It's over

It's over.

All hope of Poptepipic not becoming an ironic weeb normalfag anime is lost.

>caring about e-celebs
nek yourself user

There was never any hope of that to begin with, moron.


You are already dead.

>posting random e-celeb twitter screencaps on Sup Forums to complain about what normalfags think as though we cared
You're more cancerous than whatever fucking boogiemen you're upset about.

People who actually care about anybody's opinion regarding anime, save for one's own enjoyment, are stupid. Watch what you want to watch, and shit on everyone else. Laugh when those people get offended.

>twitter screencap op
it's just like my Sup Forums threads!

I don't care about your opinion.

>all this damage control

But now I can't participate in Poptepipic threads anymore because anons will tell me to "fuck off back to red dit" when I never browse that site in the first place.

>as though we cared

But Sup Forums does care and has always cared.

BASED pewdiepie.

Fuck off to

Grumpy Jii-san will forever be the only critic that Sup Forums gave a shit about.

Fuck off.


soyboy thread

Just enjoy shows you like and chase away the retards who talk about it in cancerous ways. It's not hard. You used to do it, but now you don't and the board is filled with paranoid reactionaries. Identify select cancerous individuals in threads and tell them to fuck off. This board doesn't have to stay in its cold, dead state.

How is that any different from the other threads after the first episode aired? Maybe the shitposting will wear off as the season continues but otherwise, buckle up and enjoy the ride.

How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

It matters when they're the target demographic anime starts being made for. The Netflix audience, the Western ironic weebs who would donate to Patreon to fund their shows, etc. And then they of course post on Sup Forums. You can't ignore it

>look mom i posted it again!


I'm tired of reading this.

There's no such thing as ironic weebs. They're weebs, period. However, they're weebs on mount stupid.

>Pewpewdie loves Citrus

Based /ourguy/

But Grumpy Jii-san hated Sup Forums's favorite anime, Steins;Gate




Nice ones full

it's time


it's like we're really in Sup Forums

This just makes me like Pop Team Epic even more


>Reddit;Gate being anything but normalfag garbage

Thread instantly improved.

Decent Digits™

Why is this thread still up?


I thought PewDiePie was supposed to be smart.



I love pewds, but not as much as I love these dubs

mods being lazy asses as usual


Really make you think about Sup Forums's taste doesn't it?

Wait the fuck? there's not a 33 wizard

>You can't ignore it
Watch me.

You're the only one spreading e-celeb shit here. Just leave it be and it won't ever affect your enjoyment.

What a cancer WEG image.
