Yukana banged Sadayoshi Fujino to land main roles. His wife divorced him soon after

>Yukana banged Sadayoshi Fujino to land main roles. His wife divorced him soon after
>Hirano Aya banged an entire music band
>Amamiya Sora banged Taniyama Kishou to gain more influence in the industry
>Komatsu Mikako banged Hideo Baba to get more roles
>Kanahana and Taketatsu Ayana's incidents

Something is telling me that the seiyuu industry is way, way dirtier and more corrupt than I initially thought. Who knows how deep this shit goes.

>Showbiz is dirty

Who knew?!

Some of this sounds like your fanfiction user


please dont make shit up user. the drummer didnt get any.

Only knew Hirano one. Never heard the rest, but won't be surprised if true.

Any further explanations for those?

i don't know what you are talking about but please enjoy these nice and morally pure idols

Women opening her legs to get roles on the showbusiness? On a nation that see women as second class citizens and don't believe on individual rights? Nah, you're full of shit

And Sup Forums says they aren't sexist...

>Kanahana and Taketatsu Ayana's incidents
what incidents?

>Hirano Aya banged an entire music band
Lies! She didn't fuck the bassist.

I wish they where banging me instead

Not the ENTIRE band.

>Hirano Aya banged an entire music band
Misperception. The guy who she didn't bang was the one who spilled the beans.

I want to know too op, What incidents?

what about Risa Taneda and Asami Imai?

probably the death threats?

>Mikako Komatsu is good at fucking

Nice. I like her voice.

That industry itself ain't clean and full of normal people in the first place anyway. Especially with the type of stuff they voice and do to make a living. A normal person wouldn't bother getting involved in that type of stuff.

Do you want to see heads roll like in Hollywood nowadays?

>actors fucking each other to get ahead
how unexpected, truly I am shocked, I never would have expected such a thing to happen. How could they ever lie to us

Said no one ever