So how do you properly beat the WT?
Shingeki no Kyojin
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By "Monkey" it from distance preferentially with nukes.
>I've seen them fired by a person in fiction
I think I know what you meant.
>I imagine in real life, they use of the tripod is procedure for a good reason.
Guess this weapon definitely can't have a "oops,I messed up" moment.
Zeke could kill him with precision stonethrowing and the Colossal Titan could crush him.
Same way literally any titan is beaten in snk. Ackerhax.
Oh, and unless that hood is hardened titan flesh, most of the survey corps would give him a serious challenge since they don't touch the ground. Levi could solo.
>The titan slayer titan is weak to not-titans
*Hackerautism your path*
>beating your wife
kill yourself you monster, WTgirl is NOT for violence
Beat her with the cock
Will we ever see someone putting a Ackerman back in their place ever again,bros?
>I think I know what you meant.
Funny video.
>Guess this weapon definitely can't have a "oops,I messed up" moment.
Yes, you certainly don't get a do-over.
Goodnight user. I had fun talking.
Good night for you too,user.
Pork will beat Mikasa with his superior speed.
Not really. It's just that thunder spears are so stupidly overpowered that pretty much any titan except Bert would be instantly defeated when hit by them.
Only other Ackerman, but manlet is another one babying ragetard.
So eren can't ragetap into the FT powers?
He can ragetap Hisu and unlock FT powers, but Mikasa won't let him
Maybe drink her blood?
*teleports behind you*
102 when?
February around the 5th or 6th
Thanks user.
Fuck her right in the pusy.
>Zeke, sit and open your mouth
Damn, reiner straight up asking to be killed was rough, you lads think he will be able to shift with that mind state of his?
You'd think he's dead, but obviously his suffering is not at an end.
The real question is, is Falco dead?
You'd think he would DEFINITELY be dead, but I bet Reiner saved him somehow.
I'll wager falco didn't make it, given its a room and the door was closed, heck it might even fuel gabi into becoming eren 2.0
he might be deadly injured, given a good reason to turn him into a titan and eat Reiner. I just want a "you damn traitor" scene but with Falco and Eren
Reiner was about to eat his hand when Eren transformed, perhaps he could protect him with a torso like Eren did with Armin and Mikasa
>Gabi caring about Falco
Bite, not eat
inb4 Falco is fatally injured but Reiner can't get the serum in time creating additional suffering
Leon-kun, pls. You should only care about Armin boypussy.
I didn't see it that way, but that makes sense.
To me it just looked like he was turning to run for it
>sophia are you okay?
At least her lower half is usable
Reiner probably wasn’t able to transform in time to save Falco and it’ll probably fuck him up even more.
People come from miles around to have a go on the cunny rock
>inb4, Reiner transformation kills Falco because more suffering
at this point i hope he goes full turncoat
I like her legs. Hey little boots and skirt look strangely cute poking out from under the stone. As weird as that sounds.
Disgusting word.
why he would help Eren?
Is Reiner alive?
its Reiner we are talking about...
That looks nothing like him, but I'm not sure what to think. There are lots of possibilities.
using the cock !!
One day I'll murder one of you with my own hands.
I wanna him alive for one final beatdown, topping with eren eating him as gabi and co watches
I would like to join you in that. Necrophilia is pure degeneracy.
>Zeke thinks he can escape from this
His ass is going to be Grim reminded soon
>zeke gets eren's letter
>zeke's face
Kitz is playable in the new game. That's really funny
Who? I just want Jean's mom, come on
Kitz is the person in the picture above. Mrs Kirstein seems to be very kind. It would be odd but funny to see her in the game.
>no secret unlockable mission to play as Jean's mother to deliver him lunch while he hides in more and more obscure places in Trost
Why live
That's hilarious
Has anyone else noticed there's not as many "Shitren" posts in these threads anymore? Is Eren /our guy/ now?
>Is Eren /our guy/ now?
>Is Eren /our guy/ now?
Old but gold
>we can make a new birthday edit with Eren bursting out of the wall
>Annie's story might be resolved by then
March is gonna be good this year
>Annie's story might be resolved by then
How so?
I think he means that we will either see her or whoever the new female titan is because the action is starting.
Yes, though he wishes he was dead.
Either she's dead or she isn't.
Levi is the new Female titan
Well let's all hope she's alive and well.
Shitren is still shit.
He's kinda cool now. I've hated him less and less after the Clash of Titans arc. He's complex, and I have no idea what he is really thinking sometimes. Also better without MA. Nothing against MA, I just don't find Eren interesting with them.
AM are boring, specially with Hange and Historia who are way more interesting. I still think it was an huge error to give the Ackerman shit to manlet, makes Mikasa less unique
Just according to story format, there's no way that Falco dies. Unless Reiner lived.
Wow the patients in the hospital are getting bigger, I wonder why??
He's fully embraced the fact that he should just go do whatever he wants because even if/when he fails Mikasa and Armin and Everyone will follow him and save him.
I generally don't find EMA interesting with anyone. Hisu and Mikasa could have been interesting, also considering the past between Ackermanns and the Reiss family, but of course Isayama wasted another good potential.
My theory is that Eren crystalized Reiner (and Falco?) We don't see Eren eating Reiner and crushing him to death wouldn't make sense if he wants to eat him, unless he knows how much time need yo pass for a dead shifter to lose the power
Remember when the Titans where the main antagonist?
not including the shifters they kind of seem like a non issue now desu
It was nice to see Eren and Historia influence each other through their similarities. I found it pretty funny honestly. Historia also got scenes with Levi, who is the Ackerman that actually deals with being an Ackerman. Mikasa really got screwed over in the development department.
I agree with that sentiment. Levi being "the Ackerman" wouldn't be a problem if Mikasa had something. She doesn't and it's shit.
I think the whole Ackerman thing is closed now, maybe is the asian turn now so Mikasa can be important finally
it surprisingly does user, huh
Mindless titans have been a non issue since levi appeared and quipped as he stood on one's head. That ended titans within the story.
imo it was pretty obvious early on that the story wasn't just going to be about giant zombies and would involve conspiracies and the outside world still being alive.
I also accurately predicted that Eren would eventually go full mass murder on a bunch of civilians.
Jesus Christ that fedora is tight on you.
I found it pretty boring, since it's just the typical MC is friends and gets along with everyone shit. That's why like and prefer people calling Eren out on his shit and don't get along with him. Not counting Jean, since he is the typical rival but still a friend type.
>mass murder
Except that was never his intention.
I like all of Eren's relationships since they're very unique. I suppose we do need more characters calling him out, like Flocke. It almost seems like Flocke's speech is what caused Eren to develop into the man he is currently. This Eren doesn't seem overly emotional and Flocke criticized Eren for that flaw in particular.
A balance between support and the call outs is good enough. Not everyone will agree with you, doesn't mean they don't have a point. I want Isayama to draw attention to that more often.
Annie's diamonds are probably resilient to them too.
It wasn't mass murder of innocents that he came there for. All the higher-ups of the enemy's military was gathered at that event. He killed them all. Then he finished off the most dangerous enemy, the WH titan. That was a pretty successful mission that actually achieved something.
All the other titans are about to appear too though.
I'm glad Isayama didn't give Hisu more moments with Eren or EMA in general after the political arc and made her another member of their defence force.
>I also accurately predicted
No one cares
>4 years to accomplish that
>if Erwin were alive they would have already conquered half the world
This isnt going to have a happy ending is it?
Former SnK lurker here.
I stopped reading just after Historia was named queen. Can I get a quickrundown on what happened after that?
Read, you don't have to wait one month