is so well crafted, that it's hard to believe that it's a TV show.

Just look at the way they obscure this detailed background to highlight Violet's moody and distant profile. Truly masterful.

Truly, a masterpiece.

So are you just being pedantic, or are you too retarded to actually understand what the conversation was about?

If you weren't such a retarded brainlet, you could do your own Fast Fourier Transform and confirm 1080p native production resolution yourself.

this copy-pasta...

There's a big difference between Kimi no Na wa and this and how it was applied.



Other way around. Your Name put a ton of detail in the backgrounds but didn't bother with the characters.

Why did you quote me when I was telling him that it's 1080p?

Yes. Some dipshit thinks
>anime is produced in 1080p
It's not. Even shit from 1995 isn't restrained by those boundaries. It's not how it works at all.
It airs at 720i, it's being released on Netflix at 1080p.
user was expecting 1080p quality from the 720i airing as well.

Sora Yori applied this effectively as well:

I like giving free out (You)s.

There's a 1080p available too

They put detail in the characters, it's more they put in what meshed well with the entire visual setting which is important. Here they ruined that.

Just how rich is the Colonel that he could buy a mansion and start up a company? Do they really get paid that much?

That looks awful.

Jesus that was done perfectly, I knew the blur was there but it wasn't standing out like how it did in VE.

>bothering with characters

Yeah this looks good.

Shitposting is so immense, people forget about those delicious KyoAni cakes.

Care to explain?

This is how it should have been done. VEG overdoes it.

cant even see the cakes ontop of the filters

For some reason everything about VEG make me physically ill, I don't even mean that I dislike it is just so hard to look at.

I can't see them from the filters

Have you ever had a revelation? That moment when you experience a sudden and complete flash of understanding? You suddenly realize that you've been walking around half-blind, missing so much of the world around you, but unaware. Ignorant of all that you were missing.

That's what Violet Evergarden was for me. I could feel my heart open up, as sharp and clear as ice cracking. I began to sob. In fact, I cried so hard, for so long, that I completely missed that last twenty minutes of the first episode. So I rewatched it. And then again. I watched the first episode eight full times before I felt I had a fundamental understanding of its depth. And then I watched it another ten just to make sure.

Violet Evergarden is my Revelatory Text. My New Testament, my Quran, my Pale Blue Dot. I will never again look at the world with tired jaded eyes. Better yet, I'll never look at myself that way either.

Will the 1080p eliminate the blur?

Damn it should've been done like this, would've made it amazing.

>those delicious KyoAni cakes.
Were they lost in that fog? I couln't really make much of it out.

I don't want to buy in the filters meme but having such a unique, gorgeous setting yet covering it in blur to hide the CG kind of kills the atmosphere and feels like a wasted opportunity.


Is this anime good?


>the boy looking at magazines in the konbini
rem;zero reference?

Here you are, user. I added some more interesting aesthetic touches to this image for you.

It's pretty standard fun with KyoAni visuals. The characters are good and the interactions are too. The world is build up nicely and there are a lot of foreshadowing to new plots.

(Legitimate) visual complaints aside, the episode isn't as bad as Sup Forums would want you to think. It's an average exposition episode, and if you're into early 20th century notEurope settings, it's ok.

Is the source an LN or a manga?

I don't think this show will be very good.

Interesting comparison
Fuck you

Forgot pic. Sorry, I was really excited about the improvements.


Outside of the setting it feels really cliche in all honesty.